

How to assemble the perfect team in Marvel Rivals: Comps and Synergies

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Marvel Rivals offers different play styles, and it's essential to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each composition. Find out how they work and which heroes belong in each composition!

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被某某人翻译 Meline Hoch

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审核人 Romeu

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  1. > Don't be a mono-hero - Marvel Rivals is a counter game
  2. > How to play with a Dive composition in Marvel Rivals
    1. Concept
    2. Heroes
    3. Strengths
    4. Weaknesses
  3. > How to play with a Brawl composition in Marvel Rivals
    1. Concept
    2. Heroes
    3. Strengths
    4. Weaknesses
  4. > How to play with a Poke composition in Marvel Rivals
    1. Concept
    2. Heroes
    3. Strengths
    4. Weaknesses
  5. > Conclusion

It’s a fact that online games played in teams have a system of compositions and strategies to perform combos with the heroes. This is not exclusive to Hero Shooters, as it’s also present in other genres such as MOBAs and FPS.

Marvel Rivals also follows this concept, alongside some peculiarities. With this in mind, us here at UmGamer worked on a complete guide to explain more about the combos and synergies that exist in the game. Check it out!

Don't be a mono-hero - Marvel Rivals is a counter game


First of all, we warn you not to become an expert with just one hero or one type of composition shown here. Now, this is a particularity to Hero Shooters, and since Marvel Rivals mainly prioritizes the counter pick, the ideal is to constantly change the heroes you’re playing as to abuse some weakness of the enemy team, unlike League of Legends and Dota 2 which consist of the same composition until the end of the match.

It's normal to play with two or three characters with different styles in a single confrontation, using just one will make you extremely vulnerable against opponents and against the bans that occur in ranked matches after reaching Diamond rank.

How to play with a Dive composition in Marvel Rivals


The composition is called dive exactly because these teams tend to “dive” into the enemy backline, advancing directly on Duelists and Strategists to defeat them with ease. With a quick execution, the opposing tanks will not have time to protect the team, and you’ll have a numerical advantage against them.

Any single target, especially DPS and Supports, becomes vulnerable to great mobility and damage from heroes in the Dive composition.


The Vanguards in this composition are hardly ever changed, remaining Captain America and Thor, but you can occasionally venture out as Venom! The goal is for your front line to be able to advance with ease.

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Don’t use more than two tanks on this comp, if you do so you’ll lack damage or healing to execute it. You’ll also be making room for an enemy to shine as Wolverine, a hero known mainly for being “anti-tank”.

Duelists and Strategists follow the same strategy, I highly recommend Black Panther, Magiklink outside website, Luna Snow and Mantis. It’s still possible to change, especially Duelists, to something like Psylocke or Spider-Man, the important thing is maintaining the ability to invade the enemy backline.

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  • Not only do you have a strong start with your high mobility, but you can also use it to escape dangerous situations.

  • Often, the damage potential and fast movement will give your team a numerical advantage which can be fundamental to winning fights.


  • More defensive heroes such as Doctor Strange, Hulk and Groot often effectively stop your game plan. This topic doesn't just fit with Vanguards, some DPS like Wolverine and Namor can also reduce their pressure.

  • Communication is essential in diving compositions, advancing alone or without the team's consent will almost always result in your death. Always remember to use pings or voice chat.

  • Stun is another harmful aspect for your team, as it will inhibit its main function, mobility. Your Vanguards are not specialists in protection, they’re an aggressive tool against the opponent, so they won’t be able to defend you enough if you are stunned, resulting in your death.


    How to play with a Brawl composition in Marvel Rivals


    Brawl compositions bring an idea of ​​close-range fighting, they are heroes who want to be with the team and benefit from area effects. Because they advance slower, I don't recommend these compositions in a situation where you need to attack to conquer an objective, but the Brawl strategy is excellent in cases where you need to protect a point.


    Groot is almost essential in this type of team due to his walls, which have the role of limiting the scenario to give advantages to his close-range allies. I recommend using him alongside Thor or Captain America.

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    Duelists don't stray far from Wolverine and Storm. The first provides damage support against Vanguards, who are usually the first to enter your range. Storm has many area effects, which is essential for the functioning of a Brawl team, including one skill that provides speed to nearby allies, helping with movement, which is not a strong suit of these heroes.

    Another character very capable of increasing the team's movement speed is Jeff, in addition, his area heals will be maximized with the positioning of his allies. Alongside him, you can use Invisible Womanlink outside website or Rocket Raccoon, both provide several features that match their proposal. The choice may vary depending on the Strategist’s personal taste.

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  • It has high damage and resistance, if the team is close to enemies, it will almost always win battles.

  • It’s not necessary to have great aiming skill for hitting shots, as your combat will be at close range.

  • Area control in this type of team is excellent due to the area effects and the proximity of allies. They are great heroes for defending objectives!


  • Poke compositions will have a lot of advantage against yours, since you’ll have no way of advancing towards them, and with a shorter range, you’ll be the target of several shots.

  • Brawl teams are extremely weaker in an attack situation, without a quick initiation, our characters will become predictable.

  • Flying heroes can be a problem given our short range.

    How to play with a Poke composition in Marvel Rivals


    The purpose of a Poke composition is to use heroes who attack from afar, keeping fights at long distances to benefit from their reach. In most cases, you’ll be safe and, against slow advances, you’ll be able to damage enemies before they even reach you.

    I recommend keeping Duelists and Strategists on the high ground, to have a broader view to hit and dodge opponents.


    Your front line needs to have space control or plenty of shields to delay opponents, so the best option is to go with Doctor Strange, Magneto or Peni Parker.


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    While the Vanguards buy time, the Duelists deal damage from a safe place, focus on long-range heroes such as Hawkeyelink outside website, Moon Knight, Iron Man and Hela.

    Iron Man is best suited in situations where opponents are managing to advance, in this case you’ll still have the option to fly to escape.

    Strategists need to have immense healing potential, so Luna Snow and Mantis are options, as is Jeff.

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    You can opt for a 2-2-2 formation or give up a tank and add another Duelist, playing in a 1-3-2. This will vary depending on the amount of pressure received on your front line, but don't overlook supports.


  • Long-distance duelists tend to deal a lot of damage while the enemies move around, making them constantly change their location.

  • Slower characters will not only take longer to reach you, but also have greater difficulty escaping your shots, becoming extremely vulnerable.


  • If slow heroes are vulnerable against your composition, faster ones are a threat. Dive teams will easily get close to you, without you being able to damage them first, and your heroes are clearly weaker in a close fight compared to the others.

  • Failing to eliminate the Strategists will cause them to recover your enemies' HP whenever you damage them. Therefore, focus on eliminating supports.

  • Great precision is required to hit distant shots.


    Each composition has its own unique behavior with different play styles, making Marvel Rivals more dynamic and attractive. I hope this article helped you understand more about these concepts!

    I’m available to answer any questions or suggestions!