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Final Fantasy XIV: The Main Mounts from the Free Trial

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In this article, we present the mounts that Final Fantasy XIV players can get in the free trial and how to acquire each of them!

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translated by Meline Hoch

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revised by Romeu

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Table of contents

  1. > Unlocking the mounts
  2. > Main Story Quests - MSQ
  3. > Commendations
  4. > Job mounts
    1. Tankers
    2. Conjurer
    3. Fisher
  5. > Jonathas Achievement Store
  6. > Beast Tribes
    1. A Realm Reborn Societies - ARR
    2. Heavensward Societies
    3. Stormblood Societies
  7. > Gold Saucer
    1. Casino Mounts
    2. Farming Gold Saucer coins
  8. > Extreme Trials
    1. A Realm Reborn Extremes
    2. Heavensward Extremes
    3. Stormblood Extremes
  9. > Raids in Savage Mode
    1. Heavensward’s Savage
    2. Stormblood’s Savage
  10. > Firmament
  11. > Eureka
  12. > Honorable Mentions
  13. > Conclusion

Who has never been walking around, doing their quests and suddenly that one player passes by, with a mount that makes your eyes light up, and your heart ask: “Where can I get one of those?”. Whether it's because of a giant robot, a direct reference to another Final Fantasy game or even because it's a bird that glows when it flies, some of the mounts are highly coveted by FFXIV players.

In this article, we have prepared a list of the mounts that are now available in the expanded free trial of Final Fantasy XIV and how to get them, so that your chocobo has new friends on the list.


Unlocking the mounts

  • To start, let's unlock the function of the mounts. To do this, you will need to complete the game's main quests until you choose and become a member of one of the Grand Companies, which are the factions in the game. There is no one faction better than the other, the difference between them is merely cosmetic and the location of the base, and you can still switch in the future if you want. So you don't need to worry too much about it.

  • With the faction chosen, the quest My Little Chocobolink outside website will be available at headquarters and speak to the NPC Quartermaster. In the store, there will be a kind of “License” available for 200 Company Seals, the currency used to exchange items at the base. With the item in hand, just go to the stable to name and pick up your first mount, the classic Chocobo. The main quest itself gives you these coins, but in case you spent them on something else, just do some Fates in the surrounding area to quickly reach 200.

    The Quartermaster will always be the rightmost NPC on the counter, regardless of your faction
    The Quartermaster will always be the rightmost NPC on the counter, regardless of your faction

  • It's worth remembering that mounts in this game are items before going to the Mount Guide in the Menu. Therefore, whenever you acquire an item related to one, use it to enable the mount.

    This here is an example of an item that becomes a mount. It can be anything from a whistle to a crystal
    This here is an example of an item that becomes a mount. It can be anything from a whistle to a crystal

    Main Story Quests - MSQ

  • The main quest itself offers a range of mounts to obtain, even in the free trial. Among them, we have:

    Black Chocobo - Divine Intervention - MSQ LV 50
    Black Chocobo - Divine Intervention - MSQ LV 50

    Magitek Armor - Ultimate Weapon - MSQ LV 50
    Magitek Armor - Ultimate Weapon - MSQ LV 50

    Manacutter - Into the Aery - MSQ LV 55
    Manacutter - Into the Aery - MSQ LV 55

    A Dragon because spoilers - Fetters of Lament - MSQ LV 59
    A Dragon because spoilers - Fetters of Lament - MSQ LV 59

    Yol - Footsteps of Bardam the Brave - MSQ LV 65
    Yol - Footsteps of Bardam the Brave - MSQ LV 65


  • Who knew being a nice person would earn you rewards, huh? Receiving “Commendations” occurs at the end of an activity, and you can give them to only one player, as long as they are not in your party that entered the dungeon. When you accumulate 500 Commendations, an achievement is unlocked and a golden mount appears for you

    Hmmmm shiny...!!
    Hmmmm shiny...!!

  • Still within the Commendations achievements, there is another mount, however this one requires 3,000 Commendations, which is quite a farm to get.


