Recent Changes
We recently had some important changes in the game that shook up the Metagame, with the main one being the introduction of Kez as the game's new hero and the second Patch 7.37e on November 19th, which came as another stage of balancing in this wave of patches.
Most of the heroes were nerfed at some level, but there were also those who received valuable buffs, and this is already reflected in the Metagame. Analyzing the data available, we can define a list of the best characters in the game to play in each position, evaluating the most used builds and skills of these heroes to justify their presence on this list.
Best Heroes in for Dota 2 in December 2024
Position 1 - Wraith King
Wraith King is a classic carry. Simple to pilot, with skills which are easy to use and understand, and that make him extremely strong. A perfect combat hero who is versatile enough to ambush and initiate fights.

He can stun enemies, his attacks have lifesteal, critical damage and can apply a debuff which causes even more damage with the Spectral Blade facet. Furthermore, he’s difficult to kill with the correct build and his ultimate allows him to resurrect as soon as he dies to return to combat, applying reduced movement and attack speed when resurrecting.
Wraith King currently has a win rate of 56%, a very solid number.
Position 2 - Lone Druid
Lone Druid is a complex hero to play, but in skilled hands he can be truly unstoppable. Being a two-in-one hero, Lone can summon a bear that shares armor, damage and lifesteal with his attacks thanks to the Bear With Me facet. The bear can use items, which makes any match-up against this hero in the lane much more difficult. In addition, Lone's attacks have a chance to immobilize the enemy, dealing damage per second. His ultimate transforms him into a powerful bear.

Lone is a very versatile hero, being able to act as a pusher, since his abilities allow him to destroy towers faster. Furthermore, you can focus on building items for the bear, making it more resistant and lethal in combat, while Lone himself will act as a back-up.
Position 3 - Primal Beast
For the offlaner position, we have Primal Beast, a hero who brings together many interesting skills for this position. Beast can start fights quickly and disable one of the enemies with his ultimate, as well as being able to slow down the rest of the enemies if they run away and deal a lot of damage.

With the right items, Primal Beast can become a truly unstoppable tank with one of the best engages in the game.
Position 4 - Bounty Hunter
Bounty Hunter is a special hero. He can literally steal your in-game money and does all this while remaining undetected with his invisibility. The Hunter is also capable of landing attacks with a large amount of damage and is a perfect killer of supports and other more fragile heroes.

As a support, Bounty Hunter is excellent at removing and placing wards quickly without being noticed and has good abilities to punish enemies in the lane, as well as being more than effective in ambushes, especially when teaming up with a hero capable of dealing damage easily.
A versatile hero who can rotate very well and enter combat without being noticed. Its facet, Through and Through applies slow and damage to multiple targets at once. Bounty Hunter can mark an enemy, granting true vision of the target, information about the amount of gold it carries, extra damage against that target and if the target dies, it also guarantees a gold bonus to the entire team.
Position 5 - Ringmaster
The still recent support with versatile skills was for a long time the most played hero with the best win rate in the game, and continues to have a good rate.

Ringmaster can punish enemies, his native gives him unique items and his ult is excellent for combat, but perhaps his biggest highlight is his Escape Act skill, which allows him to save himself or an ally for a certain time, putting the target in an extradimensional box. This ability received an upgrade with Aghanim’s Scepter, which grants an extra charge to Escape Act, allowing Ringmaster to place up to two heroes in separate boxes that move.
Wrapping Up
Dota continues to be an exciting and constantly developing game. With so many new features coming, I still hope that the Metagame continues to progress for a while, but I see that each of the heroes discussed here are well positioned and are excellent options in their respective roles.
I finish another article here. Leave your questions, suggestions, criticisms and/or compliments. Thanks for reading and see you next time.
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