Who has never been walking around, doing their quests and suddenly that one player passes by, with a mount that makes your eyes light up, and your heart ask: “Where can I get one of those?”. Whether it's because of a giant robot, a direct reference to another Final Fantasy game or even because it's a bird that glows when it flies, some of the mounts are highly coveted by FFXIV players.
In this article, we have prepared a list of the mounts that are now available in the expanded free trial of Final Fantasy XIV and how to get them, so that your chocobo has new friends on the list.
Unlocking the mounts
![The Quartermaster will always be the rightmost NPC on the counter, regardless of your faction](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-222223232727252629-1723902277.jpeg)
![This here is an example of an item that becomes a mount. It can be anything from a whistle to a crystal](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-736460757162777454-1723902468.jpeg)
Main Story Quests - MSQ
![Black Chocobo - Divine Intervention - MSQ LV 50](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-1711131611757617514193141-1723902603.jpeg)
![Magitek Armor - Ultimate Weapon - MSQ LV 50](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-1831081731292912815089100-1723902791.jpeg)
![Manacutter - Into the Aery - MSQ LV 55](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-434337109112130198199223-1723902912.jpeg)
![A Dragon because spoilers - Fetters of Lament - MSQ LV 59](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-797179956411712099168-1723902996.jpeg)
![Yol - Footsteps of Bardam the Brave - MSQ LV 65](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-3137521026988213160180-1723903043.jpeg)
![Hmmmm shiny...!!](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-18914418313350113155101109-1723903180.jpeg)
![The heavy weight of the mounts, in all their glory](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-16915121018111811416211394-1723903269.jpeg)
Job mounts
Each of them has two mounts, one animal and an armored version of it. These mounts are linked to an achievement in the Battle tab, which consists of carrying out a certain number of activities as a Tanker. Remembering that to access your achievements, just go to Character Menu > Achievement. The activities are:
You can see your progress by checking the following achievements in the mentioned tab:
Dark Knight
![My poor tiger is still cold, but I'll get his armor soon](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-175153116155148134118133164-1723903411.jpeg)
You didn't read it wrong, the Conjurer, not the White Mage, has a unique mount. To unlock it, just do the job quests up to level 30, go back to the guild and get the quest Unicorn Power. Remember to unequip the Job Stone if you are a White Mage; otherwise the quest cannot be done.
![There is beauty in simplicity](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-7984691021341099682115-1723903677.jpeg)
![I can only imagine the look on common people's faces when someone catches one of these](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-66546417884143170151155-1723903835.jpeg)
Tips for Ocean Fishing
Jonathas Achievement Store
![Jonathas’s Location](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-111127157167169163169173173-1723904014.jpeg)
![Unlocked by the item “Behemoth Warhorn](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-183799310568129152148153-1723904095.jpeg)
![Unlocked by the item “Voidal Resonator”](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-18210896147108143155134151-1723904328.jpeg)
Magitek Deathclaw
![This mount is unlocked by the item “Magitek Death claw Identification”](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-11687150181117205152115151-1723904418.jpeg)
Beast Tribes
You can check your reputation level with each society by viewing your status and going to the reputation tab.
A Realm Reborn Societies - ARR
Amalj'aa - Combat
![Amalj'aa’s Society Drake](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-1601331389582128129126163-1723904676.jpeg)
Sylph - Combat
![Sylph’s Goodbye - Rank 4](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-177147137132117142141139157-1723904847.jpeg)
Ixals - Craft
![Ixals’s Direwolf - Rank 7](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-190179151139109135149139154-1723904970.jpeg)
Kobolds - Combat
![Kobolds’s Stool - Rank 4](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-6580657876102216107123-1723905026.jpeg)
Sahagin - Combat
![Sahagin’s Elbst - Rank 4](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-151123104120129165145128159-1723905078.jpeg)
Heavensward Societies
Moggles - Craft/Collection
![Moogles' Cloud Mallow - Rank 7](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-162182220168223172161159157-1723905212.jpeg)
Vath - Combat
![Gnath’s Kongamato - Rank 7](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-20618313614194134144147160-1723905268.jpeg)
Vanu Vanu - Combat
![Vanu Vanu’s Sanuwa - Rank 7](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-494169147115119173162130-1723905321.jpeg)
Stormblood Societies
Namazu - Craft
![Namazu float - Rank 8](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-97908510785115161139167-1723905396.jpeg)
Ananta - Combat
![Griffin (Rank 8) and Ananta Elephant (Rank 7)](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-129149161118159174123147152-1724107789.jpeg)
Kojin - Combat
![Kojin’s Stingray](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-17411518714397152163147156-1724108164.jpeg)
Gold Saucer
![The mounts are in Prize Exchange III](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-8010586434444446728-1724108210.jpeg)
Casino Mounts
![Archon Throne - 750.000 MGP](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-16816220814871132159115137-1724108260.jpeg)
![Typhon - 750.000 MGP](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-177169241145121157153146138-1724108261.jpeg)
![Sabotender - 2 million MGP](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-151197227133146160158163152-1724108261.jpeg)
![Adamantoise - 200.000 MGP](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-19916119612385135138111139-1724108260.jpeg)
![Korkoppur Kolossus - 750.000 MGP](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-1551271251578411114388151-1724108261.jpeg)
![Fenrir - 1 million MGP](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-119101109204100150169166190-1724122216.jpeg)
![Carries up to four players! - 4 million MGP](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-1951099414282197125119144-1724123386.jpeg)
Farming Gold Saucer coins
Extreme Trials
Each expansion has its own set of mounts, and each boss has a variation of the set, for example, a fire-themed boss, in A Realm Reborn - ARR, has a fire horse as his mount, as the ARR set is horses. Following this line, we have:
I won't include the rest of the expansions, as they are not part of the free trial, but they also have their unique sets.