    The heavy weight of the mounts, in all their glory
    The heavy weight of the mounts, in all their glory

    Job mounts

  • Yes, there are mounts linked to some of the jobs in the game, and they are not difficult to obtain, but they require a good amount of farming time:


    Each of them has two mounts, one animal and an armored version of it. These mounts are linked to an achievement in the Battle tab, which consists of carrying out a certain number of activities as a Tanker. Remembering that to access your achievements, just go to Character Menu > Achievement. The activities are:

  • Any dungeon level 61 or higher;

  • Any Extreme Trial level 61 or higher;

  • Unreal Trials, however, these are disabled until patch 7.1;

  • High-Level Dungeons Roulette, however, it only counts when the daily bonus is available;

  • Leveling Roulette, however, it only counts when the daily bonus is available;

    You can see your progress by checking the following achievements in the mentioned tab:


  • “But Somebody’s Gotta Do It (Paladin)” and “Tank You, Paladin III”. The mount is a lion


  • “But Somebody’s Gotta Do It (Warrior)” and “Tank You, Warrior III”. The mount is a bear

    Dark Knight

  • “But Somebody’s Gotta Do It (Dark Knight)” and “Tank You, Dark Knight III”. The mount is a panther.


  • It is worth remembering that this tanker is not available in the free trial.

  • “Tank You, Gunbreaker II” and “Tank You, Gunbreaker III”. The mount is a saber-toothed tiger.

    My poor tiger is still cold, but I'll get his armor soon
    My poor tiger is still cold, but I'll get his armor soon


    You didn't read it wrong, the Conjurer, not the White Mage, has a unique mount. To unlock it, just do the job quests up to level 30, go back to the guild and get the quest Unicorn Powerlink outside website. Remember to unequip the Job Stone if you are a White Mage; otherwise the quest cannot be done.

    There is beauty in simplicity
    There is beauty in simplicity


  • Guess what? Just fish it! As a fisherman, do the quest All the Fish in the Sealink outside website to unlock Ocean Fishing. It’s an activity that works as a kind of Raid for fishermen, in which a group of 24 players goes on a boat to fish in the most diverse locations. To get the mount, in just one trip, you need to earn a total of 10,000 points, and then just get the item that unlocks the mount in Achievement.

    I can only imagine the look on common people's faces when someone catches one of these
    I can only imagine the look on common people's faces when someone catches one of these

    Tips for Ocean Fishing

  • Depending on the weather conditions, places visited and other players, the trip may earn more or less points, so always have your best equipment on and bring some bottles of Cordial or Hi-Cordial;


  • Before leaving for your trip, have at least 20 free spaces in your inventory and whenever you can, sell or discard fish so that they do not clog your inventory. These fish are not worth gil, so you can sell them to the NPC without fear;

  • During travel, an event called Spectral Current may occur once per stop. During a 2-minute window, all fish caught will give you many more points, so always keep a reserve of “mana” to use your skills and increase your points;

  • Always try to complete the side quests that appear in a window during the activity. It’s simple things like “Catch X fish with !”. This means that your team needs to catch X amount of fish with the pull of one “!”. Skills like Identical Cast and Slap Surface are great for manipulating your chances of getting what you want.

    Jonathas Achievement Store

  • In Old Grindania, there is an NPC that exchanges your achievement points for different types of cosmetics, be it minions, clothes or our objective here: Mounts. In your store, go to the “Others” tab. There, there are 3 items that cost 6 coins, and these three are the mounts below:

    Jonathas’s Location
    Jonathas’s Location


    Unlocked by the item “Behemoth Warhorn
    Unlocked by the item “Behemoth Warhorn"


    Unlocked by the item “Voidal Resonator”
    Unlocked by the item “Voidal Resonator”

    Magitek Deathclaw

    This mount is unlocked by the item “Magitek Death claw Identification”
    This mount is unlocked by the item “Magitek Death claw Identification”

    Beast Tribes

  • Throughout the game, there are Beast tribes, also known as Allied Societies that offer daily quests, which can be for combat, crafting or collecting jobs. Doing these quests increases your reputation with the group and at maximum level, a mount will be available for purchase in the faction store.

    You can check your reputation level with each society by viewing your status and going to the reputation tab.

  • It is worth remembering that the ideal is to farm the Beast Tribes after the end of your expansion base. For example, Stormblood societies, it's good to finish the Stormblood base, which is around level 70 quests, so you can fly on the maps.

    A Realm Reborn Societies - ARR

  • The good thing about starting with the ARR ones is that the ARR mounts cost 120,000 Gil each, so it's a good way to use up the excess if you're close to the limit.

