October was marked by season 13 in Overwatch 2! The new update arrived with changes to the heroes, including a major rework on Sombra, as well as Halloween-themed game modes and cosmetics and a collaboration with the My Hero Academia anime!
If you're not up-to-date yet with all the news and balance adjustments, consider reading our article about Season 13 clicking here!
We, at UmGamer, played and studied the update to understand which heroes took up space in the meta, being the best options to climb the ranks in the ranked queues.
Best Tanks for Season 13

A very offensive tank, with abilities like Fortify and Javelin Spin, being unstoppable and then blocking projectiles is extremely valuable to gain space and advance with your team. When you get close to opponents, use your Ultimate to deal strong area damage.

Recommended on Brawl teams, Reinhardt is the classic tank: lots of defense and stun abilities, in addition to his weapon being a melee attack.
When you are suffering from being hit by multiple ranged shots, Charge is an option, but be careful not to advance alone and get shot down.

Unlike other heroes in this category, Sigma performs best in medium and long-range fights. Since he doesn't have that much health, to avoid moving forward, your main defense is the Kinetic Grasp and Experimental Barrier protections, which are not as effective in close combat.
Best DPS for Season 13

One of Overwatch's classic heroes has returned to the meta, just remember that she's not as effective at long range, or dealing damage to enemy tank’s barriers. Tracer stands out in Dive compositions, focusing on approaching the enemy rearguard using her high mobility, and prioritizing kills on characters with lower health.
Always keep in mind which trajectory you are taking, to know the best time to spend your Recall.

Widowmaker is the opposite of Tracer, with her, the ideal is to remain isolated, just taking shots from afar with your sniper rifle. Use her in Poke teams and, preferably, try to reach the high ground with your Grappling Hook.
She’s fragile at short distances or in 1-on-1 combat; therefore, I recommend not using Venom Mine to cause damage, but rather to warn you of enemies. To achieve this, place it on a staircase or path that takes the opponent to the high ground where you are. If someone destroys it or activates the mine, you will be warned, giving you time to escape with the Grappling Hook.

Just like our last heroine, Ashe is also a good option for Poke, carrying a rifle with high accuracy and damage. The Shotgun will help you climb to high positions, or escape possible enemy advances.
I see her as an even more complete character than Widow, given that Ashe manages to have, with Dynamite, a great way to cause area damage, not to mention B.O.B., which helps to gain space. I also note that its direct combat at close ranges is more powerful.
Best Supports for Season 13

The new support arrived quite strong in Overwatch 2, and the adjustments made so far haven’t interfered with their dominance. The high potential for increasing speed for your team, in addition to the sources of healing and damage with Pulsar Torpedoes with your Ultimate are fundamental in Brawl compositions.
Just pay attention to your positioning, Juno is one of the most vulnerable supports in the game, and can be easily taken down with a Tracer's Dive, or with a long-range shot from Widowmaker, two heroes already mentioned here and very present in the current meta.
If you want to know more about the character, feel free to read our Guide on how to play Juno in Overwatch 2.

Despite receiving a small nerf, which increased the reload time of the Repair Pack by half a second, Brigitte remained at the top with a high profile in the Support class.
Pay attention to your positioning, Brigitte has more robust defense tools than other heroes in the same class, allowing her to be more aggressive without taking too many risks. It's important for you to be a second front-line to protect your team.

Baptiste was already renowned for having a high amount of damage among supports, and the reduction in primary fire recoil by 30%, granted in this month's update, made it even easier to connect damage with him.
Part of the community considers him a secondary DPS, not to mention his great healing tools. See, in this example, that until a certain point in the match I managed to cause more damage than my team's DMGs, in addition to healing more than the enemies, evidencing how Baptiste is extremely influential in the meta.

If your interest is winning games, UmGamer has worked on guides to play Tank and Support
, and we have also explained more about the Overwatch 2 compositions
I hope this article has helped you choose the best heroes to climb up the ranks with each class in Overwatch 2! I'm open to questions and suggestions in the comments.
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