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Final Fantasy XIV: Crafting Guide

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In this article, we explore the main mechanics used in Final Fantasy XIV's Crafting system, and explain how to get started and which paths to take to improve your items!

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traduzido por Meline Hoch

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revisado por Romeu

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  1. > Crafting: Where to Begin?
    1. But Which is FFXIV’s Best Crafter?
  2. > Crafting
  3. > Crafting Combos
  4. > How to Effectively Level Up Crafting?
    1. MSQ Level 30
    2. MSQ Level 50 and Post-A Realm Reborn:
    3. MSQ Level 60 and Heavensward complete:
  5. > Collectables
  6. > Applying Materia and Desynthesis
  7. > Advanced Tips
  8. > Conclusion

Final Fantasy XIV is a game with several mechanics and activities that go far beyond combat and traditional exploration systems. Other resources and classes are used for complementary activities, but are as essential to the game as those that progress the main story quests.

In this article, we delve deeper into one of these jobs, the Crafters, with a guide to its main mechanics!

Crafting: Where to Begin?

Just like the game's starting jobs, Crafters have a skill tree and a guild, located in each of the three main cities. Their locations are:



  • New Gridania: Carpenter

  • Old Gridania: Leatherworker

    Limsa Lominsa

  • Upper Decks: Culinarean, Blacksmith and Armorer.

    Ul dah

  • Steps of thal: Goldsmith, Weaver and Alchemist.

    But Which is FFXIV’s Best Crafter?

    There isn't one that’s better than others. All Crafter options work with each other, and the ideal is to level them up equally to save equipment space, since they share sets.


    When equipping a Crafting job, always note its Control, Craftsmanship and CP (Crafting Points) statuses:

    Example of Crafter equipment
    Example of Crafter equipment

  • Craftsmanship defines how much progress you put in per Synthesis action.

  • Control defines how much quality you put in per Touch action.

  • Crafting Points are the equivalent of the Job's MP. Many skills require you to spend some amount to perform. Your CPs reset whenever a crafting action is completed.

    With a Crafter in hand, you can start producing. First, open your crafting log, usually located in your hotbar. If you can't find it, go to menu Logs > Crafting Log. It contains the recipes you currently know and the cost of each of them

    Crafting log
    Crafting log

    In this screen, we have a preview of what we are going to do:

    Progress: Defines how long it takes for the item to be ready. When completed, the craft ends;

    Quality: Defines the chance of the created item being HQ, aka high quality. Keep in mind that not all items have an HQ version;

    Durability: Defines how many steps the item can take before breaking. If it reaches 0, and the progress bar is incomplete, the craft will fail;

    Materials: Here you will define the materials to be used in production. HQ items offer an initial bonus to the quality bar of the final product;

    Trial Synthesis: Here you can train your craft without risking losing your items. I always recommend testing if you are unsure whether you will be able to finish;

    Quick Synthesis: Most used in mass production. With it, your character produces the item in a single step, with a chance of the item coming to HQ, based on your status;

    Craft: Here you start the craft itself;

    Condition: With each skill used, the item's condition will change randomly. These conditions offer both benefits and downsides. When you hover the mouse over it, you can see exactly what it will change in your next skill;

    Item Creation HUD
    Item Creation HUD

    Crafting Combos

    Yes, even the Crafters in this game have a rotation, and it is important to have a basis on how each skill works to adapt them to your equipment and level. As a rule, skills with “Touch” in the name will add quality at the cost of durability, and skills with “Synthesis” will add Progress at the cost of durability.

    It’s vital that you have a good notion of ​​how much progress you make on each of the bars to balance them according to your needs. Otherwise, a failure to finish may occur, wasting your materials.


    An example of a Crafting combo. Read from top left
    An example of a Crafting combo. Read from top left

    In this combo, you capitalize on using both Innovation and Great Strides for a massive quality boost. This is just an example of what you can do at the starting levels.

    How to Effectively Level Up Crafting?

