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Final Fantasy XIV: Job Leveling Guide (Patch 7.01)

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Leveling up each Job is one of the most time-consuming but also most fun tasks in Final Fantasy XIV, and in this article, we present a guide on how to level up quickly in Patch 7.0, with different methods from level 1 to 100!

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translated by Meline Hoch

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revised by Romeu

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Table of contents

  1. > Getting Started
  2. > First Steps: Level 1 to Level 15
  3. > Daily Roulettes, Challenge Log - Level 15
    1. Challenge Log
    2. Roulettes
    3. Unlocking Roulettes - Level 50
    4. Wondrous Tails - Level 60
  4. > Bozja and Zadnor- Level 71
    1. Unlocking Bozja
    2. Unlocking Zadnor
  5. > Honorable Mentions
    1. Deep Dungeons
    2. Dungeon Spam
    3. Dawntrail Fates Spam
  6. > Conclusion

We're fully into patch 7.0 of Final Fantasy XIV, with two new jobs in the game to try out, and 10 more levels for the ones we've already been playing as. Also, it’s common for us to want to use several jobs with different functions, either to experiment or to maximize our experience with the game.

But what exactly are the essential preparations for leveling up quickly? Which methods are the most efficient? In this article, we have prepared a guide with everything you need to know about Leveling in Final Fantasy XIV!


Getting Started

To level up quickly, it's good to know what experience bonuses the game offers, and believe me, there are many that aren't widely publicized, for example:

  • Food buff: Just be under the effect of any food and all your XP gained in combat is increased by 3%. I always recommend buying orange juice at the Limsa Lominsa market.

  • Heat of Battle: This one depends on activating it, but you can acquire it through Company Seals, and its bonus varies from 5% to 15%.

  • Rested: The hint is in the name, leaving your character in a sanctuary when logging out accumulates a bonus experience that will be used when acquired through roulettes, combat and the such.

    The blue part means there will be bonus XP for that entire level
    The blue part means there will be bonus XP for that entire level

    Equipments with EXP Boost

    Some equipment grant experience bonuses and are available in-game:

  • Brand New Ring offers 30% more XP up to level 30, and is a Hall of Novice reward.

  • Friendship Circlet offers 20% more XP up to level 25, and is a reward for being referred by a friend. You also earn it if you refer someone. To do so, simply follow the instructions on the Referral Campaignlink outside website website;

  • Borjzan Earring offers 10% more XP from levels 71 to 80, and is a reward for the achievement “Lost and Found IV”, which involves opening 1,000 fragments with the NPC Appraiser. This achievement refers to a Field Operation, which will be covered in more detail below.


  • Mentor Bonus: If you are a beginner and have a Mentor in the party, they offer you 30% more XP up to LVL 89;

  • Armory Bonus: This bonus varies depending on your highest level job, working as follows: assuming you have a job at LVL 50, all your other jobs will have a 100% XP bonus until you reach it. This bonus can be applied from level 1 to 89, and from 90 to 100, it is limited to 50%

    First Steps: Level 1 to Level 15

    After a long time, you finally gathered the courage to start a new job from scratch, but now you don't have the main story to level you up all the way.

  • Follow the starting quest for your new job, it usually asks for some common enemies to be defeated. During the quest, do Fates, which are like public events and, if completed, offer a modest amount of experience.

  • At level 5, go back for the new job quest and around that level, you will have access and be able to defeat the Hunting Log creatures with ease. To access it, simply go to the Logs > Hunting Log menu.

    Hunting log with the monsters to be hunted
    Hunting log with the monsters to be hunted

    Notice the icon above the monster. That means it's a Hunting Log target
    Notice the icon above the monster. That means it's a Hunting Log target

  • From level 10, start doing the Hall of the Novice. To access it, simply go to Menu Duty > Hall of the Novice. It works as a tutorial for the functions that each job performs in a party and at the end, you not only get the ring that gives bonus XP but also good armor that lasts until level 30;


    Hall of Novice access window
    Hall of Novice access window

    At level 10, you will be able to do Guild Heists and Levequests.

  • Guild Heists are like mini dungeons and don't offer much XP, but they can be used to vary methods.

  • Levequests are small repeatable missions carried out in the open world and with simple objectives, such as "defeat X monsters in Y location". You can pick up these quests by speaking to Levemete in the tavern in the main town of each area:

    Counter to access Levequests in the Grindania area
    Counter to access Levequests in the Grindania area

  • After accepting a Levequest, travel to the designated location, open your Journal and start the quest using the "initiate" button, as shown in the image below:

    When opening your mission log, Levequests are always at the bottom of the list
    When opening your mission log, Levequests are always at the bottom of the list

    Daily Roulettes, Challenge Log - Level 15

    These will be your best allies in the quest to level up quickly, as there are great daily and weekly experience boosts, which are easily accessible:

    Challenge Log

  • Challenge Log are weekly objectives that you can complete to get extra experience, and they encompass several activities throughout the game, including crafting, gatherer and mini-games. To unlock this function, simply complete the quest Rising to the Challengelink outside website

    To open this menu, go to Menu Logs > Challenge Log
    To open this menu, go to Menu Logs > Challenge Log


  • From this level onwards, with access to the instanced dungeons, the ideal is to do the daily roulettes that you have access to. They offer an XP boost the first time they are performed each day, and their daily reset occurs at noon, the weekly reset occurring on Tuesdays.

