This year we’ll finally get to the last nation of Teyvat and, perhaps, we’re heading towards the end of Genshin Impact’s main story. We’re talking about the nation of the Cryo Archon, Snezhnaya. Based on Russian architecture, language, and history, this nation occupies a unique place in the balance of power and in the rich narrative of the world of Genshin Impact.
Ruled by the enigmatic Cryo Archon, the Tsaritsa, this land is both feared and revered for its unforgiving climate, advanced technology, military might, unknown primordial forces, and bold mission to seize the other nations’ Gnosis. At the heart of Snezhnaya's influence are the Fatui, an organization made up of powerful individuals who extend the Tsaritsa's reach far beyond their nation's icy borders.
It’s the only region with agents spread across practically all other nations. Acting as emissaries, agents, and negotiators for the Archon, the Fatui played a central role in transforming the political and economic landscape of Teyvat. However, their aggressive and ruthless methods have earned the organization a reputation that casts a long, cold shadow over the world.
So, let's talk about what we know about the Nation of Snezhnaya, Tsaritsa and the Fatui and, if you have questions or any other information, leave it in the comments.
Nod-Krai, one of the most enigmatic and populated places on Snezhnaya, will be the first place we arrive at. This city is known for attracting people from all over Teyvat searching for wealth and opportunities (as said by our friend, Liben). It's a place where ambitions meet eternal ice — and where secrets begin to be revealed.
Located on the southern borders of the Cryo Archon's domain, Nod-Krai has gained fame as a lawless land where the Voynich Guild maintains control in the absence of the Fatui. However, recent events have cast even more mystery over this chaotic city. According to Mavuika, a fragment known as "Ancient Moon’s Remnants" recently appeared in the skies, and the Fatui were spying on Natlan during the incident.

These fragments are considered relics of a technology known as Secret Source, which dates back to the era of the Primordial Dragons, a time that predates even the emergence of the Archons and the elements. The sudden appearance of this fragment coincided with the infiltration of one of the Fatui—Dottore's subordinates—who have now established a solid base in the region. To add even more complexity, the residents of Nod-Krai are said to possess a mysterious power, predating the seven elements of Teyvat.
If you haven't realized it yet, each current element has a form that dates back to the age of the Primordial Dragons. So far, we know about Primordial Water and Phlogiston, but it's likely that the other five also have equivalents. And considering that Nod-Krai is in Snezhnaya, it’s possible that a Primordial Source of Cryo is there.
This ancient force, linked to the city's history, became a crucial point of interest not only for the Dottore, but possibly for the Tsaritsa herself. If you review the scene from the Youtube video A Winter Night's Lazzo, there’s a huge eruption of ice crystals which buried Signora.
This eruption may be related to the mysterious power of Nod-Krai and, perhaps, all of Snezhnaya. It’s interesting to note the similarities with Natlan's Phlogiston, the primordial version of Pyro and lava. This suggests the existence of a Primordial Ice, controlled by the Tsaritsa in her region, including Nod-Krai.
It may also be a manifestation of Cryo's sovereign power over primordial ice and intense blizzards. This points to the Fatui's project on Nod-Krai — connecting the Ancient Moon’s Remnants, Dottore's experiments and this mysterious force — with implications that could go far beyond Snezhnaya.
The Stuzha Project
This event also connects to the recent Stuzha Project, led by Pantalone and Pulcinella. There are mentions of the House of the Hearth and Tartaglia also being participants, with Arlecchino indicating that the project caused massive casualties. Stuzha translates as “intense cold”, which is closely linked to the Shivada crystal, a character upgrade item that is often considered a reward in main missions in the region, and to the ice phenomena observed in Snezhnaya.
All this could indicate a possible deadly freezing of Snezhnaya, or even Teyvat, followed by the destruction of the “old world”. This idea dates back to the age of dragons, who manipulated primordial forces prior to the seven elements. The technology of this time was so advanced that it allowed space travel, with dragons breaching the skies. Thus, Project Stuzha, the Ancient Moon’s Remnants, the possible Primordial Ice, and the Cryo Dragon are just some of the elements that make Snezhnaya such a terrifying and intimidating nation.
Additionally, the actions of Snezhnaya-affiliated organizations and the individual missions of each Herald in the game indicate their increasing control over Teyvat. Snezhnaya is shaped by its unforgiving environment and perfectly reflects its Archon's current ideals. Perpetual snowfalls, lasting weeks or even months, dominate the region, forcing its inhabitants to adopt a lifestyle centered on survival.
The name of the nation, in Russian, means something like “snowy land” in the feminine tense, while, in Chinese, it refers to the “winter solstice”, a period when the nights are longer and the days are shorter. Interestingly, in the Closed Beta version of the game, the region was called Petranskaya, which means “beautiful” in Russian. This gives us an idea that Snezhnaya will be a land of singular beauty, but also cold and inhospitable.
