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In this article, we present a new build for the Witch Doctor that transforms the support into a true...
Dota2 Build Guide Strategy
Pedro Fernandes
Hazard is the new tank in Overwatch 2, get to know his skills and see his potential to make a differ...
guide hazard hazard overwatch 2 tips hazard
Luiz Otávio
Complete guide with everything you need to know about tankers in Final Fantasy XIV and how to use th...
Guide tankers tanks DRK GNB PLD WAR
Today we'll discuss how to play as a tank in Overwatch 2! This is one of the classes that requires t...
tank guide ow2 how to play as a tank in ow2
Leveling up each Job is one of the most time-consuming but also most fun tasks in Final Fantasy XIV,...
Guide lvling fast DPS TANK HEALER