    Amalj'aa - Combat

  • To unlock it, just do the Peace for Thanalanlink outside website

    Amalj'aa’s Society Drake
    Amalj'aa’s Society Drake

    Sylph - Combat

  • To unlock it, just do the quest Seeking Solacelink outside website


    Sylph’s Goodbye - Rank 4
    Sylph’s Goodbye - Rank 4

    Ixals - Craft

  • To unlock it, just do the quest A bad Bladderlink outside website

  • We also have a complete crafting guide here on the website, check it out!

    Ixals’s Direwolf - Rank 7
    Ixals’s Direwolf - Rank 7

    Kobolds - Combat

  • To unlock it, just do the quest Highway Robberylink outside website

    Kobolds’s Stool - Rank 4
    Kobolds’s Stool - Rank 4

    Sahagin - Combat

  • To unlock it, just do the quest They Came from the Deeplink outside website

    Sahagin’s Elbst - Rank 4
    Sahagin’s Elbst - Rank 4

    Heavensward Societies

    Moggles - Craft/Collection

  • Unlike the others, the quest that releases the Moogles only appears after a long sequence of common side quests, starting with A Pebble for Your Thoughtslink outside website. Once you finish one, the next one will be at the same NPC that finished the previous one, or very close. In total, there will be 19 quests. Herelink outside website is the sequence and locations of each of them for you to follow.

    Moogles' Cloud Mallow - Rank 7
    Moogles' Cloud Mallow - Rank 7

    Vath - Combat

  • To unlock it, just do the quest The Naming of Vathlink outside website

    Gnath’s Kongamato - Rank 7
    Gnath’s Kongamato - Rank 7

    Vanu Vanu - Combat

  • To unlock it, just do the quest Three Beaks to the Windlink outside website

    Vanu Vanu’s Sanuwa - Rank 7
    Vanu Vanu’s Sanuwa - Rank 7

    Stormblood Societies

    Namazu - Craft

  • Still on the Moogles vibe, but on a smaller scale, the Namazu require you to do two quest chains, starting with Courage the Cowardly Lupinlink outside website and Perchance to Hanamilink outside website. With both completed, just do Something Fishy This Way Comeslink outside website and the quest right after to unlock the society.

    Namazu float - Rank 8
    Namazu float - Rank 8

    Ananta - Combat

  • Just like the Namazu, two sequences need to be done to unlock this society. Starting with The rose Blooms Twicelink outside website, and then doing Brooding Broodmotherlink outside website


    Griffin (Rank 8) and Ananta Elephant (Rank 7)
    Griffin (Rank 8) and Ananta Elephant (Rank 7)

    Kojin - Combat

  • Just complete Heaven-sentlink outside website

    Kojin’s Stingray
    Kojin’s Stingray

    Gold Saucer

  • We couldn't leave it out, so we have a kind of casino in the game too, and it has a whole range of mounts for sale in the store, all of them for sale for the casino's own currency, which is perfectly farmable in the free trial. The store where these mounts are found can be accessed at the main counter of the Gold Saucer, and to get there you must have completed the quest It Could Happen to Youlink outside website, located in Ul'dah, just outside the city's teleporter.

    The mounts are in Prize Exchange III
    The mounts are in Prize Exchange III

  • If you have done the quest and don't remember how to get there, you can travel to it via Aetherythe, located in Ul'dah, or by taking a flying boat from the “Airship Landing” in any main city.

    Casino Mounts

    Archon Throne - 750.000 MGP
    Archon Throne - 750.000 MGP

    Typhon - 750.000 MGP
    Typhon - 750.000 MGP

    Sabotender - 2 million MGP
    Sabotender - 2 million MGP

    Adamantoise - 200.000 MGP
    Adamantoise - 200.000 MGP

    Korkoppur Kolossus - 750.000 MGP
    Korkoppur Kolossus - 750.000 MGP

    Fenrir - 1 million MGP
    Fenrir - 1 million MGP

    Carries up to four players! - 4 million MGP
    Carries up to four players! - 4 million MGP

    Farming Gold Saucer coins

  • Before starting, have your Challenge log unlocked. It offers several weekly bonuses.

  • On the weekends, there is an event called Fashion Report, which involves a fashion challenge in which the player needs to come up with some clothes and some paint and make a presentation. A performance of 80 points or more offers 60,000 coins and is generally easy to do, but varies from week to week. The necessary clothes and paints can be found on social media or reddit by searching for “FF XIV Fashion Report”. Look for posts that are recent and no older than 3 days.

