

Overwatch 2: Best Heroes to Play in Season 15

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With the new season and the introduction of Perks, the meta has undergone a complete change. Check out, in this article, which heroes are the best to play Overwatch 2 on Season 15!

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traduzido por Meline Hoch

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revisado por Romeu

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One of the most considerable changes that came in the fifteenth season of Overwatch 2 was the addition of Perks, which are basically improvements granted to our heroes when we level up during a match. When the character reaches level 2 we choose a minor perk, a small buff, and at level 3 we’ll have access to the major perk, that’s capable of greatly altering your gameplay style.

You can check out more details about this and other news on our Overwatch 2 Overview: Spotlightlink outside website. The focus in this article is to name the strongest heroes after the update.


The introduction of Perks has greatly reduced players' habit of changing heroes several times, since this’ll make them go back to level 1. So, more than ever, it’s important to know what the meta is to correctly define who your first character will be.

Best Tanks for Season 15

Wrecking Ball

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The first proof of how Season 15 changed the meta was Wrecking Ball's increase in popularity and win rate. The Hamster has great Perks, which mainly improve its resistance.

Wrecking Ball has always bothered enemies with high mobility and unexpected plays, but it was never used a lot due to a lack of consistency as the only tank, the lower health could cause him to be killed quickly. But with the Perks, this was resolved.

Of course, he’s still a difficult hero to play and can be very distant from the team if there’s no viable communication, but I recommend it to more experienced players.


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Orisa has been a constant at the top of Overwatch for some time now, more specifically after the buffs she received last season.

The tank stands out mainly for catering to different game styles. Energy Javelin is the biggest proof of this, the ability can be used offensively to eliminate enemies, throwing them off the map, but it’s also possible to act in a reactive way, throwing the javelin just to ward off threats who come towards your team.


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Another beneficiary of the new gameplay is Winston, a hero who’s always been stable in the meta, often an “ok” option, is now one of the best heroes within his class.

One of his major perks makes it so that his protective bubble grants healing per second to all allies present, including yourself. This allows you to provide even more protection to the team, being a “third support” in addition to an even more resistant tank.

Winston needed some support in this sense to become more viable, now he’ll last longer in battles and could perhaps be an option in Brawl compositions, focusing on keeping all allies close within his bubble.

Best DPSs for Season 15


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Tracer had already been gaining space in the last few months, and with good Dive and Brawl tanks on the rise, she received even more attention. With great movement capacity and being great at destroying enemies at short range, the heroine fits perfectly into both compositions.

Her greatest advantages can solve her biggest problem: defensive vulnerability. After returning with Recall, we were often out of Blink charges to continue our escape. Currently, you can choose to charge all your blinks when you go back in time or receive an extra amount of HP momentarily. Regardless of your choice, you can be sure that you’ll die fewer times in matches, making Tracer have an even higher choice priority.



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Another character already mentioned here during other seasons, Sojourn reached her peak in Season 14 and was considered “S Tier” by the majority of the community. Some changes were necessary to better balance the character, such as a Hot Fix that was announced in the same week as that Season's launch.

Still, it wasn't enough to knock her off the podium. Despite not having the best Hero Shooter Perks, Sojourn on her own is dominating the DPS class.


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His presence is more linked to the new update, where we can now place the Turrets on any surface, such as walls and ceilings. This creates funny and surprising situations for enemies. On certain maps, it’ll be extremely difficult to eliminate your machine, making the Swede unbeatable!

Best Supports for Season 15


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The support class was the one that brought the least changes to the meta, Ana continues to dominate the matches, but for another reason. Previously, Ana stood out due to a slower meta, with Brawl compositions gaining more space.

Today, the most present teams are Dive ones, which focus on a quick dive against the enemy backline. This type of formation hinders Ana's style, however, the advantages will give her some breathing room even when facing direct counters.

Making enemies sleepy for longer and Stim now granting benefits to you will also make you more resilient against Dive comps. In confrontations against enemies with less mobility, you don't need to worry about having the longest range.


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Kiriko's perks are some of the best in the game. You’ll have greater healing potential when you reach level 2, and your Major Perk will give an additional Swift Step or cause Protection Suzu to grant more speed to the allies it hits.

Having greater presence on the map and faster aids, she’s left her mark in the community by bringing high amounts of healing in matches. I see the character as the one with the greatest recovery potential, currently.

Furthermore, flexibility has always been one of Kiriko's strong points, and now it deserves even more attention. You can shape the heroine however you want, be it by increasing mobility for Dive compositions or focusing on short-range battles with the entire team together.

To understand more about her, I invite you to access our Guide on how to play with Kirikolink outside website,


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Finally, the last support to be released in Overwatch so far. Juno has been standing out since her arrival in the game, and even though she doesn't have the best Perks in her class, she still deserves to be on this list.


Juno finds herself in the meta mainly because she fits perfectly into Brawl strategies with her great area healing capacity with her torpedoes and especially with the Ultimate. Also, she’s a viable option in diving teams as she has good mobility and is also capable of increasing the speed of her teammates, helping them in the offensive.

We’ve also worked on a Guide on how to play Junolink outside website to help you master the character, check it out.


This meta favored the heroes who received the main Perks, which was already to be expected, as it’s a very relevant change in gameplay and will constantly suffer from balancing. It’s common that at the beginning, some are stronger to the point of bumping the character up to the meta.

I hope this article helped you! I’m available in the comments to answer any questions or suggestions.