

Dota 2: The Five Best Heroes in Patch 7.37

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In today's article, we bring you the five best Dota heroes currently in the game. Listing the best pick for each position and presenting the strengths that reinforce this choice.

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traduzido por Meline Hoch

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revisado por Romeu

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Dota is a game which has a huge roster of characters. There are heroes with abilities to please every different player style. However, there are always some that stand out more with each game update, and the hyperlink is not looking any different.

In this article, we will list the best heroes in each role, pointing out their current strengths and why you should play them right now.

I put this list together based on my own experience and thorough research on matches played with such heroes, evaluating their many facets and performances. Besides that, I took as a base the data available at Dota2ProTrackerlink outside website, where you can check the most picked heroes and builds, as well as many other interesting and important statistics which may define the most current Metagame.


Top 5 Dota Heroes on Patch 7.37

Before we get into the list itself, we should bear in mind the fact that Dota 2 is a team-based strategy game; therefore it is important to know how to teamwork to win the matches, besides knowing how to combine the heroes and their abilities the best way possible, be it to destabilize and counter the enemy team or to work in synergy, cooking up strategies and taking advantage of the full potential of their resources.

Each hero has a role within the team, and some of them have better affinity to certain jobs on a match. On the other hand, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t play with a different hero on a specific role, neither that this list is absolute. The game allows players to diverse their gameplay styles and, as I always point out in my articles, the main goal is to have fun.

Safe Lane - Wraith King

Wraith King
Wraith King

Wraith King, lovingly renamed as WK by the community, is one of the heroes who got the most benefits from this patch, receiving a buff on his innate ability that lets his lifesteal even stronger. Besides that, his Spectral Blade facet adds more damage to his attacks along with his passive Mortal Strike, making each one of WK’s hits a lethal blow.

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His second facet also improves his ultimate and his innate ability allows WK to delay his own death, becoming a ghost with bonus attack and movement for a short period, literally granting the hero two health bars, and with Aegis of the Immortal, you will actually become quite immortal as the name implies.

This combination of resilience and massive damage is what makes the Wraith King the best hero to pick for the Safe Lane on this current patch.

Mid Lane - Ember Spirit

Ember Spirit
Ember Spirit

Ember Spirit, with his new innate ability, is one of the best midlaners of the moment. Immolation deals damage per second to all enemies around passively, adding much offensive potential to Ember’s arsenal.

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His new facet, Double Impact, improves one of the hero’s best abilities, Sleight of Fist, allowing you to reach an enemy inside the ability’s area of effect a second time for half the damage of the first hit.

Ember is very well-succeeded on this position due to his abilities making farming, ganking and even an emergency escape a lot easier, making him very versatile. Besides that, you can also evolve quickly throughout the game.

Off Lane - Axe


Axe is one of the game’s most classical heroes, being a natural counter to most physical combat-based heroes. He is a perfect tank and an excellent initiator. Besides not receiving any buffs on patch 7.37, he is very well positioned due to his capacity to become unbeatable during late game and, depending on the situation, turning into a beast impossible to kill.


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His innate ability and first facet combine well, turning the hero into an impenetrable tank. His first ability, Berserker’s Call, forces close enemies to attack Axe while he gains armor, ignoring even items such as Black King Bar. This ability is perfect to initiate combat and opens a window for your team to engage along, allowing the enemy team to be completely disabled and killed.

Support - Warlock


Warlock is a complete support, being able to heal his allies and punish enemies with his abilities. His presence in lane can be very annoying to deal with for his opponents, dealing damage and slowing them. His ult, Chaotic Offering, allows him to destroy enemy towers easily, summoning his powerful Golems, while Warlock channels Upheaval to make sure no one escapes.

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Hard Support - Io


Io is one of the most interesting and complex heroes in the game, being considered one of the hardest skill-required characters to master. Just like Axe, Io didn’t get any updates on patch 7.37, but his ability kit is what makes him so good during the current meta.

As Io, you should always play along with one of your teammates, allowing him to connect to them with Tether to share health and mana regeneration, becoming a walking Fountain. Also, Io can summon energy orbs with Spirits, dealing damage to enemies hit.

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His facet Kritzkrieg makes his ability Overcharge grant a tethered ally, besides the regeneration bonuses, attack speed and spell amplification buffs.

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Io’s ultimate allows it to teleport to any place on the map, taking with it the tethered allied hero, making it possible to jump on top of unaware enemies or save allies from death.


And these are the heroes that, based on my analysis, would be the current best positioned on a tierlist. The game’s Metagame seems to still be in a period of changes and discoveries, but those would be my main choices to pick a hero and play a competitive match in any of the five roles.

I finish here another article. Leave your doubts, suggestions and/or criticisms in the comments. Thanks for reading and see you next time.


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