This may reflect ancient theories about the Archon of Snezhnaya being the goddess of love and beauty. The Tsaritsa is believed to be the personification of trust and love.
The Tsaritsa
The Tsaritsa herself is a mystery. Her intentions and motivations are central to the story, with echoes reaching back to the ancient world of dragons. Her search for the Gnosis of the other Archons is part of a grand plan that permeates the game's overall narrative, leaving players wondering: What is her ultimate goal? Is there a connection with dragons or the abyss? And in the end, how will her actions shape the fate of Teyvat? That is, of course, if she’s still alive.
The stone associated with her also symbolizes mourning, translated as “Mourning Ice” or “Complaining Ice” in Chinese and Japanese, respectively. Both names make use of a pun on the word “Ai”, which means love. However, due to the Cataclysm, she needed to harden her resolve. As Dainsleif and Childe state: “She is a loveless Archon,” who has declared war on the entire world, enduring the harsh winters until she can “burn the old world down.”
Snezhnaya's chapter in the Trail teaser is titled "Everwinter Without Mercy", highlighting the region's incessant snowfall.
However, the abyssal text under the title refers to “Snezhnaya's cold and unloving loyalty.” Translations of this excerpt offer two main interpretations. The first is: “I, an almost unparalleled Queen in my glory, will be the guide.” This highlights the Archon's radicalism as a leadership figure.
Another possible interpretation, due to the flexibility of the Latin structure, is: “I will lead like a queen, for my glory, almost unmatched by any other.” This meaning becomes deeper when considering that the text carries both an oath of loyalty to the people and a challenge to adversaries. The stern and solemn tone aligns with the Tsaritsa's abrupt transition from a supposed goddess of love to the leader who symbolizes the cold, unforgiving loyalty of her land.
This transformation reflects not only on the Archon, but on Snezhnaya as a whole. The Fatui, the Messengers, and the people of Snezhnaya themselves embody this rigid loyalty. A goddess who no longer possesses love, but who remains faithful until the bitter end.
Life in Snezhnaya
Based on Childe's lore, it’s evident that most of Snezhnaya's inhabitants spend their days indoors, where family ties and camaraderie provide warmth against the biting cold. Despite adversity, moments of beauty still emerge, like the dazzling aurora which lights up the night sky.
The aurora, in itself, is enough to narrow down Snezhnaya's possible inspirations to real countries in northern Europe, reinforcing the cultural connection. This harsh climate profoundly shaped Snezhnayana culture, where loyalty and unity are essential values. Family ties and absolute trust are unspoken rules, while traditions like the sinister lullaby Teucer sings about pinky promises highlight the importance of trust and the almost grotesque consequences of betraying it.

This emphasis on loyalty also extends to larger groups, such as the Fatui, whose loyalty to each other and to the Tsaritsa is almost unwavering. Any betrayal is seen as a “debt,” and Snezhnaya’s collection practices ensure that no debt—whether financial or personal—remains outstanding. This dynamic is evident in the various meetings we had with members of the Fatui throughout the missions.
Loyalty is also reflected in everyday customs, such as drinking “Fire-Water” (a typical alcoholic drink) during relentless snowfall nights. Furthermore, Snezhnaya is an economic powerhouse in Teyvat, being the second richest nation, rivaled only by Liyue. Much of this success can be attributed to Messenger Pantalone, whose policies transformed Snezhnaya into an economic giant.
Snezhnaya's huge factories produce a wide variety of goods, exported throughout all Teyvat. Examples include the toy factory in Liyue and Dottore and Sandrone's experimental laboratories which specialize in robotics (like Katherine). Furthermore, the Northland Bank, probably managed by Pantalone, has branches in all major cities.
Even though Arlecchino mentioned that she would leave the Fatui, the House of the Hearth and its infiltrated agents in various regions remain significant forces. This power, combined with the projects led by the Messengers, reinforces Snezhnaya's central role in the events that shape the destiny of Teyvat.
Even the Adventurers' Guild, an organization founded on cooperation and trust, has its origins in Snezhnaya, which further reinforces the nation's global reach and its roots in absolute trust, as well as the idea of repaying debts, whatever the cost.
This is an intimidating thought, as Snezhnaya has information, fighters, and even economic control over all regions, including more secret places like the Abyss, through Pulcinella and La Signora. In Enkanomiya, contact occurs through our own actions as adventurers. Furthermore, the Night Kingdom and Irminsul are under the influence of the Captain, Dottore and Scaramouche. And that's not counting the 6 Gnosis they already have. It wouldn’t be a surprise if Snezhnaya had information and influence on every corner of Teyvat, including us.
