About Crystal Maiden
Rylai was born with the gift of ice and cold, a power which, unfortunately, she wasn’t able to control. Her parents had no choice but to send her to Icewrack, the northern icy kingdom, where she learned to control her powers from a hermit wizard. Crystal Maiden is capable of freezing her enemies and the ground she’s on, as well as summoning an ice storm that freezes everything around her, obliterating her enemies.

Crystal Maiden, called CM by players, is a heroine with a very solid skill set that can influence combat from the beginning to the end of the game, often being able to fight other heroes alone and even cause a Team Wipe.

Crystal has two facets, Frozen Expanse and Cold Confort. Frozen Expanse increases the range of use and area of effect of Crystal's abilities based on the level of her Frozen Field ability. Cold Comfort grants mana regeneration to allies every time Crystal uses an ability.

Her innate ability, Blueheart Floe, passively grants mana regeneration to the Crystal Maiden, which becomes even stronger with the Cold Comfort facet.
Crystal Nova

With this ability, the CM hits a selected area with an explosion of ice which causes damage and slows down the enemies it hits.
You can use this skill to start fights with enemies or catch them as they flee, as its range is quite wide. Furthermore, it’s very useful for farming creeps in the lane and accumulating creeps in the jungle.

Crystal freezes a target unit, preventing them from moving and attacking for a set amount of time while dealing damage per second, being more effective on creeps.
This ability deals more damage than Crystal Nova and can be very useful for farming in the jungle early in the game, as well as allowing you to hold back fleeing enemies or prevent them from attacking for a while.
Arcane Aura

Grants passive mana regeneration to all allies on the map, granting three times more regeneration to allies near Crystal. Cold Comfort grants regeneration for each skill used by Crystal based on the mana cost of the skill.
Freezing Field

Conjures up a snowstorm that causes small explosions of ice around Crystal, causing slow and massive area damage.
As this ability requires channeling, you will need to be cautious about silence and stun coming from enemies when using it. Some items can help you make better use of this ability. Prioritize moments when fights have already been started to enter the battle with Freezing Field.

With Aghanim’s Shard Crystal receives the ability Crystal Clone, which allows you to create an ice clone of yourself which attracts projectiles. When the clone takes enough damage or its duration ends, it shatters, applying Frostbite to nearby enemies.
Aghanim’s Scepter improves Freezing Field, increasing the damage and slow it causes, as well as allowing Crystal to move slowly within the storm without interrupting the skill and being able to use other abilities at the same time.
Strategy and Hero Build
Crystal is a hero who will naturally be very efficient in the support role, whether in position 4 or 5, since her abilities allow her to work well in these roles. I consider this character to be one of the best heroes to start in them, as her skills are simple to understand and use, in addition to being a good example of what a support does in the game. Therefore, for this build, we will consider Crystal in Position 5.
As the dedicated support of the match, her main role will always be to ensure that the carry can farm freely, keeping enemies away and the lane controlled.

Apart from the basic items that I always cover in my articles, I must highlight the use of some items that greatly benefit Crystal's build.
Tranquil Boots
CM is very vulnerable if exposed, as she has little health and somewhat limited movement. Tranquil Boots will give you a little more relief when moving during combat and can be purchased at the beginning of the game as it's a cheap item.
Glimmer Cape
On top of allowing you to make yourself or an ally invisible and grant bonuses to magic resist and movement, this item is excellent when used seconds before casting your ult, allowing you to be more protected while bombarding enemies.
Aeon Disk
It's the perfect item to protect you if you're constantly being slaughtered by the enemy carry or other heroes like Faceless Void and Juggernaut.
Black King Bar
When Glimmer Cape is no longer sufficient, BKB will ensure that you can use your ult without interruptions.
Aghanim’s Shard and Scepter
Essential items to reach the maximum potential of Crystal's abilities, allowing her impact in the late game to be much greater.
Force Staff
An excellent tool to be used in combination with Freezing Field or to escape from enemies, as well as being able to be used on allies.
Boots of Bearing
Grants movement and attack speed to you and nearby allies, as well as immunity to slow for a certain time.
Final Considerations
Crystal Maiden is an excellent choice to start learning to play as support, as well as being an excellent choice for support if you are a more experienced player, as it’s a very solid pick, especially in the early Ranks in ranked matches and still has a good rate of victories in the highest ranks.
I conclude another article here. Leave your questions, suggestions, compliments and/or criticisms in the comments. Thanks for reading, and see you next time.
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