Get ready to travel through the realms!

In books, movies and games, it’s common for us to fall in love with worlds brimming with fantasy, full of magic, mystical creatures and heroes destined to shape the fate of their realms. The Elder Scrolls saga, from its beginning to the epic Skyrim, is a unique journey through vast lands filled with secrets, exploring the ages and unraveling secrets from its realms.
The Primordial Age and the Birth of Magic

The history unravels in the primordial ages, where magic and mythology come together. The discovery of the powers of Ebony and Heart of Lorkhan marks the beginning of an age of magic and extraordinary feats. The people from Tamriel started to explore the arcane arts, unleashing events which will bring about epic confrontations and the rise of beings of great power.
The influence of the Aedra and Daedra shapes the destiny of mortals, as empires rise and fall. Tamriel becomes a stage set for wars and intrigues, with ancient prophecies and magical artifacts having fundamental roles to play as the story is told.
The Elder Scrolls: Arena

The Elder Scrolls: Arena happens in 3E 389, and Tamriel is deep into chaos. The emperor Uriel Septim VII is betrayed by his old ally, Jagar Tharn, who imprisons him in an alternate dimension. The player steps into the shoes of a prisoner forced to compete in a mortal arena. By winning battles, the prisoner wins the trust of important figures and embarks on a journey to free the emperor and save Tamriel.
The search for the Staff of Chaos takes the hero through several provinces, facing mystic creatures, evil cults and unveiling old secrets. In its climax, the prisoner faces Jagar Tharn himself and restores the order in Tamriel, proving to be the true hero of that age.
The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall

Daggerfall, set in the year of 3E 405, takes the players to the provinces of High Rock and Hammerfell. The plot is set around the murder of the king Lysandus and the war between Daggerfall and Sentinel. The emperor’s agent entrusted with investigating the murder unearths a larger conspiracy, involving secret factions and powerful artifacts.
The journey takes the agent through various and vast locations, from dungeons crawling with creatures to intriguing cities. The climax reveals the machinations of the King of Worms and the truth behind the events, allowing the agent to shape the political destiny of Daggerfall.
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

In Morrowind, set in the year of 3E 427, the player takes the part of a prisoner freed by the emperor to fulfill a prophecy. The plot involves the threat of a false god, Dagoth Ur, and the need to take back the legendary Trueflame, to face this threat.
The journey takes our hero through the exotic lands of Vvardenfell, facing unique creatures and interacting with several factions. The climax happens in the Red Mountain, where the player faces Dagoth Ur and decides Morrowind’s fate, marking the fulfillment of the prophecy and the beginning of a new chapter in the continent’s history.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Oblivion, set in 3E 433 introduces to us a storyline centered around the Oblivion demons invasion through the Kvatch gates. The protagonist, designated as the Cyrodiil Champion, embarks on a mission to close the gates and face the threat of Prince Daedra, Mehrunes Dagon.
The journey takes the hero through Tamriel, interacting with iconic figures such as Martin Septim and Sheogorath. The climax takes place in the Imperial City, where the champion faces Mehrunes Dagon and sacrifices themselves to save Tamriel. The prophecy is fulfilled, and Martin Septim becomes the Avatar of Akatosh, putting an end to the Oblivion invasion.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The events in Skyrim take place in 4E 20 and narrates the history of the Last Dragonborn, a hero destined to defeat Alduin, the World Eater and fulfill his role as the Dovahkiin. The plot unveils amidst the Skyrim Civil War, where the Stormcloaks rebels seek their independence and the empire strives to keep its sovereignty over the region.
The journey takes the Dragonborn through majestic Skyrim landscapes, facing dragons, exploring old ruins and deciding the outcome of the civil war. The climax unravels at the Dragon City, where the hero comes face to face with Alduin and decides the part the Dragons take in the future of Tamriel.
Racial Diversity in Elder Scrolls

The richness and diversity of Tamriel are molded not only by epic events, but also by the countless races and people who inhabit this vast continent. Each race in Elder Scrolls has its own history, culture and particular characteristics, contributing to the complexity and authenticity of the world. Let’s now explore some of the most notable races which populate the Elder Scrolls universe:

The nordics, or Nords, are known for their resistance to extreme cold temperatures and their skill in combat. Originally from Skyrim, they are descendants of the Atmorans, a warrior people who settled in the region. The Nords are valued for their martial abilities, adoration of the Nordic Gods and for being intrepid explorers.
High Elves

The Altmer, or High Elves, are an elvish race highly cultured and magical. Originally from Summerset Isle, the Altmer are known for their longevity, exceptional magic abilities and a highly stratified society. They are frequently seen as arrogant by other races, but their contribution to magic and culture is undeniable.

The Imperials are a human race from Cyrodiil, well known for their diplomatic talent and administration skills. Coming from a rich and traditional background in military and governing, the Imperials have a striking presence in Tamriel. Their capacity to adapt to several situations makes them influential leaders in many regions.

The Dunmer, or Dark Elves, are originally from Morrowind. Characterized by their blueish-gray skin and red eyes, the Dunmer have a strong connection to magic and ancestral traditions. Their society is a complex one, set apart by their unique relationship to the Daedra and a reverence for old traditions.

The Khajiit are a feline race natural to Elsweyr. Known for their furtive skills and agility, the Khajiit vary in appearance from humanoid cats to more traditional feline shapes. Their society is based around clans and commerce, many of them choosing a nomad lifestyle.

The Argonians are a reptilian race originally from the swamp regions of Black Marsh. Adapted to live in the swaps, they have a unique appearance and natural abilities. The Argonians live in a tribal society and are known for their magical skills and resistance to poisons.

The Orsimer, known as Orcs, have a history marked by wars and exile. Originally from Orsinium, a city many times destroyed and built back up, the Orcs are formidable warriors, forging specialists and have a strong clan culture.

The Bosmer are wood elves, originally from Valenwood. Known for their archery skills and the capacity to turn into beasts, the Bosmer have a particular relationship to nature. Their society is organized in clans, with a strong tradition of adoring Y'ffre, the god of the forest.

The Bretons are a human race which comes from High Rock, known by their distinct magical lineage. With a mixture of human and elvish blood, the Bretons have a natural affinity with magic. Their magical abilities and political talents make them a significant presence in Tamriel.

The Redguards are a human race from Hammerfell, known for their exceptional skills in combat and sword traditions. Originally from Yokuda, they have a rich history marked by migrations and adapting. The Redguards are skilled in many forms of martial arts.
The world of Elder Scrolls offers a rich narrative, filled with significant choices and epic events. Each title in the series contributes to the construction of an involving mythology, getting players deep into a unique experience for each of Tamriel’s ages. This is an invitation to explore the vast and fascinating Elder Scrolls universe, where legends are forged and destinies are bound to a tapestry of magic and adventure.
Setting their roots in 1994, the series has given us unforgettable experiences, from the lethal Daggerfall corridors to the vast snowy landscapes of Skyrim. With each protagonist, we bear witness to epic events, face legendary creatures and decide the fate of entire realms.
But what can we expect now, in Elder Scrolls VI? Leave a comment on what are your hopes for the next game in the franchise and what cannot be left out! Also check out our article on another fantastic RPG: Baldur's Gate!
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