Dominating the map with strategies and good utilities can be essential to your victory in Counter Strike 2, being one of the fundamental points beyond simply knowing how to exchange shots.
With that in mind, we at Um Gamer put together a guide on how to play TR well on Mirage in TR CS2!
How to play T-Side on Mirage in 2024
Bomb A
To perform well on Bomb A, three smokes are needed: Stairs, Conector and CT. You also need to have knowledge about some bangs and molotovs. Check it out below!
Starting with the smoke Stairs, you must approach the wood shown in the video, and focus on the same pixel. After that, it is important to pay attention and throw the grenade with the two buttons of the mouse together with a jumpthrow.
You can make the smoke Conector from the same spot, just by changing the pixel, focus on the corner of the same rock shown in the video below, and move your aim a little to the right. In this case, throw the grenade with just the left mouse button, and without jumpthrow.
Finally, use this pixel for the smoke CT, use a jumpthrow, launching the grenade with the left button.
Then, your team should have reached the following result:

This alone will make a big difference in your entry, especially in the lower ranks, but there are also some good bangs and molotovs to further improve your gameplay.
There are three flashbangs that I like for the bomb A, the first being made from the palace to blind the Jungle or Stairs marking you.
Use the same pixel shown in the video because if the bang is thrown from closer, it appears to the enemy well before it explodes, giving them time to look away.
See in the video that the CT will hardly see the bang coming, having no time to react.
Another good bang is a short one made for the CTs that are close to the Ramp. The benefit here is that, used from this pixel, it will not affect your allies inside the Ramp.
Finally, throw a bang towards the CT base if you are afraid of some AWP marking there.
The most classic molotov of the T-Side in bomb A is the Molotov in the Shadows. The pixel shown here is capable of burning even the player who climbs into the sandbox, making them flee from there.
After mastering Bomb
After planting the bomb in addition to the first kills, be careful with the arrival of CTs coming from Top Mid and bomb B, I recommend throwing a molotov in the jungle and a smoke in the Conector.
There are four fundamental smokes to conquer the middle of Mirage: Top Mid-Passage, Window, Conector and Catwalk.
If you want to go Top Mid and enter Catwalk or Underpass to plant the bomb in B, it is recommended to smoke Window and turn it on.

If your plan is to go through the Conector and enter A, smoke only window and Catwalk.

We do not mention the smoke pass in these cases, as it’s not at all mandatory, but it’s an option if you prefer it. It's simple, just jump on top of the trash can on the TR base and aim for the tip of the antenna:
We will use the same trash can as a reference to throw the smoke at the window, but don't jump on top of the can, just stay close as shown in the following video.
This may be the most difficult smoke, because after aiming at the pixel shown, you need to hold down the “D” key (to move a little to the right) and use jumpthrow quickly.
See two more videos demonstrating the smokes Catwalk and Conector respectively:
Remember not to smoke to the side your team wants to advance, smoke Catwalk only if you are going to enter through the Conector, or vice versa.
The only Molotov essential for the middle of Mirage is to burn the player in the window, usually an AWP. You can use this pixel shown in the following video to perform it safely, just be careful not to get shot coming through the Conector.
See that a jumpthrow is used.
Bomb B
For Bomb B, pay attention to the market and Catwalk, for ideal execution you need 4 smokes: market door (shadow), market window, in addition to the two paths of Catwalk.

But don't worry, although there are many smokes, you can do them all from the same place, take a look:
In this video, the two for Catwalk are shown in addition to the market window, for the door we will use this pixel:
With these utilities, you will increase your chance of winning, on top of making a difference for your team! It’s worth mentioning that Counter-Strike 2 is a team game, and each party needs to perform their roles appropriately to win the match.
If you have any questions or suggestions, leave a comment!
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