    Extreme Trials

  • Trials are more elaborate fights against bosses, in which 8 players come together to defeat a powerful enemy. However, there is the possibility of doing these fights in “Extreme” mode, in which these bosses gain extra mechanics and drop new prizes when defeated. And guess what? Among those, there are mounts.


  • Because these are very elaborate and old fights, nowadays, the standard is to do the fight in an “Unsych” way. With this option enabled, the game will not synchronize your level with the fight, so you can go in alone, at level 70 with all your stats and skills, and blast a level 50 Extreme boss. This option can be found in the Duty Menu > Duty Finder. Then, click on the gear in the top left and activate the second option.

  • Another way would be to open an ad in the Party Finder menu and put together a party to go get that content, however, free trials cannot create this type of ad, but they can participate in an existing one. You can see what you are currently searching for by going to the Party > Party Finder Menu.

    Each expansion has its own set of mounts, and each boss has a variation of the set, for example, a fire-themed boss, in A Realm Reborn - ARR, has a fire horse as his mount, as the ARR set is horses. Following this line, we have:

  • A Realm Reborn: Horses

  • Heavensward: Eagles

  • Stormblood: Wolves

    I won't include the rest of the expansions, as they are not part of the free trial, but they also have their unique sets.

    A Realm Reborn Extremes

    Each with thematic colors of the boss who drops it!
    Each with thematic colors of the boss who drops it!

    In the base game, not all extremes offer mounts, and to avoid spoilers, I will only say the name of the boss arena. Keep in mind that it’s not guaranteed that the mount will appear right away, and you may have to fight several times to obtain it. The fights available at ARR are:

  • The Howling Eye Extreme, unlocked during the quest Gale-Force Warninglink outside website

  • The Navel Extreme, unlocked during the quest Quake Me Up Before You O'Ghomorolink outside website

  • The Bowl of Embers Extreme, unlocked during the quest Ifrit Ain´t Brokelink outside website

  • The Whorleater Extreme, unlocked during the quest Whorl of a Timelink outside website

  • The Striking Tree, unlocked during the quest Judgment Bolts and Lightninglink outside website

  • The Akh Afah Amphitheatre Extreme, unlocked during the quest Drop Dead Shivalink outside website

    The Kirin

    After acquiring all the horses, the quest A Legend for a Legendlink outside website will appear in Mor Dhona and by completing it, a new horse will appear and become yours.

    I was surprised to see these wings for the first time
    I was surprised to see these wings for the first time

    Heavensward Extremes

    In addition to the colors, the eagles also have boss effects. This one releases bubbles, for example
    In addition to the colors, the eagles also have boss effects. This one releases bubbles, for example


    The extremes of HW are a little more complicated to go alone at level 70, and from that point on I would recommend at least two people at the same level for the farm to be viable. The fights available on HW are:

  • The Limitless Blue Extreme, unlocked at the quest The Diabolical Bismarcklink outside website

  • Thok as Thok Extreme, unlocked during the quest Thok Around the Clocklink outside website

  • The Minstrel's Ballad: Thordan's Reign, unlocked during the quest Thordan`s Reignlink outside website

  • The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage, unlocked during the quest Nidhogg`s Ragelink outside website

  • Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme), unlocked during the quest A Fiendish Likenesslink outside website

  • Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme), unlocked during the quest A Deific Simulacrumlink outside website

  • Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme), unlocked during the quest A Demonic Duplicatelink outside website

    The Firebird

    Just like in ARR, when you acquire all the eagles, the quest Fiery Wings, Fiery Heartslink outside website, which will grant you something that is definitely not a phoenix, becomes available.

    That's definitely not a phoenix!
    That's definitely not a phoenix!

