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Games > RPG

The Elder Scrolls: Get to know the lore behind the main games in the franchise!

The Elder Scrolls: Get to know the lore behind the main games in the franchise!

Cyberpunk: The Connection Between RPG, Game and Anime!

Cyberpunk: The Connection Between RPG, Game and Anime!

Edgerunners: Best Cyberpunk 2.11 builds from the anime characters

Edgerunners: Best Cyberpunk 2.11 builds from the anime characters

Fallout: The Lore behind one of the greatest RPG franchises!

Fallout: The Lore behind one of the greatest RPG franchises!

Diablo 4: Complete Guide to Starting off Well

Diablo 4: Complete Guide to Starting off Well

Diablo IV will finally arrive at Game Pass. Get to know everything a beginner needs to start off well in this RPG!

Cyberpunk 2077: How a Game Went from Failure to Glory

Cyberpunk 2077: How a Game Went from Failure to Glory

Cyberpunk 2077 went from one of the most troubled launches in video game history to one of the most acclaimed titles in the industry. In this article,...

Baldur’s Gate 3: Leveling Guide for Vengeance/Devotion Paladin

Baldur’s Gate 3: Leveling Guide for Vengeance/Devotion Paladin

Learn two excellent builds of Oath of Vengeance Paladin and Oath of Devotion in Baldur’s Gate 3, one focus on DPS and another for Tank/Support!

Baldur's Gate 3: Everything about Multiplayer & Coop!

Baldur's Gate 3: Everything about Multiplayer & Coop!

Find out everything about Baldur’s Gate 3 multiplayer mode! Find out how it works, its game modes and how to further improve your experience with some...

Baldur's Gate: The Epic Journey that Transcended the Tabletop RPG

Baldur's Gate: The Epic Journey that Transcended the Tabletop RPG

Transcending the D&D tables, Baldur's Gate, released by BioWare in 1998, shaped the narrative of electronic RPGs. This article explores the evolution ...

Guide: 10 Games like Dark Souls to challenge you!

Guide: 10 Games like Dark Souls to challenge you!

Embark on the challenging "Souls-like" journey with our complete guide to 10 games that capture the essence of Dark Souls. Discover dark and challengi...

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What is RPG?

As in role-playing games (RPGs), the player assumes the role of a character (often in a fantasy world or science-fiction world) and takes control over many of that character's actions. MMORPGs are distinguished from single-player or small multi-player online RPGs by the number of players able to interact together, and by the game's persistent world (usually hosted by the game's publisher), which continues to exist and evolve while the player is offline and away from the game.