Now that our Genshin Impact beginner’s Guide has already given you a good idea of how to get your characters and how the characters, weapons and artifacts work, it's time for you to set out into the world of Teyvat and discover the incredible stories that Hoyoverse has prepared for us players.
However, the world of Teyvat is big! Too big! And it's not complete yet! With almost 5 years of existence and still an entire nation to come, playing Genshin Impact can be daunting for those just starting out. So many types of materials, weapons, collectibles, books, etc. Let's talk a little about exploring Genshin Impact and, if you have any questions, leave a comment.

Adventure Rank and World Level
Two things define how difficult the game will be for you! Your Adventure Rank, i.e. how famous you are in the Adventurer's Guild, and your World Level, i.e. how challenging the monsters, bosses and rewards are. Your Adventure Rank rises by completing missions and challenges across the world of Teyvat. When you reach a certain Adventure Rank, the Adventurers' Guild receptionist, Katherine, will give you a special mission in a dungeon and, if you complete it, you can raise your World Level.
Adventure Rank: The Adventure Rank represents the player's level of progress in the game, unlocking new missions, regions and rewards. Each time the player performs missions, explores the map, or completes challenges, they gain adventure experience (AR) to increase their rank. A higher rank grants access to advanced content, such as new features and difficulty levels in Domains and Expeditions.
World Level: World Level indicates the general difficulty of the game world, adjusting the strength of enemies and the quality of rewards. As the player's Adventure Rank increases, the World Level rises, increasing the power of enemies, but also improving the items obtained by defeating them and completing missions. The World Level can be temporarily reduced, allowing for a more accessible experience, ideal for completing activities with lower difficulty when necessary.
The Map of Teyvat
The world of Teyvat is a medieval fantasy world mixed with several other types of fictional elements. You’ll see Steampunk-style machines, mixed Eastern and Western cultures, knights, musketeers, tribes and everything else you can imagine, spread throughout the world.

Each Teyvat nation is inspired by a real-world region, for example Mondstadt is based on Germany and parts of Central Europe, Inazuma is clearly Japan and Liyue references China in all its aspects. So, over time, you'll see plenty of familiar things out there while discovering a lot of new and interesting things.
Like every game map, you have several landmarks and points which can be explored:
- Teleport Points: These are self-explanatory!
- Statue of the Seven: These are major landmarks and are spread across various points on the Map. Each Nation has a statue dedicated to its Archon. These statues receive special items to increase their level, give rewards to players, and also reveal the game Map (like the Tallnecks from Horizon Zero Down). Through these statues, you also change the element that your Traveler will manipulate (if you interact with the Anemo statue, you will manipulate Anemo and so on);
- Domains: These are the Dungeons of the game. Here you will find Weekly Bosses, Artifacts, Talent and Weapon leveling materials and some domains with challenges which grant rewards. You can choose the difficulty level of the bosses and domains and choose whether to do them in single-player or co-op mode. To enter and collect rewards, you must have 40 or 60 Resins depending on the type of dungeon;
- Ley Line Outcrop: Represented as gaseous globes on the map, you can collect Mora and level-up materials from them. The blue ones give experience books and the gold ones give Mora. Collecting rewards also costs 20 Resin!
- Shrine of Depths: These are huts protected by magic and can only be opened with a special key. This key can be given for quest rewards and for leveling the Statue of the Seven. Inside you have a Luxurious Chest.
- World Bosses: There are some bosses which aren't within domains, but in points marked on the map with the boss's image. These have a difficulty level defined by the world level and can be done in single-player or co-op mode if you have already invited a friend to your world. Collecting the rewards costs 60 resins.
In addition to these, there are points that mean fighting or race against time challenges, some puzzles and more. You will also find some totems, called Elemental Totems, which are puzzles that must be solved using the characters' elements. The most common are torches that must be lit in the correct order using Pyro! Over time, you’ll get used to them.
The Map Screen also presents some important information:
- Resin Amount: Resin is the “fuel” of the game. You need to spend resin to receive rewards from Dungeons, Ley Lines and Weekly Bosses. You have 200 resins to spend, and they will replenish over time. There are items that replenish resins faster as well.
Resins are also a type of “lock” so you don't stay logged in, playing for hours. This is a game developed in China, where there are laws that prevent people from playing too much (because people have died from playing too much), so the Resin works as a "limit".
- Imaginarium Theater and Spiral Abyss: - Shows your current rating in the end game contents, the Spiral Abyss and the Imaginarium Theater. These challenges are a series of fights with special conditions that grants prizes in gems and other items;
- Warnings: - The top-left side shows several warnings such as whether there are new challengers for the Call of the Seven card game, rewards to be collected, challenges to be carried out, etc.;
- Regions: - In the bottom-right corner, you can click on the name of the region you are in and choose which location you want to go to. You can go straight to a different nation or to regions which are located on separate maps, like Enkanomyia or your private Serenitea Pot;

The Nations of Teyvat
As stated, there are seven nations in Teyvat. Each one with its own peculiarities and captivating and striking characters. They are also linked to an element (just like Avatar – The Legend of Aang/Korra, you know?) and are governed by the Archon of the corresponding element. Some Archons actively participate in the lives of people in their nations, and others do not. Let's talk a little bit about each of them.
(it’s important to pay attention, as some archons can have up to three names. In general, one is the name they’re called - Venti, Furina, Zhongli, Ei, Nahida and Mavuika -, their Archon name - Barbatos, Morax, Bhaal, Buer, Focalors and Murata - and there is still a name which the nation gives to its archon - such as Lord Minor Kusanali or Rex Lápis - so don’t get lost in the explanation)

