

Valorant: How to play as Killjoy in 2024

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Check out our Killjoy guide and get to know more hints and tips to play and use better this agent's abilities in Valorant!

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被某某人翻译 Meline Hoch

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审核人 Romeu

Edit Article


  1. > Killjoy Abilities
    1. Alarmbot
    2. Turret
    3. Nanoswarm
    4. Lockdown
  2. > Gameplay
  3. > Hints to play as Killjoy
    1. Defense
    2. Attack
    3. Killjoy is good against
    4. How to counter Killjoy
  4. > Conclusion

Released in August 2020, Killjoy is one of the first Valorant agents. Known for her German origins and high-tech tools, it didn't take long for her to become one of the most beloved and played characters by the community.

Her skill kit is very consistent, making her efficient in most metagames.

We've worked on a complete guide to teach you how to play her both on the defensive side and in attacking rounds. Check it out!

Killjoy Abilities


Leaves a small robot on the ground, which is fired when it finds a nearby enemy, dealing damage and making the enemy vulnerable for a while. Alarmbot will be turned off if Killjoy moves too far away from it.



This is her signature ability, which we get for free every round. She equips a Turret on the map that shoots enemies within its range, a 180º cone. The Turret will be turned off if Killjoy moves too far away from it.


Throws a grenade on the ground, which will only be activated when you use the command, regardless of the distance. It deals considerable damage in a large area.


Her Ultimate is a device that, after a long channeling time, will stop all opponents within a huge radius, leaving them extremely slow and unable to attack.

Note that Killjoy's abilities are gadgets, which means that all of them can be destroyed by taking a certain amount of shots. Watch the video:


Killjoy is a sentinel, so he has a more defensive role during the match, and her abilities prove this. Her goal is to protect the bomb in defender rounds, and to detect the presence of opponents on the flank (behind) when playing as an attacker.

Hints to play as Killjoy


Strategically position your Turret and Alarmbot. Both are efficient detection tools, warning you if enemies enter your bomb.

I recommend leaving a Nanoswarm within the robot's range, and another at one of the entrances protected by the turret. Activate them when you receive a signal from your opponents. This will give your allies additional time to position themselves.

Another idea is to use one of these grenades with the robot or turret, and throw the other at a specific pixel in the bomb area where players usually plant the Spike. This will save you a lot of time, even if the enemy entrance is strong and forces everyone to retreat.

Check this video to understand this concept:

As you can see, she can defend a field on her own, in this case Haven's C. Not that you'll be fighting on equal terms with your enemies, but your gadgets are already enough to cover all the bomb entrances.

In this case, the turret will warn the opponents who will enter through the Double Door, and the Robot will detect those who advance in the long, but it could easily invert them, as there are several pixels for each piece of equipment on all maps. Your grenades will keep them away from the Spike's plant area, allowing you to wait for your team to arrive.

In a head-to-head fight, Killjoy is disadvantaged because she's not very mobile and doesn't have combat skills like a duelist. Therefore, you and your bomb partner, if you have one, should play from the back, there's no need to expose yourself to get any information, your gadgets are already in charge of that function.

Just stay safe to activate the nanoswarms when necessary, and communicate with the team if you notice an enemy advance.


The positioning of your skills continues to be the most important topic for the agent, even in attack rounds. It’s important to place the robot and the turret behind where your team is entering, preferably with a grenade to slow them down.


However, I strongly recommend saving at least one nanoswarm to use on the Spike after your team plants it. Simply activate it when you hear the opponent's deactivation click, forcing them to retreat until its effect ends.

Try to be creative with the location of this ability. You can place it on top of or behind another surface, but in a way that will still hit the Spike. Many players already expect to find it in the area where the bomb was planted, and we know that it’s possible to see it up close, giving them room to destroy your nanoswarm.

This was just an example, it may even be a little expected by the enemies, but understand the concept, on other maps there will be countless possibilities to do this.

Killjoy is good against

Any slow character with few destruction tools is fragile against her. Given that they will need to show their face to eliminate her devices, they will have to retreat if they fall into the area of ​​a nanoswarm.

How to counter Killjoy

Killjoy is nothing without technology, and agents like Raze and Sova can exploit this weakness, as they have efficient abilities to destroy her devices.

Of course, you will be warned when you lose your devices, but you will have less time to protect yourself or ask your team for help, since you won't gain time with grenades.

Agents with dashes or speed spells will be able to get out of range of your skills quickly, without taking excessive damage, and quickly reach the bomb to face you before your allies arrive.

To avoid these situations, always try to change the locations of your equipment, this will be essential to prevent them from being destroyed.


I hope this article was helpful to you! I'm open to questions and suggestions in the comments!