    To access this menu, just go to menu Duty > Duty Finder
    To access this menu, just go to menu Duty > Duty Finder

    There are several roulette wheels in the game and in general, they are the best way to gain experience per hour without making the gameplay too tedious. Among those shown in the image, always focus on doing Leveling, Alliance Raids and Main Scenario if what you are looking for are the highest amounts of XP.

    Unlocking Roulettes - Level 50

  • High-Level Dungeons: Have at least 2 non-Main Quest Scenario Level 50 or higher dungeons available.

  • Leveling Roulette: You just need to have completed two dungeons, which the main quest itself already provides you with;

  • Trials: Have unlocked at least two Trials type fights, which are like Boss Fights. The fights in this roulette only include content at level 50 and above;

  • Main Scenario: Just finish the base ARR and you will have access to the three dungeons included in this roulette. It's easy to know which ones these are, as they have long, unskippable cutscenes;


  • Normal Raids: Available from level 60 onwards, after finishing Heavensward, unlock Alexander's first set and the roulette wheel will be available;

  • Alliance Raids: Right after the end of ARR, look for the quest Legacy of Allaglink outside website. It will unlock the first set of Alliance Raids, and with it, the roulette wheel;

  • Frontline: This is the PVP roulette, so free trials will not have access to it, but if you already have the game, just go to Wolf's Den and unlock this roulette. You need to be level 30 and already have the Soul Crystal equipped;

    Wondrous Tails - Level 60

    Around level 60, there will be a quest in Iddlyshire to unlock Wondrous Tails, which is another weekly bonus to look for. It consists of a book located in your quest items and comes with some goals, such as “Complete a dungeon from level 1-49” or “Play a PVP match”.

    Always remember to collect the stamps by going to the inventory and the Quest Items tab
    Always remember to collect the stamps by going to the inventory and the Quest Items tab

    How does Wondrous Tails work?

  • There are 16 possible objectives to be achieved, but only 9 are needed to close the book for the week;

  • Whenever you complete an objective, a random stamp will be placed on the right, and completing lines offers additional rewards;

  • The “Second Chance” button offers two options: the first allows you to reset an objective, letting you repeat it, and the other reorganizes the seals already placed, which may or may not facilitate the formation of lines;

  • “Second Chance” tokens are earned whenever an activity is done for the first time or someone in the group is doing it for the first time. This happens quite often, so don't be afraid to use these tokens;

  • When you have placed 9 stamps on the book, return to Khloe in Iddlyshire and deliver. XP is offered for the job you are in when you make the delivery, so it is possible to do everything with a healer or tanker, to speed up, and deliver with a DPS.

    Bozja and Zadnor- Level 71

    Field Operations Bozja and Zadnor are two of the best places to level up quickly if you are a DPS. Here, you can keep repeating Fates and Critical Engagements, which are basically more elaborate Fates, and offer more XP.

    Unlocking Bozja

  • As a prerequisite, you will need to have completed the Stormblood Alliance Raids, also known as Ivalice Raids;

  • Having completed the raids, go to Kugane and look for the mission Hail the Queenlink outside website. This quest chain will take you to the Bozjan Southern Front.

    Tips for Bozja

  • As soon as you enter the instance, see if there are many active players. Go to the Party > Party Members menu and then go to the Adventurer's List tab. See if there are enough people to help the Fates occur, a good number is around 40 players;

  • As soon as you enter, use the chat to look for a party that is farming “CE”, which are the Critical Engagements;


  • As you progress through the areas, stop occasionally to read the “Lost Skills”. They are acquired by opening fragments obtained during exploration with an "Appraiser" NPC in the camps. They offer benefits that make a difference in some encounters;

    Unlocking Zadnor

  • Players need to be at least on Level 80 to unlock Zadnor, and have completed the Main Story Quest Futures Rewritten and the Fit for a Queen quest.

  • Then players must talk to Marsak in Gangos to start the quest A New Playing Field, which unlocks the dungeon.

    Honorable Mentions

    Deep Dungeons

  • These are dungeons that have some mechanics and their own Leveling system, in which upon completing 10 floors, an amount of XP is offered. It's very repetitive and if the entire party is defeated before completing a set of 10 floors, the XP is lost. If you want to use it as an alternative method, try repeating floors 40 to 50, they are a viable option for lower levels.

  • To access the Palace of the Dead, simply do the quest The House that Death Builtlink outside website, and then go to Quarrymill, in South Shroud and talk to Wood Wailer Expeditionary Captain;

    Dungeon Spam

    Similar to Deep Dungeons in the sense of repetition, a viable way is also to repeat the highest level dungeons that are available, but avoiding those that are at the maximum level of the expansion, for example: the level 49 dungeon gives more XP than a level 50 dungeon. This is because level 50 dungeons weren't developed to give XP, since at the time of their release, 50 was the maximum level.

    Dawntrail Fates Spam

  • If you are reading this article in the first few months of Dawntrail, many players are racing to complete Shared Fates, which are achievements related to doing a certain number of Fates in Dawntrail reas. In groups, these Fates end quickly and offer an average of 500,000 XP for a level 90 job. Always take a look at the Party Finder and see if there is such a group active on your server, just go to the Party Menu > Party Finder.


    With all these tools in hand, I managed to level up 10 levels of the new DPS Melee, Viper, in one day, of which we have a guidelink outside website here on the website! The secret is knowing how to make the most of the bonuses the game offers and vary the activities to make it less overwhelming and forced.

    If you have any questions, I'll be available in the comments! Thanks for reading!