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Overwatch 2: How to Play D.Va in 2024

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D.Va is one of the most popular tanks in Overwatch 2, with the potential to make the difference in carrying matches. See, today, how to play D.Va well!

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After the change in Overwatch 2, which made the game a 5v5 with just one tank per team, D.Va's gameplay became a little more difficult, given that this heroine is a little more aggressive, and if you die, your team will lose the entire front line.

In fact, I talk more about this entire change in this Tank Guide for Overwatch 2link outside website, where the focus is the general idea of ​​how to play the role, such as positioning, types of tanks within the game, and tips to make a difference in this role!


With that, Um Gamer created a guide teaching how to play D.Va well in 2024!

D.Va's abilities

It is important to understand what your abilities are, to understand how this influences your play style.

Fusion Cannons

It’s your main firepower, these cannons are automatic and short ranged. One point to highlight is that they don't have ammunition, meaning you won't need to reload at any point.


Your mobility is focused here, Boosters allow you to fly quickly for a few seconds, being extremely useful for chasing or escaping opponents. Hitting enemies while flying will deal a small amount of damage, on top of causing a knockback, and may even knock them off the map.

Defense Matrix

Your only defensive ability is this, which basically works as a projectile shield, which can be useful to save your allies or yourself. Defense Matrix does not block melee attacks or beams like Winston's tesla, working similarly to Yasuo's Wind Wall in League of Legends, here's an analogy for those who know the game.

Micro Missiles

Micro Missiles launch a huge amount of missiles in the direction you’re looking at, causing damage, especially at close range. It’s possible to shoot normally while using Micro Missiles, greatly increasing their damage potential.

Self Destruct

This is her Ultimate, in which D.Va abandons the Mecha that will explode after a few seconds, causing a lot of damage to enemies. Self Destruct is capable of eliminating the most fragile heroes even if they have full health.

A tip that can give you ideas on how to take advantage of this power even more is to combine it with Boosters. You can abandon the Mecha while flying to make it advance towards enemies, or go up in the air trying to reach a larger space.

Another possible move to surprise opponents is to activate the Ultimate the moment your Mecha is shot down, many don't know this, but it’s allowed and will be unexpected.

Call Mech

When you lose all your health points, instead of actually dying, you will just lose your mech, in these cases, you will have less health and a small pistol to shoot. Over time, you will load a new Ultimate which is “Call Mech”, it will make you enter the Mech again and return to your normal statuses and abilities.

Interestingly, when we use Call Mech, it will fall from above, causing damage to enemies that are very close, and may even finish them off.

Play Style

Given the entire context of her abilities, we see that D.Va is a mobility tank that stands out in dive compositions, where the focus is to quickly infiltrate the enemy team by eliminating support and damage heroes.

Her skills deviate a little from the tank standard, which seeks stuns and defense. Of course, D.Va has at least one defensive ability, in this case, the “Defense Matrix”, but you saw that her other powers are aimed at dealing damage and going for the fights!

But don't get confused, just because you're a mobility tank doesn't mean you'll move forward all the time. Avoid using flight while your Defense Matrix is ​​discharged!


Tips for playing D.Va

Since in Overwatch 2, there’s only one tank per match, Defense Matrix will be the only shield skill to protect your entire team. My main tip with D.Va is to warn her not to waste her matrix in any way, much less advance with Boosters while her matrix is ​​uncharged.

D.Va works well with

As already mentioned, she is a good hero for diving, so I recommend that you use her mainly when you have by your side characters that have high mobility like Lúcio, Moira, Genji, Sombra, or anyone else who can keep up with your attacks.

Shadow stands out, as her Ultimate prohibits all nearby enemies from using any abilities, leaving them much more vulnerable to D.Va's Self-Destruct, as they will not have shields or any escape abilities.

D.Va is good against

She is great in confrontations against heroes like Widowmaker, Ashe and Hanzo, who have weapons that benefit from long range, and tend to get stuck on some high ground while trying to reach your backline. Boosters will help you reach these heroes and eliminate them with ease, given that they have less health.

Your flying ability will also be very useful against characters who also stay in the air, such as Pharah, Echo and Mercy. Going up with Micro Missiles will give you a high chance of eliminating them.

D.Va is bad against

Your greatest moment of weakness occurs when the enemy attack manages to pass through your Defense Matrix, so be careful with Reinhardt, Zarya, Mei, and any other hero who shoots a beam or melee attack. In these cases.

Reaper will also be a big problem, among the damage characters, he’s one of those who have the most health, in addition to healing himself with his attacks, making him much more resistant. He is known for being an “anti tank”.

Remember that there are several other tips focused on the positioning and behavior of a tank in our Tank Guide for Overwatch 2link outside website!


D.Va is one of the most popular and strongest tanks in the game, it's worth investing some time to master her! I hope this article helped you, I'm open in the comments for any questions or suggestions.


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