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Guide: How to use the console and the best commands in CS2!

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Learn how to use commands to optimize your training and gameplay in CS2 and the best and main commands available in the game!

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traduzido por Meline Hoch

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revisado por Romeu

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  1. > The Best CS2 commands
    1. Launch options for CS2
    2. Codes for visual aspects
    3. Interface Settings
    4. Gameplay codes
    5. Commands for volume and voice chat
    6. Commands for training in CS2
  2. > Conclusion

Commands are a fundamental part of your progress in CS2, making it possible to customize the settings to adapt to the way you play, in addition to optimizing your training. With options for visual aspects, interface, gameplay, bind and also training options, optimizing the use of commands brings significant improvements to your gaming experience.

In this article, we list the main and the best commands to use both in CS2 matches and in training, check it out!

The Best CS2 commands

Launch options for CS2


In this topic, we will see some codes that’ll make your game cleaner and faster. They will be used in the CS2 properties within Steam under “Launch Options”:

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  • +fps_max 0 (Limits the maximum value for fps, if the value is 0, there will be no maximum limit)

  • +cl_forcepreload 1 (Preloads models and textures, entering maps faster)

  • -high (Makes your system prioritize the game, allowing better performance)

  • -tickrate 128 (Defines the creation of local servers with 128 ticks)

    From now on, the commands will be used in the console within the game, in any match (whether training or online), click on the quote to open it.

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    Codes for visual aspects

    These commands vary according to personal taste, so try each one out until you find the way you like best.

  • r_fullscreen_gamma (Changes the gamma on your screen)

  • viewmodel_fov (Defines the distance of the weapon from your body)

  • viewmodel_offset_x (Changes the weapon distance along the X axis)

  • viewmodel_offset_y (Changes the weapon distance along the Y axis)

  • viewmodel_offset_z (Changes the weapon distance along the Z axis)

    Interface Settings

  • cl_hud_playercount_pos (Handles the way the player counter is presented)

  • cl_hud_healthammo_style (Shows or hides players' health, ammo and armor indicators)

  • cl_radar_rotate (Defines whether the mini map will be rotating or static)

  • cl_radar_scale (Modifies the zoom of the mini map)

  • cl_showfps (Shows or hides the fps rate)

  • hud_scaling (Changes the size of the game's interface/HUD)

    Gameplay codes

    Before mentioning a command in itself, it is worth highlighting a shortcut that few know about and can be very helpful. By pressing delete during the purchase time, you will refund all the items you are carrying, this can be useful when your team recommends doing a last-minute economic round, not giving you time to sell everything separately.

    cl_crosshair_sniper_width is a code which alters the size of the edges of the sniper crosshair, making them thinner or thicker. See an example (completely illustrative and not recommended) using this command with a value of 20.

    Image content of the Website

    I suggest leaving it at 1, 2 or 3, but just like the visual aspects, the ideal number varies from player to player, feel free to enter other values, as long as it is comfortable for your gameplay.

    How to bind jumpthrow

    A bind is a shortcut, where with just one key we can perform an action. jumpthrow is one of the most requested commands among players, where basically with just one click you can jump and throw a grenade at the correct time, which allows you to perform countless utility pixels!

    To activate, follow this sequence of commands in the console:

  • alias "+boing" "+jump"

  • alias "+ding" "-attack; -attack2"


  • alias "+bong" "-jump"

  • bind DESIREDKEY "+boing; +ding; +bong"

    Do it exactly in this order and you will have activated successfully.

    To perform the jumpthrow, simply pick up the utility and prepare your launch (holding down the left or right button, or both). Then, just press the key that was configured to be the bind key and your character will automatically jump and throw the grenade.

    How to bind to drop C4

    Instead of always having to press two buttons to drop C4, in this case 5 to select it and G to release it, we can activate a shortcut that performs both actions.

    To activate, follow this sequence of commands in the console:

  • alias +c4 slot5

  • alias -c4 drop

  • bind DESIREDKEY +c4

    In addition to helping with practicality, this shortcut can be extremely useful in some more tense


    Commands for volume and voice chat

  • volume (Changes the volume of the entire game, use values ​​between 0 and 1)

  • voice_modenable (Enables or disables voice chat)

  • cl_mute_all_but_friends_and_party 0 (Disables voice chat, with exceptions for your friends)

  • cl_mute_enemy_team 0 (Disables messages coming from the enemy team)

    Commands for training in CS2

    Here we will see some commands that do not work in online matches, only in training, as they even require you to activate cheats.

  • sv_cheats 1 (Enables cheats, allowing the execution of the next commands)

  • sv_infinite_ammo (Enables or disables infinite ammo)

  • sv_grenade_trajectory_prac_pipreview (Enables or disables the grenade camera)

  • bind DESIREDKEY sv_rethrow_last_grenade (Configures a key that, when pressed, will repeat the launch of the last grenade)

  • bind DESIREDKEY noclip (Configures a key that, when pressed, will make your character fly quickly through walls. Use the same key to turn off noclip)

  • mp_buy_anywhere 1 (Allows you to buy items from anywhere on the map)

  • bot_kick (Removes bots from the match)

  • bot_add_ct (Adds a bot on the CT side)

  • bot add_t (Adds a bot on the TR side)


    I hope this article introduced you to new commands to improve your gameplay! I'm open to suggestions and questions in the comments.