    Stormblood Extremes

    Yes, I also saw Okami there
    Yes, I also saw Okami there

    As the fights in this expansion are aligned with your maximum level, the option to go “Unsynced” and solo no longer works. Now it would be ideal to find groups or at least some friends to accompany you on the farm. Remember that the more people, the faster. Unlike the previous ones, SB's Extreme mode is unlocked by talking to the same NPC, right after doing the normal boss mode. He’s found in Kugane under the quest Songs in the Key of Kuganelink outside website. The available fights are:

  • The Pool of Tribute (Extreme)

  • Emanation (Extreme)

  • The Minstrel's Ballad: Shinryu's Domain

  • The Jade Stoa (Extreme)

  • The Minstrel's Ballad: Tsukuyomi's Pain

  • Hells' Kier (Extreme)

  • The Wreath of Snakes (Extreme)

    The Nine-Tailed Fox

    When acquiring all wolves from the Stormblood trials. With them in hand, go to Kugane and look for the quest A Lone Wolf no Morelink outside website. It will give you an item that will unlock a Kyuubi, the Nine-Tailed Fox.

    The infamous...
    The infamous...


    Raids in Savage Mode

    The Savage mode of the Normal Raids represent the peak of difficulty in the period in which they were released, however, nowadays, the majority can be speedrunned using the same method that I mentioned in the Extreme Trials, but the difference is that the Normal Raids in the Savage mode that I will list below have a 100% chance of the mount coming.

    Heavensward’s Savage

  • Burden of the Father (Savage)

    Ammo not included
    Ammo not included

  • Soul of the Creator (Savage)

    If you wanted a robot as a mount, here you go
    If you wanted a robot as a mount, here you go

    Stormblood’s Savage

  • Deltascape 4.0 (Savage)

    For a change, a serpent with wings
    For a change, a serpent with wings

  • Sigmascape 4.0 (Savage)

    The change didn’t last long, check out this plane over here
    The change didn’t last long, check out this plane over here

  • Alphascape 4.0 (Savage)

    Don't ask me where the player goes when flight mode is activated
    Don't ask me where the player goes when flight mode is activated


  • After completing Heavensward, the Firmament is a place made for rebuilding the city, and there is a whole mechanic in which you collect resources and craft products and supplies to help the homeless, similar to how Crafter's Collectables work.

  • When the requested items are delivered, Scripts are generated, and they can be used to purchase the mounts listed below:

    Pegasus - 4.200 Scripts
    Pegasus - 4.200 Scripts

    Albino Karaku - 8.400 Scripts
    Albino Karaku - 8.400 Scripts

    Big Shell - 8.400 Scripts
    Big Shell - 8.400 Scripts

    Ufiti - 8.400 Scripts
    Ufiti - 8.400 Scripts

    Antelope Doe - 8.400 Scripts
    Antelope Doe - 8.400 Scripts

    Megalotragus - 8.400 Scripts
    Megalotragus - 8.400 Scripts

    Antelope Stag - 30 FT tokens
    Antelope Stag - 30 FT tokens


  • Eureka is a Field Operation and was the first of its kind to be put in-game. Being a free trial, this can be considered its endgame, as within Eureka, many of the rules of the base game are changed, such as, for example, having a separate level system and a dangerous open world with threats everywhere.

  • But if that doesn't intimidate you, Eureka offers some mounts from lootboxes when doing some events on each map. The events themselves always revolve around protecting some “rabbits”, focus on the quotes. After protecting them, use the item in your inventory that will be in your quest items to guide you to the marked location. The item itself is a bunny carrot. There you will get a lootbox that may have a mount, but it is not guaranteed;


    Eurekean Petrel - Eureka Hydratos Lootbox
    Eurekean Petrel - Eureka Hydratos Lootbox

    Eldthurs - Eureka Pyros Lootbox
    Eldthurs - Eureka Pyros Lootbox

    Tyranossaur Rex - Eureka Anemos Lootbox
    Tyranossaur Rex - Eureka Anemos Lootbox

    Honorable Mentions

  • Demi-Ozma, due to the farming, organization and difficulty in obtaining it, comes in as an honorable mention. In this case, to even do the raid that drops it, you need to have your elemental level up to 60 and complete the Baldesion Arsenal.

    Assumes up to 3 geometric shapes, depending on the terrain!
    Assumes up to 3 geometric shapes, depending on the terrain!

  • Keep an eye out for seasonal events and Moogle Treasure. The last one I mentioned is an event in which you do some scheduled activities and earn tokens that can be exchanged for mounts from ARR Societies and even some from Extreme.


    I always knew this game had plenty of mounts available, but I didn't expect there to be so many in the free trial. It took a lot of work, but bringing this type of information and showing those who are new that there is a lot of content, right off the gate in the Free Trial, is very rewarding.

    Well, if I ended up missing a mount, feel free to mention it in the comments and see you next time!