Dawntrail is the newest expansion for Final Fantasy XIV Online that will launch on July 2nd, 2024, bringing with it new Jobs and a new adventure. With 48 hours of maintenance and 55 GB of space required, the new expansion promises a lot! Below are some important dates to note!
June 26th, 2024: Expected start of maintenance.
June 28th, 2024: Early access for players who have already purchased the expansion.
July 2nd, 2024: Release for all players.
July 16th, 2024: Patch 7.01, launch of The Arcadion Raid.
July 30th, 2024: Patch 7.05 launch of the Savage version of Arcadion, Treasure Map Cenote Ja Ja Gural, Allagan Tomestones of Heliometry, Master Recipes and new craftable gear.
The info from this article was taken from official Square Enix sources:
Hope you get good use out of it, and good reading!
Live Letter 80
Graphic Updates
One of the most impactful news that many players are commenting on is the graphical updates. Details and movement will be added to grass, flowers and other objects. For console gamers: PlayStation 4 and Xbox Series S will also be included in the update. In the video below, we can see how the environment behaves now when the player moves.
All textures will be improved, and there will be more details in skin, hair, water, fabrics, metals, etc. Shaders, lighting and shadows will also be improved. Check out some comparison images below.

More Realistic Flying
Some mounts will lean gently as they make turns during flight, creating a more realistic impression, check it out.
Blacklist and New Functions
New changes and features are coming to bring relief to situations of abuse and persecution within the community, aiming to further improve players' quality of life.
Players on your blacklist will be hidden. Except on occasions where visibility is necessary, such as, for example, inside dungeons and other activities that require being in a party. However, even if being visible in these situations, the name will appear as “Unknown”.Mute:
A new function called “mute” will be added, which can place up to 200 players on your “mute list”. When muting a player, all messages typed by them will be hidden in the chat, but the character's model and name will still be visible.Filter:
A feature will be added to the chat where you can filter messages using specific terms (except for linkshells, party and Free Company).Ad
Expel unwelcome players from your home:
You can add players to the “no-entry” list, so they will be expelled from the property (if they are inside) and will not be able to enter for 10 days. Applies to both player and Free Company homes. Players who are on the blacklist of either the owner or someone else with expel permission will also be automatically expelled.More privacy on Lodestone:
It will be possible to limit who can view the information on your character's page. They can be limited to groups such as friends, FC members, linkshell, etc. Players can also choose not to appear in character searches.Live Letter 81
Jobs Update
It’s common that when a new expansion arrives, we have a “job update”, which is nothing more than a series of changes to the game's jobs. It is important to note that the following information is just a general overview, more accurate content will be released in the 7.0 patch notes, which will be released soon.
Saving button space (actions):
A new configuration option will be added where you can choose to save some buttons in your hotbars. For example, skills that have a combo relationship with each other may occupy the same button space.Tanks:
- “Rampart” and 30% damage reduction abilities will receive an upgrade at 90+ levels.
- The duration of “Reprisal” will increase to 15 seconds at 90+levels.
- A new action which can be used after “Blade of Valor” will be added.
- To execute “Goring Blade” you will have to use “Fight or Flight”.
- A new skill will be added. It can be used after 3 “Fell Cleave” executions and while “Inner Release” is active.
- A new skill that can be used after “Primal Rend” will be added.
- Visual effects and animations of “Inner Chaos” will be adjusted.
Dark Knight:
- To reduce the amount of button-mashing during the burst, the “Blood Weapon” skill will become part of the “Delirium”.
- A new ability which can be used after “Living Shadow” will be added.
- A new skill which can be used after “Fated Circle” will be added.
- A new 3-step combo that can be used after “Bloodfest” will be added (at no cartridge cost).
Melee DPS:
- “Second Wind”’s healing potency will be increased for levels 90+.
- The duration of “Feint” will increase to 15 seconds at levels 90+.
- The basic combo mechanics will no longer focus on maintaining a buff or DoT (Damage over Time); instead, performing actions in a certain order will increase the potency of the next skill.
- You can stack up to a total of 10 chakras while “Brotherhood” is active.
- Increased power of “Six-Sided Star” if you perform it when you have 10 chakras.
- To reduce attacks using positionals (behind or sideways), the fifth action of the combo was altered to a new non-positional skill, “Drakesbane”. “Fang” and “Claw/Wheeling Thrust” will change to “Drakesbane”.
- “Life of the Dragon” will be available for use without the need to accumulate Dragon gauge.
- Some skills will be removed or adjusted.