The Politics of Snezhnaya
Snezhnaya's political state is as complex as its climate. The direct rule of the Tsaritsa is exercised by the Fatui, an organization which spreads its will throughout Teyvat. The Eleven Messengers of the Fatui hold significant power, influencing both internal affairs and external relations.
Their aggressive negotiation tactics and political maneuvers are visible, especially in figures such as Arlecchino, Dottore, Pulcinella, Capitano, Pantalone and even La Signora. While others, like Tartaglia and Scaramouche, deal with more secret aspects or become the public face of the organization.
Pierro leads the group as an authority figure, leaving Columbina to play a more obscure part, due to her indifferent and inattentive personality. However, his stance suggests a more sinister implication since Natlan's end. Their positions as Messengers also grant them certain privileges and a level of secrecy and diplomacy in other regions.
However, within the Fatui and among the Messengers themselves, there is still a silent and intense competition, as we can already see from the various interactions between them. Despite the political and personal disputes between these Messengers, tension remains evident.
Ordinary citizens of Snezhnaya appear to have little interaction with the Fatui in their daily lives, viewing them primarily as a military force. There’s a kind of divide between the normal people and Snezhnaya's politics and military strength. A possible exception to Snezhnaya governance is the city of Nod-Krai, located on the southernmost border. Ruled not by the Fatui, but probably by the Voynich Guild, based on what was said by Liben, Nod-Krai is a city marked by anarchy and mystery.
Recent reports from Mavuika indicate that this region holds a unique power, predating even the seven elements of Teyvat, making it a focal point for the Fatui's experiments under Dottore's command. It’s uncertain whether the Fatui have established a strong base on Nod-Krai due to the Ancient Moon’s Remnants, or whether these events are coincidental, especially with recent revelations about moons, dragons, and the Shadows.
We’ll probably see and learn more about Dottore in Nod-Krai, but also about Columbina. Some theories suggest that she is a seelie or even an angel. However, Columbina's personality and nature seem to suggest otherwise. Seelies and angels, such as the Lord of the Night, act as guides for humankind, while Columbina behaves more like a glowing shadow, similar to Ronova. Furthermore, ranking third, it’s possible that she and/or Dottore are targeting Natlan's Gnosis as well, which makes Dottore's fort in Nod-Krai the perfect base for their operations.
The Fatui
The Fatui are the main and only military force of Snezhnaya, but, due to their size and the variation in the abilities of the Messengers, they’re also the most flexible military force among the seven nations. I'm sure you've seen Dottore's various segments, or his direct sleep signals, like the Katheryne puppets, the House of the Hearth, and even the robotic technology. As the most formidable military organization in Teyvat, the Fatui's reach extends far beyond their icy borders.
They are the only faction that has such innovation and reach. So, we can assume that this region holds some type of knowledge about space travel and crossing between worlds. Something similar to what ancient dragons could have in their spaceships, or even the knowledge that only the Hexenzirkel (the coven of witches of which Klee's mother, Alice, Mona's master, the “Old Hag” Barbeloth, and Rhinedottir, the creator of Albedo, are part) possesses. However, the greatest mysteries of this technology go even deeper – Illusions are powerful artifacts used by the Fatui elite, created from the remains of deceased gods and sometimes given personally by the Tsaritsa.

These artifacts confer immense power, but their use often involves great risks for those who use them, and even determine specific side effects, depending on how they affect the user. This has given the Fatui a reputation for ruthless pragmatism and an extreme devotion to carrying out their missions, regardless of the human costs.
The Fatui's military hierarchy is equally impressive, with a clear division of functions that ensures their operations occur with precision. Low-ranking members act as diplomats and information gatherers in the political scenario.
Meanwhile, Fatui Soldiers form the basis of the forces, specializing in coordinated attacks to overwhelm enemies. High-ranking members, such as Agents of the Fatui, Cicin Mages, and Mirror Maidens, operate independently, relying on the Illusions to execute their missions with deadly efficiency. This military power is commanded by the Messengers, each with their own unique and even mysterious powers, controlling their own military branch, all under the direct supervision of the Tsaritsa in pseudo-dictatorial and democratic governance from the Zapolyarny Palace (or Winter Palace). It’s in this place that the Tsaritsa lives and exercises her will, alongside other diplomats and the Messengers.
Something curious about this type of government and military structure is the freedom granted to each Messenger to follow their own truths and motivations, with the only obligation to serve their Archon when requested. This extends to all of their forces, including the Messengers, and perhaps even director Pierro, who has his own plans regarding Khaenriah, which are likely aligned with the Tsaritsa's ideals.
Or is he just using his position to advance his own secret goals, just like the other Messengers are currently doing? Leave your theories, ideas and doubts about the Snezhnaya nation in the comments.
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