

Review Overwatch 2 Classic: Is the event that takes you back to 2016 a hit or miss?

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Overwatch 2 Classic is your chance to relive the original Hero Shooter experience, with the heroes and abilities from 2016. Check out everything about the event!

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traducido por Meline Hoch

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revisado por Romeu

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  1. > Available Heroes
    1. Tanks
    2. Offensive Heroes
    3. Defensive Heroes
    4. Supports
  2. > Available Maps
    1. Attack
    2. Escort
    3. Hybrid
    4. Control
  3. > Challenges and Rewards
  4. > 6v6 Zero Limits is a total mess
  5. > Conclusion: Was Overwatch 2 Classic a success?

Blizzard, last Monday, announced the Overwatch 2 Classic event, which arrived just the next day. The proposal is to be a new temporary game mode that allows players to have an experience from back at the time of the game's launch, with the original 2016 heroes, skills and maps.

This set the entire community ablaze, be it because of the veteran wanting to relive this moment, or the newcomer finding out how everything worked before. You’ll have three weeks, more specifically until December 3rd, to enjoy.


We, at UmGamer, have already played the update and will explain all the new features in this event. Check it out!

Available Heroes

Overwatch launched with 21 heroes divided into four classes: Tank, Offensive Hero, Defensive Hero and Support. Check out a list of all characters available for Classic.

The only “disappointment” in terms of originality is Cassidy, who in 2016 was called McCree, and Blizzard did not bring back the character's original name.

Note: It’s not allowed to use any skin in Classic mode matches, the developers claim that it’s part of the nostalgia that we see the heroes with their OG styles.


  • D.Va

  • Reinhardt

  • Roadhog

  • Winston

  • Zarya

    Offensive Heroes

  • Cassidy (formerly McCree)

  • Genji

  • Pharah

  • Reaper

  • Soldado: 76

  • Tracer

    Defensive Heroes

  • Bastion

  • Hanzo

  • Junkrat

  • Mei

  • Torbjörn

  • Widowmaker


  • Lúcio

  • Mercy

  • Symmetra

  • Zenyatta

    Available Maps

    There are 12 maps in this version, three for each of the four different game modes: Attack, Escort, Hybrid and Control.



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    Temple of Anubis

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    Volskaya Industries

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    Route 66

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    Watchpoint: Gibraltar

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    King’s Row

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    Lijang Tower

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    Challenges and Rewards

    Usually, limited events introduce us to challenges that grant rewards when completed. I'm sad to say, once again, that they are generic and low on rewards.

    Maybe it won't be as impactful as the last Halloween event, given that it's difficult to offer a skin in a mode that literally values ​​the originality of its heroes. But the tasks are nothing more than “Play X games of Overwatch Classic”.

    Image content of the Website

    The best reward is the name card “Strike Commander’s Watch”, it’s gorgeous and really lives up to the beginning of Overwatch, but I expected more rewards of the same relevancy.


    Image content of the Website

    6v6 Zero Limits is a total mess

    The main topic of the analysis has arrived, gameplay! This event is definitely not one of the tests for the return of 6v6, which is a hot debate topic in the community right now, don’t use it to compare the 5v5 format with the old one.

    I can say this because of the Zero Limites mechanic, which turns the match into chaos, being completely casual. This feature allows you to use repeated heroes, as the image below shows me and four other Tracer players.

    Image content of the Website

    This inhibits the entire organization of a composition, the synergy between two tanks, two damage and two supports is unlikely to happen here, with the vast majority of players opting for damage heroes. See, in the print below, that in a confrontation with 12 participants, 10 were with heroes of this class, and only me and one opponent used tanks.

    Image content of the Website

    Supports weren’t even used in this match, making the experience irrelevant for comparisons.

    It's really cool to remember all the original abilities of each character, such as Cassidy's Flashbang, Symmetra as support, self-healing and Bastion's cannon, as well as several other changes.

    But this mode should only be treated as fun and nostalgia.

    Conclusion: Was Overwatch 2 Classic a success?

    It’ll eventually become a little boring due to the lack of heroes and because it’s very disorganized in terms of compositions. But this complete chaos and nostalgia is perfect for casual players just looking to experience Overwatch during its release period.

    Remember not to treat these weeks of 6v6 as something serious or competitive, using the mode disorganization as a yardstick in the debate.

    I am available for questions or suggestions in the comments.