- The “Huton” effect will become a feature and will be permanently active. “Huton” will be changed to an AoE attack.
- Skills that extended the duration of the “Huton” effect will be adjusted.
- Due to these adjustments, the “Windmill” job gauge will be removed from the interface.
- “Tsubame-gaeshi” will be altered to be executable after “Meikyo Shisui”.
- “Hakaze”, “Tenka Goten” and “Midare Setsugekka” will be updated as new skills.
- Features will be added to shorten the recast time for “Hissastsu: Guren” and “Hissastsu: Senei”.
- The effect of “Plentiful Harvest” will no longer increase the Shroud gauge by 50, instead it will allow the execution of “Enshroud”.
- A new skill which can be used under the effect of “Enshroud” will be added.
- “Hells Ingress” and “Hells Egress” will have their cooldown reduced while “Enhanced Harpe” is active.
It's the newest Melee DPS class, with fast-paced attacks, it fluidly switches between dual blades or a single double-sided blade! It contains a similar skill total to other classes, but is designed to take up less space in your hotbar. Check out a moment from the livestream that shows the rotation and a little gameplay.
Range Physical DPS:
- The healing potency of “Second Wind” will be increased for levels 90+.
- Damage reduction from defensive skills will be increased to 15% at levels 90+.
- “Mage’s Ballad”, “Army’s Paeon” and “Wanderer’s Minuet” will be transformed into buff skills.
- “Pitch Perfect” will be turned into an AoE attack.
- “Straight Shot Ready” and “Shadow Bite Ready” will be merged into one single button.
- “Barrel Stabilizer” will no longer increase the Heat gauge by 50, instead it will allow “Hypercharge” to be executed.
- A new feature that accumulates charges for “Drill” will be added.
- A new ability which can be used after “Flourish” will be added.
- A new skill that consumes “Esprit” and can be used after “Technical Finish” will be added.
- Certain skills triggered by “Standard Step” can be executed without the need to go through the “step actions”.
Magical DPS:
- “Swiftcast” will be reduced to 40 seconds at levels 90+.
- “Addle” duration will be increased to 15 seconds at levels 90+.
Black Mage:
- Several adjustments will be made, for example, to improve the MP gain when casting ice spells while “Umbral Ice” is active, instead of passively over time.
- A new spell that will reposition the “Ley Lines” underneath the player will be added.
- “Solar Bahamut” is a new summon, similar to “Bahamut” and “Phoenix”. The new summon rotation will be: Solar Bahamut –> Bahamut –> Solar Bahamut –> Phoenix.
- A new attack ability that can be used after “Searing Light” will be added.
- Summoners will keep “Resurrection” for Dawntrail, but it may be removed in the future in 8.0.
Red Mage:
- “Manafication” will no longer increase Black Mana and White Mana by 50, instead, it will allow you to perform swordsmanship skills at no cost.
- The enchanted physical AoE will now cost 50 Black Mana and White Mana, the same as the single target combo.
- Whenever “Embolden” is performed, an attack skill will be enabled.
It is the newest Magical DPS class, with spells centered on elemental attacks called “Aether Hue” and “Motif” attacks which use creature, weapon and landscape. Check out a part from the livestream that shows the rotation and some gameplay.
- “Swiftcast” will be reduced to 40 seconds at levels 90+.
White Mage:
- A new spell to move quickly will be added.
- A new AoE attack that can be executed up to 3 times after using “Presence of Mind” will be added.
- New feature that will increase the number of “Tetragrammaton” stacks.
- “Seraphism”, a new spell that changes appearance and enhances healing spells, will be added.
- A new AoE attack that can be performed after using “Chain Stratagem” will be added, and it will include a DoT effect.
- New feature that reduces the recast time of the spell “Recitation” will be added.
- The card system will no longer be based on RNG, instead it will simultaneously draw cards with offensive, defensive and healing effects.
- Every 60 seconds, you can buy a set of four cards (divided into “Lord of Crowns” or “Lady of Crowns”), each card contains different effects, and you can use the cards in this set depending on your needs.< br>
- “Astrodyne” will be removed.
- New feature that will increase the number of stacks of the spell “Essential Dignity”.
- “Eukrasia” will transform “Dykrasia II” into “Eukrasian Dykrasia”, an AoE attack that deals damage over time to enemies.
- A new group buff that heals members whenever the Sage casts a spell. Basically, an area version of Kardion, but it will only be in effect for a limited time.
- New feature that reduces the recast time of the spell “Soteria” will be added.
PvP Updates
New PvP actions, skill adjustments and existing PvP maps are planned for patch 7.1. Therefore, ranked matches between 7.0 and 7.1 will not change your rank, but tiers and Crystal Credit will be affected by wins and losses normally.
Viper and Pictomancer will be added to PvP in version 7.0.
New Characters
Bakook Ja Ja and Koana will be competing for the throne of Tural. Bakool Ja Ja is a two-headed Mamool Ja, similar to Gulool Ja Ja. And Koana is the Miqo’te from the Dawntrail poster.