    It all depends on which part of the main story, aka MSQ, you are in and how much you are willing to spend. The methods below are cumulative, that is, doing one does not prevent you from doing the other:

    MSQ Level 30

    It's around this level that you already have access to most of the base game's maps and access to the Grand Company. At your Grand Company HQ, you can deliver certain items daily, and they give you massive amounts of XP if it's a HQ item.

    You can see what your Grand Company needs by accessing the menu Duty > Timers > Next Mission Allowance menu.

    Timers Menu, showing how much time until the daily and weekly resets
    Timers Menu, showing how much time until the daily and weekly resets

    Item list: Required by the Grand Company that day
    Item list: Required by the Grand Company that day

    With the item in hand, simply go to your Company's HQ and speak to the Personnel Officer, and select the first option:

    Immortal Flames Grand Company Counter
    Immortal Flames Grand Company Counter

    Officer options menu. Select "Undertake supply mission
    Officer options menu. Select "Undertake supply mission"

    MSQ Level 50 and Post-A Realm Reborn:

    Here you have access to the Ixals, a beast tribe that offers daily crafting quests in the North Shroud area. To unlock them, simply complete the side quest A Bad Bladderlink outside website and its subsequent quest.

    MSQ Level 60 and Heavensward complete:

    From here, you have access to the best method of leveling up a crafter, which is through Ishgardian Restoration. To achieve this, complete the quest Towards the Firmamentlink outside website to gain access to the delivery area. Keep in mind that materials can be expensive, depending on when you start.


    Collectables are slightly more advanced Craftings which you exchange for Scripts, which in turn are the equivalent of the Tomestone of Poetics for Crafters.

    Collectables require you to create them with a certain quality minimum, that is, items below this minimum cannot be exchanged for Scripts. You can see this minimum when crafting the item. You can exchange these for several unique equipment and materials.

    To access them, you must first have arrived in the Heavensward regions. There you will find a quest in Foundation, which will take you to Revenant’s Toll, and from there you will unlock this function:


    Quest’s location
    Quest’s location

    Clerk in Uldah: On the left is the Script shop and on the right is the one that exchanges items for Script
    Clerk in Uldah: On the left is the Script shop and on the right is the one that exchanges items for Script

    Collectable Creation HUD
    Collectable Creation HUD

    Collectable Creation HUD with the minimum quality reached
    Collectable Creation HUD with the minimum quality reached

    Applying Materia and Desynthesis

    When you reach level 19 with any Disciple of the Hand, you will be able to place Materia to have additional statuses on your equipment. To do this, simply do the quest with F'hobhas, located in Central Thanalan (X:23.5, Y:13.9).

    Location of the quest which will give you the ability to "Fuse" Materia together
    Location of the quest which will give you the ability to "Fuse" Materia together

    At level 30, in Uldah Steps of Thal, you will be able to learn how to desynthesis items, which is an alternative to selling equipment that you no longer use. Also, keep in mind that to desynthesis an item, you must have the crafter who created the item be at a similar level. For example, to desynthesis a level 30 equipment made by Weaver, you must, at least, be a Level 20 Weaver.

    Location of the quest which will allow you to disassemble items
    Location of the quest which will allow you to disassemble items

    Advanced Tips

    ● In your Grand Company, speaking to the Quartermaster, you can purchase a training manual with Company Seals. They offer great XP boosts for a very affordable price:

    As you progress through the Grand Company, better scrolls become available
    As you progress through the Grand Company, better scrolls become available

    ● If you need a boost in your stats to craft, you can use food and teas to do so. They offer small boosts, but it can be the difference between a normal or HQ item:

    Food offering bonus control and more Crafting Points, allowing for more extensive combos during crafting
    Food offering bonus control and more Crafting Points, allowing for more extensive combos during crafting

    Teas can be used together with food for even greater status boosts
    Teas can be used together with food for even greater status boosts

    ● When getting Scripts, the first thing I recommend purchasing are the Master Recipes. They contain recipes for boss weapons and, most important of all, casual clothes.


    With all this information under your belts, you already have a solid foundation to start working as a crafter and not be left behind.

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    Thanks for reading!