The Red Dead Redemption franchise started in a game called Red Dead Revolver for the PlayStation 2, but was only resurrected in Red Dead Redemption in 2011. The saga left its mark thanks to its open world rich in content, as well as striking characters and moving stories. Even though it’s not Rockstar's main game franchise, Red Dead Redemption won over thousands of fans, justifying a sequel.
In 2018, Rockstar released Red Dead Redemption 2, which, before GTA VI, was the biggest project ever done by Rockstar, thanks to one of the largest and richest in content universes created within a video game world. The game is a prequel to the first one, and it not only expands the story of John, but also the entire Van der Linde gang, by making players see through the eyes of other characters from the first game.
One of the biggest reasons why Red Dead Redemption has become one of the most praised franchises ever is thanks to its great narrative, which manages to be immersive and memorable for all players, staying in their memories even after the end of the game. In this article, we will remember 10 of the most memorable moments from the two games in the franchise.
This article contains spoilers for Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2
The 10 most memorable moments from the Red Dead Redemption games
Arrival in Mexico

In the first game in the franchise, we follow John in his search for the former members of the gang he used to be part of. As the story unfolds, his past is also gradually revealed. To clear his name and live a peaceful life with his family, the Pinkerton agency sends him on a mission to capture his former comrades.
After a series of events in the United States, John pursues Williamson, one of the gang members, who manages to escape to Mexico. To continue his hunt, he’s forced to cross the border. The crossing of the river that separates the two countries is chaotic and symbolizes a change of scenery and atmosphere.
The moment becomes even more remarkable after his arrival in Mexico, where there’s a complete change in tone. Moments before, John was facing gangs who tried to block his passage; now, upon reaching his destination, tension gives way to contemplation. We ride through the Mexican desert to the sound of Far Away, creating one of the most memorable scenes in the game.
The End of Dutch

This moment gained even more impact after Red Dead Redemption 2, which revealed Dutch's actions, showing us how he dismantled his own gang and caused suffering to both John and Arthur.
Dutch was the last member John needed to capture to finally clear his name. Cornered and disillusioned on the edge of a cliff, he gives a speech about how it’s impossible to fight change and that even after his death, the agents will find another culprit to justify their salaries.
As a last act, Dutch chooses his own destiny and throws himself off the cliff, preferring to die as a free man rather than live in a modern world where neither he nor John were accepted. His death represents a bitter victory for the players, as Dutch was never just a cruel villain, nor a hero—just a man who, over time, lost himself.
John Marston’s Sacrifice

After the death of Dutch, the last member of the gang, John finally experiences a moment of calm, returning to his farm to live with his family. The game conveys this feeling of peace by allowing the player to carry out simple and peaceful tasks with Jack and Uncle, such as taking care of the farm and helping old acquaintances. However, all good things are short-lived. In a reality check, the game not only takes this away from John, but also from the player, in one of the most impactful moments in the story.
Dutch's words prove to have been prophetic: when he said that, after his death, they would find another monster to chase, he anticipated John's fate. The Pinkerton agents, in a cruel act, make him believe he’s free, only to betray him soon after, sending government agents to finish him off.
After eliminating some enemies and ensuring that his family reaches the barn, John orders Jack and Abigail to mount their horses and flee, promising to find them soon. Before leaving, he instructs them not to look back. As a final act of sacrifice for his family, John walks out of the barn's front door to face his fate. Surrounded by agents, he is brutally murdered. His death marks one of the game's most unforgettable moments.
Jack Marston’s Revenge

After a three-year timeskip, Jack, now older, sets out to seek revenge for the death of his father, shortly after burying his mother, Abigail. His target is Edgar Ross, the man responsible for the betrayal that led to his family's tragedy.
Jack finds Ross on the banks of a river, fishing, and confronts him about his actions. Without remorse, Ross shifts the blame entirely onto John, claiming that he chose to be an outlaw and therefore sealed his own fate.
In the final duel, Jack executes Ross by the river, avenging his father once and for all. However, the moment carries a bittersweet tone. John fought for his son to have a different future, but in the end, Jack followed the same path of violence.
Destroying Brainthwaite Mansion

