

Warcraft Quiz: Do you know everything about the Lore?

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Test your knowledge about the Lore of the Warcraft franchise by guessing facts about the characters and events in the story!

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によって翻訳されました Meline Hoch

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によってレビュー Romeu

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Question image

Which of the Titans abandoned the Pantheon in order to fight the Old Gods?

AzerothCorrect symbol

AggramarCorrect symbol

SargerasCorrect symbol

GolgannethCorrect symbol

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Which race inhabited Azeroth in its early days?

DragonsCorrect symbol

ElementalsCorrect symbol

NagasCorrect symbol

MurlocsCorrect symbol

What is the name of the curse responsible for deforming the appearance, in addition to altering the mind and personality of those affected?

Curse of FleshCorrect symbol

Curse of HelyaCorrect symbol

Curse of the WorgenCorrect symbol

Curse of SethekkCorrect symbol

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Who were those responsible for creating the first Dark Portal, which took the Orcs to Azeroth and began an unprecedented battle against humans?

Grommash and GaronaCorrect symbol

Gul’dan and GrommashCorrect symbol

Garona and MedivhCorrect symbol

Gul’dan and MedivhCorrect symbol

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What was the first time the Horde and the Alliance faced each other after they were actually established as factions?

First WarCorrect symbol

Third WarCorrect symbol

Second WarCorrect symbol

War of the AncientsCorrect symbol

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Who destroyed the Demonic Soul and thus freed Alexstraza from the Horde's command?

RhoninCorrect symbol

LotharCorrect symbol

UtherCorrect symbol

Varian WrynnCorrect symbol

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To whom did the Doomhammer belong to before Thrall owned it?

DurotanCorrect symbol

OrgrimCorrect symbol

BlackhandCorrect symbol

No one, Thrall was the Hammer's first wielderCorrect symbol

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For which reason did Arthas pick up the sword Frostmourne, causing the Lich King entity to begin corrupting him?

To kill UtherCorrect symbol

To destroy the Burning LegionCorrect symbol

To kill Mal'GanisCorrect symbol

Just to acquire powerCorrect symbol

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Whose spirit was used to create the Lich King entity?

Gul'danCorrect symbol

GrommashCorrect symbol

DurotanCorrect symbol

Ner’ZhulCorrect symbol

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Who was Arthas' successor as Lich King after his death?

Tirion FordringCorrect symbol

King TerenasCorrect symbol

Bovar FordragonCorrect symbol

Sylvanas WindrunnerCorrect symbol



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