So, you mean to tell me you've noticed a crowd around a suspicious Moogle in Gridania square with some different merchandise and want to know what that’s all about? In this article, we explain everything about the Moogle Treasure Trove!
First, you need to know where the Moogles with the products are. They are all located right at the exit of the crystal in each main city, just look for a moogle with a symbol over its head, like this one:

Mogpendium and You

Ultimog Challenge
This season's Ultimog is Treasure Dungeons, and I’ve noticed that many people don't know how they work. They are a much more hidden content for those who are at the start of the game.
At first, you need a map like this one:

They can be purchased from other players, through collection jobs, and even the Moogle sells some. Keep in mind that you can only have one of these in your inventory at a time, but one way to get around this is to pick one up and open it, making it a quest item, so you can keep another closed one in your inventory.
It's good to remember that after it's opened, you need to complete it to open another one. If this is not possible, in the worst case, it will be necessary to discard the opened map to open another.
Going to your quest items, you will see a scroll and this will be your treasure map!

With the tip in hand, just go to the location and use the /dig action. If the location is correct, a chest will appear. As soon as you interact with it, some monsters will show up, but be careful, they were designed to face a group of players at the same level as the map!
After dealing with the monsters, open the chest, and if you're lucky, a portal will appear, and it will take you to the much dreamed about Treasure Dungeon!
Ocean Fishing
This deep-sea fishing works more or less like a raid, but for fishermen. In it, you'll have seven minutes to score as many points as possible in three different locations around Eorzea, traveling from Costa Del Sol to the cold coast of Coerthas.
Ocean Fishing Tips
Dungeons, trials, raids and PVP
You may have likely done one of these without even realizing it. In both Mogpendium and Duty Finder, you can see the list of which ones are offering these event coins

Now that we know how to farm, let's find out what this event is offering. Right from the start, know that most of the event's items can be acquired through other ways, usually behind some absurd farm or a drop so rare that, if you ask me, I'll tell you that the item simply doesn't exist, give how much I’ve farmed and never even saw anyone get it.
Event exclusives




That's right, you stand there in this pose with a face like you're about to commit several crimes. That’s all. Typically, it’s acquired in Bozjan/Zadnor for 50 Clusters, or purchased from other players.

Clothing and Accessories
There’s an item being sold which is a small pack called the Casual Attire Coffer. When purchased and opened, you get an extremely casual set of shirt, shorts and sneakers.

This package can be purchased from other players, on the market board, or won at Ishgardian Restoration.
Triple Triad, Riding Maps and minions
Best farms
If you are a free trial, or are at the beginning of the game, around ARR or Heavensward, this event is a golden opportunity to get items that you would normally only have a chance to unlock much later in the game.
If you're already a veteran, the Gold Saucer ticket offers 50k MGP for 30 event tokens, which is a bargain for farming if you don't have anything else to take from the event, not to mention the opportunities to make some gil by getting some more expensive items, such as the haircut and selling them after the event is over.
The Moogle Treasure Grove will be available until patch 7.1, which is scheduled to be released in mid-November, so farm without rush, as there’s still time.
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