The last weekend of November was marked by the testing period for the new hero, Hazard! It was possible to play him for a few days, in unranked modes, and we, at UmGamer, tested it to bring you a complete guide!

This tank was officially launched alongside season 14, on the 10th. Take advantage of our content to start the new update by knowing everything about Hazard!
Hazard’s Skills
I see him as a complete tank, his skills contribute with movement, protections and considerable damage. He even has a passive Vault mechanic, bringing even more mobility potential.
This is his main attack, Bonespur does more damage at close and medium range, as the shots spread out, similar to a 12.
A curious fact is that, today, but this may change with future balances, Bonespur isn’t capable of dealing a hit kill, not even with a headshot on a Tracer. Remember this before going all in, thinking that you will eliminate your opponents quickly, with one blow.
Spike Guard
Hazard goes into defense mode, taking much less damage from enemies, while also dealing damage to nearby opponents and recharging his ammunition.
Its cooldown works the same as D.Va's Defense Matrix, with a bar next to the crosshair which shows how much that skill is charged. This makes Spike Guard more flexible, it’s possible to use part of it and save some for later.
As this skill works with different mechanics, we recorded a video to illustrate. Check out how it works:
Violent Leap
Violent Leap has two activations, in the first, Hazard takes a big jump to move. While in the air, you can press the button again to strike opponents, dealing damage and knocking them back.
Jagged Wall
It summons a kind of wall for five seconds, deals damage and pushes enemies who touch it. It’s extremely flexible, as it can be used on the floor, walls or even the ceiling.
Hazard’s Vault is not suitable for massive walls, so Jagged Wall can be used on walls to improve movement. In addition to functioning as protection against damage from opponents, it also serves to close doors and make it difficult for the enemy team to move around.
Your only caution should be the high cooldown time of 12 seconds. Therefore, know very well when and where to use it.
This is your Ultimate, where you will throw a huge number of spikes into a large vertical area, trapping and damaging opponents who are hit.
Play Style - What compositions do Hazard fit into?
The high movement capacity combined with great close-range combat make Hazard a good option for Brawl and Dive compositions. If you want to understand more about the compositions in Overwatch 2, consider reading our guide about them clicking here!
Your Ultimate can trap opponents from afar, allowing your team to advance and execute the Dive effectively, you’ll also be able to accompany them with Violent Leap, strengthening this strategy.
And don't worry if you're on a more closed off map and your companions opt for a Brawl composition, with closer combat. Your wall will block enemy passages, allowing your team to fight. Being close to enemies will also increase the damage potential of Bonespur and Spike Guard.
Downpour will also have a great role in this composition, as it uses plenty of skills with area damage, and trapping enemies opens up space for heroes who are effective in close battles to eliminate them easily.
Hazard works well with
Heroes with very high area damage, such as Reaper, Mei, Cassidy and Bastion, can use the imprisonment of opponents caused by your Ultimate to carry out a massacre.

I also recommend using Hazard when your team brings characters like Genji, Tracer, Mercy, Kiriko or anyone else who advances quickly. Your jumps will help keep up with them, putting immense pressure on your opponents.

Hazard is bad against
Hazard's biggest problems are the heroes who can keep their distance against him, this includes Ashe, Mei, Widowmaker, Ana and Zenyatta. They all hit shots from afar, damaging you even before you threaten something, and when you try to go up with the Ultimate or Violent Leap, they have defense tools, like Ana's sleep dart, Widowmaker's rappel, Zenyatta's immortality between others.
Also worry about those who have a high fire rate like Soldier: 76 and Mauga, both of which are capable of destroying your barrier quickly.
Hazard is a hit from Blizzard! A great tank with a complete kit, at the same time as he has his weaknesses. Its gameplay is versatile and extremely dynamic.
I hope this article has helped you understand more about the character, I'm available to answer questions or suggestions in the comments.
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