A Realm Reborn Extremes
![Each with thematic colors of the boss who drops it!](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-170183215127136147155180157-1724122350.jpeg)
In the base game, not all extremes offer mounts, and to avoid spoilers, I will only say the name of the boss arena. Keep in mind that it’s not guaranteed that the mount will appear right away, and you may have to fight several times to obtain it. The fights available at ARR are:
The Kirin
After acquiring all the horses, the quest A Legend for a Legend will appear in Mor Dhona and by completing it, a new horse will appear and become yours.
![I was surprised to see these wings for the first time](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-3276725814744304421-1724122383.jpeg)
Heavensward Extremes
![In addition to the colors, the eagles also have boss effects. This one releases bubbles, for example](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-178124171201105155149136163-1724122457.jpeg)
The extremes of HW are a little more complicated to go alone at level 70, and from that point on I would recommend at least two people at the same level for the farm to be viable. The fights available on HW are:
The Firebird
Just like in ARR, when you acquire all the eagles, the quest Fiery Wings, Fiery Hearts, which will grant you something that is definitely not a phoenix, becomes available.
![That's definitely not a phoenix!](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-190193206191192207126144153-1724122555.jpeg)
Stormblood Extremes
![Yes, I also saw Okami there](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-204173201177146141168154162-1724122590.jpeg)
As the fights in this expansion are aligned with your maximum level, the option to go “Unsynced” and solo no longer works. Now it would be ideal to find groups or at least some friends to accompany you on the farm. Remember that the more people, the faster. Unlike the previous ones, SB's Extreme mode is unlocked by talking to the same NPC, right after doing the normal boss mode. He’s found in Kugane under the quest Songs in the Key of Kugane. The available fights are:
The Nine-Tailed Fox
When acquiring all wolves from the Stormblood trials. With them in hand, go to Kugane and look for the quest A Lone Wolf no More. It will give you an item that will unlock a Kyuubi, the Nine-Tailed Fox.
![The infamous...](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-179183143135137165150143157-1724122676.jpeg)
Raids in Savage Mode
The Savage mode of the Normal Raids represent the peak of difficulty in the period in which they were released, however, nowadays, the majority can be speedrunned using the same method that I mentioned in the Extreme Trials, but the difference is that the Normal Raids in the Savage mode that I will list below have a 100% chance of the mount coming.
Heavensward’s Savage
![Ammo not included](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-159107160126509813211582-1724122728.jpeg)
![If you wanted a robot as a mount, here you go](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-1731511381313711212763142-1724122775.jpeg)
Stormblood’s Savage
![For a change, a serpent with wings](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-505381145129154175158137-1724122859.jpeg)
![The change didn’t last long, check out this plane over here](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-136115151175105182138114121-1724122941.jpeg)
![Don't ask me where the player goes when flight mode is activated](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-20416514911384121131134137-1724122859.jpeg)
![Pegasus - 4.200 Scripts](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-173169204154183168158143156-1724123018.jpeg)
![Albino Karaku - 8.400 Scripts](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-201146128158142159145159160-1724123018.jpeg)
![Big Shell - 8.400 Scripts](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-16916620113381141147130151-1724123018.jpeg)
![Ufiti - 8.400 Scripts](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-17683169992011811375118-1724123018.jpeg)
![Antelope Doe - 8.400 Scripts](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-208174122156100101156128126-1724123095.jpeg)
![Megalotragus - 8.400 Scripts](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-105899013286102145115109-1724123095.jpeg)
![Antelope Stag - 30 FT tokens](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-207170129175128110152137130-1724123095.jpeg)
![Eurekean Petrel - Eureka Hydratos Lootbox](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-200198133169109135147148157-1724123206.jpeg)
![Eldthurs - Eureka Pyros Lootbox](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-202150121129579115293114-1724123232.jpeg)
![Tyranossaur Rex - Eureka Anemos Lootbox](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-971231681107211616910880-1724123252.jpeg)
Honorable Mentions
![Assumes up to 3 geometric shapes, depending on the terrain!](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/uploads/31070-171131124143141129112109111-1724123301.jpeg)
I always knew this game had plenty of mounts available, but I didn't expect there to be so many in the free trial. It took a lot of work, but bringing this type of information and showing those who are new that there is a lot of content, right off the gate in the Free Trial, is very rewarding.
Well, if I ended up missing a mount, feel free to mention it in the comments and see you next time!
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