If there's one moment that truly demonstrates the strength of the Van der Linde gang, it's their mission to destroy Braithwaite Manor.
After young Jack is kidnapped by the Braithwaite family due to a feud with Dutch's gang, all the members, despite their own conflicts and concerns, come together to rescue John's son.
The scene has a striking cinematic impact, from the members approaching the mansion to the chaotic outcome, with fire consuming everything. This moment is one of the most iconic in Red Dead Redemption 2.
Arthur’s Diagnosis

At a certain point in the game, as the player walks through the city, Arthur begins coughing violently until he passes out, taking everyone by surprise. A citizen comes to his aid and takes him to the local doctor, starting one of the biggest twists in the story.
During the examination, the doctor discovers that Arthur has tuberculosis, a disease with no cure at the time, which was equivalent to a death sentence. After receiving the diagnosis, Arthur leaves the doctor’s office and begins to reflect on his actions throughout his life.
This revelation marks a turning point for the character. Aware of his destiny, he begins a journey of redemption, trying to do what’s right before his time runs out.
Guarma’s Return

After the failed bank robbery in Saint Denis, some members of the gang escape on a ship, but end up shipwrecked in Guarma after a storm. In the country, they’re drawn into the middle of a conflict between rebels and local forces. After a series of events, they manage to escape and return to the United States, having to disembark separately at different points to avoid attracting attention.
Arthur arrives at an isolated region and steals a horse to return to camp and meet his companions who stayed in the country. During the journey, the song “Unshaken” starts playing, marking one of the most contemplative moments in the game. The peaceful ride, combined with the song's melody and lyrics "may I remain unshaken amidst a crashing world" reflects perfectly Arthur's state of mind, making this scene unforgettable.
Arthur's goodbye and the last ride

The game showed us more and more that the dismantling of the gang was inevitable. Dutch was no longer the same as before, and many members were fleeing or facing even worse fates. In one of the last acts of his journey, Arthur, together with Sadie, goes to rescue Abigail. After saving her, he asks Sadie to take her away, in an emotional farewell for both of them.
Soon after, Arthur puts on his classic hat and rides towards the camp, knowing that this would be his last ride. The game highlights this moment with the song “That’s The Way It Is”, as Arthur walks along the path, reflecting on all his acts of kindness along the way. He begins to realize how the people around him saw him, not as he saw himself, but as a good man.
Dialogue with Sister Calderón

In a remarkable moment at the train station, Arthur meets, by chance, the nun Sister Calderón, who was about to leave for a mission in Mexico. The dialogue that follows is, perhaps, one of the most impactful in the entire game. Arthur confesses to the sister about his illness and the mistakes he’d made throughout his life, but she helps him realize something he’d never noticed before: whenever he met her, he was willingly helping someone, without realizing that, deep down, he was a good man.
The nun makes Arthur understand that life is full of pain and suffering, but also beauty and love. These are the moments that truly give life its meaning. The most touching moment occurs when Arthur, for the first time, admits his fear, and his sister comforts him, telling him there’s nothing to fear.
This encounter becomes deeply memorable, as it leads Arthur, and the player, to reflect on human mortality, the cruelty of the world and, at the same time, on the good small things that make life meaningful.
Arthur’s Death

After the gang is dismantled and Arthur reveals to Dutch and the remaining members that the real traitor was Micah, Pinkerton agents begin to pursue them, hindering Arthur's confrontation.
To give John a chance to escape, Arthur decides to stay behind and attract the attention of the agents from atop a mountain. In an emotional farewell, he hands John his diary and hat, telling him to go away with his family and live a true life. John, moved, reciprocates, calling Arthur his brother.
After eliminating the last agents, Arthur is attacked by Micah, resulting in a confrontation where he uses the last of his strength. In the end, Dutch intervenes, and Arthur makes him realize that Micah was the traitor all along. In a painful moment, the disillusioned former gang leader turns his back on Micah and walks away.
In his last moments, Arthur crawls to the corner of a cliff and dies peacefully from his illness, watching the sunrise. This moment symbolizes that, even after a life marked by mistakes and bad acts, it’s never too late to seek redemption.
Red Dead Redemption is remembered to this day with great affection, especially for its well-developed narrative and characters, and its world rich in content, where each place has something new for you to discover on your journey. So far, the future of the franchise is unknown, as all of Rockstar's efforts are focused on the development and release of GTA VI, but fans are hopeful that, sooner or later, something new from Red Dead Redemption may be announced - we can only wait!
Which moments stood out to you the most in Red Dead Redemption? Comment down below!
Thanks for reading, and see you next time!
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