Free Fantasia and Character Changes
One of the most purchased items in the online store is the famous Fantasia, and in Dawntrail we will get a Fantasia unit by completing a quest from a new NPC who will be added in Ul’dah.
Additionally, using Fantasia will grant a period of 60 minutes in-game (playtime) where you can make additional adjustments to your character after re-entering the game, if you are not satisfied with your appearance, you can log out and edit the character again.
Live Letter 82
New Regions and Cities
Tuliyollal is the main city of the expansion. With unique architecture and lots of vegetation, it is truly a stunning place. Check out the video below.
Urqopacha is very mountainous, and we can see llamas across the map, while Yak T'el is a dense jungle full of details. Check out the video.Shaaloani is a desert with a wild west feel to it, and Kozama'uka attracts attention with its beautiful waterfalls. Both appear in the video below between minutes 0:33 and 1:12.Solution Nine is the endgame city and draws attention with its futuristic design full of lighting. Check it out!Heritage Found is a mysterious map, no context or information has been given. Below are some images of the place.

Main Characters
In addition to Koana, Bakool Ja Ja and Gulool Ja Ja, Wuk Lamat, Erenville, Krile, Thancred, Urianger, Zoraal Ja, and an enigmatic woman, who appears at the top of the expansion poster, were also featured as main characters.

New Role Quests
New role quests can be unlocked at level 92, separated into five in the same way as in Endwalker: Tank, Healer, Melee DPS, Ranged DPS and Magical DPS. Additional quests for completing all five quests will be added in patch 7.1 or later.
Viper and Pictomancer, just like in previous expansions, will have a line of job quests that will introduce to the player the job's story.
New quests for crafter and gatherer will be added: Wachumequimeqi Deliveries (similar to the quests in Endwalker's Studium). Additional quests for completing all five quests will be added in patch 7.1 or later.
New Dungeons
We have put together a video and images which appeared during the Live Letter. Check it out!


New Treasure Dungeon: Cenote Ja Ja Gural

New Trials
New trials were announced, and we have separated an excerpt from the live, where you can see a little of the arena and the fight.
New Raid: The Arcadion
The Arcadion is the new series of raids and it looks stunning! Check out the arena and some of the fight in the video below.
Gatherer Adjustments
- New skills and features.
- New gathering nodes.
- New Regional Folklore Tomes.
- New script: Orange Gatherer’s Script.
- Node health will be shown in the collection interface.
- Fish Guide will display the type of hook needed to catch a specific fish.
Crafter Adjustments
- New skills and features.
- New recipes.
- New Master Recipes (patch 7.05).
- New script: Orange Crafter’s Script.
Allagan Tomestones
Aesthetics (patch 7.0).
Heliometry (7.05).
Bicolor Gemstones
The maximum amount of Bicolor Gemstones will increase to 1500.
Hide Players
An option will be added to hide players near an NPC or quest object, there will also be an additional option to keep only party members visible.
Duty List
Emotes and recipes that are required to advance in a quest will appear as an icon in the Duty List and you can click on them to execute the emote, bringing more practicality to players. Check out an example of what it will look like below!

Two Color Options for Glamour
We can say that this is something the community has been longing for a long time! The possibility of applying two colors to the equipment will be revolutionary for the players' experience, and the glamours will become more unique!
New equipment will already come with support for two paints, and support for the old equipment will be added in future patches. An option will also be added to save previously applied paints.
Glasses and Hat - At the same time!
A new facial slot will be added: glasses! They were previously available through “Fashion Accessories” and now will be recategorized as facewear.
They can be equipped and saved as part of a gear set. Facewear cannot be painted, but each piece will have several color variants unlocked in the “Face Accessories” menu.
New Mounts and Minions
Some umbrellas, graceful minions and mounts were presented. The mounts that got the most attention from fans were undoubtedly the Flying Squirrel, which is extremely cute, Brute Justice Oppressor, who is a boss from the The Alexander raid, a friendly Llama and the beautiful Wings!
App Companion Update
You will now be able to send your retainer to ventures via the Companion App (requires kupo nuts or mog coins) and new customization options in the main menu and wallpaper will be added.
Housing Update
More furniture slots will be added, and it will be possible to customize the interiors of the houses. These and other possible changes remain on hold and will be announced in the future. However, a skin was shown live.

Check out the Launch Trailer:
We can say for certain that Naoki Yoshida and the entire team continue to work hard to improve various aspects of the game. Dawntrail will certainly bring many improvements, as well as starting a new arc in the main story.
Expectations are high and so, I will soon write an article with some tips on how to prepare for Dawntrail. Don't forget to share with your friends and leave in the comments what new feature you liked the most!
Thanks for reading!
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