The Nation of Winds and Freedom. Mondstandt is the first region we are introduced to and is based on Central Europe. Many flat terrains and cliffs where we can have fun with our gliders, it’s the region of winds and breezes. Many challenges mainly involve flight and the Anemo element.
Home to the Knights of Favonius, the protectors of the region, and the Dawn Winery, specialized in producing Dandelion Wine, we meet unforgettable characters such as the Adventurer Amber, the super strong maid Noelle, the idol nun Barbara and the “Genshin batman” Diluc.
Ruled by the Anemo Archon, Barbatos, the nation values its freedom above all else, so the Archon lives in the form of a humble bard named Venti, who can easily be found anywhere that serves drinks, such as the Angels' Share Tavern, minimally interfering in people's lives.

Liuye is the Nation of Contracts and is ruled by the Geo Archon, Morax. A nation based in China, it’s a mountainous region with many cliffs. You’ll spend a lot of time climbing while exploring this Nation. The main city is Liyue Port, governed by the skillful Ningguang, master of commerce. It’s also home to the Adeptus, semi-divine entities who fought alongside Morax to found the nation.
There we find the little zombie Qiqi, the lively Hu Tao and the calm Zhongli, the physical incarnation of the Geo Archon. During the main quest, Morax faked his own death so that the nation could learn to live on its own, without relying on gods. Today he lives as a simple consultant at Wengsheng Funeral Home.

The Nation of Eternity, governed by the Electro Archon and their representative, the Raiden Shogun. 500 years ago, during the Archon War, the Electro Archon Beelzhebu, Makoto, died, and it was up to her sister, Ei, to take over as ruler of the Archon Bhaal. Saddened by the loss of everyone she loved, Ei decided that her nation would never change, it would be Eternal, so she isolated Inazuma with a powerful storm and decreed a hunt for all visions. To complete her plan, she isolated her body and mind in a dimension called the Plane of Euthymia and built a living puppet to rule for her, the Raiden Shogun.
Inazuma is a region with several islands, like the archipelago that inspired it, Japan. You will sail on the Waverider, your personal little boat, and visit regions with a high concentration of electricity which can undermine your life in a short time. There you will meet the smart Yae Miko, the cheerful Yoimyia, the “unique” Arataki Itto and the noble brothers Ayato and Ayaka.

The Nation of Wisdom was, for years, governed by the Sumeru Academy, which never stopped praising the ancient Dendro Archon, the Greater Lord Rukkhadevata. To prevent people from forgetting the archon and starting to worship instead her new incarnation, the Lesser Lord Kusanali, called Nahida (or Buer). They imprisoned Nahida for 500 years, preventing her from communicating with the world. During our mission, we helped her, through dreams, to free herself and take her place as Archon.
Sumeru is a very green region with forests, with strong inspirations from India and the Middle East, which contrasts with the infinite desert, inspired by Egypt and Persia. You'll meet characters like Collei, a close friend of Amber’s who starred in the Genshin Impact manga with the adventurer, the scholar and debtor Kaveh, the greedy Dori and the archon Nahida.
Furina singing is cooler than an image of the regionA nation full of class and elegance, based on Victorian France, Fontaine is the Nation of Justice, where every trial is a theatrical spectacle expertly conducted by the talented Furina, the Hydro Archon. When we arrive, we get mixed up in a conspiracy that involves murders and disappearances of citizens and will culminate in the last trial, where the Archon herself will take the bench.
Furina has acted as the Archon for over 500 years in a play orchestrated by the ancient Archon Focalors. Neuvillete is the impartial judge of this theater, and other charismatic characters act as stars in this drama. Among them are the magical brothers, Lynei and Lynette, the mobster Navia and the duelist, Clorinde.

The Nation of War is in a constant struggle against the Abyss, an unknown force which corrodes the world. The Pyro archon, Mavuika, promotes a tournament that will select the most powerful warriors to fight against the Abyss and with their courage fuel the Sacred Flame, which can revive any fallen hero, strengthening the story of that champion through its name, which will be inherited by another champion in the future.
Natlan is heavily inspired by regions in South and Central America, including Brazil (you can learn recipes such as Acarajé, for example), has rivers of lava and creatures called Saurians, which you can master and use their special abilities through the power of Phlogiston.
Mavuika is the powerful Archon Pyro, Murata, but you will find other characters such as the surfer Mualani, the forger of Ancient Names, Xilonen, and Kinich, a lonely and focused boy accompanied by Ajah, a chatty and nervous little dragon (who have their Japanese voice acting done by Sugiyama Noriak and Takeuchi Junko, respectively Sasuke and Naruto’s VAs).

The Cryo Archon, Tsaritsa’s, Nation is still a mystery to players. Based in Russia, NPCs in this region say that the cold can kill a person if they don't take shelter correctly and that at night it’s possible to see a gorgeous aurora borealis in the sky. Snezhnaya is commanded by Tsaritsa and her elite force, the Fatui, a military/religious organization who acts as ambassadors and diplomats in other parts of the world.
We don't know the reason for this yet, but Tsaritsa is gathering all the Gnosis, which are pieces that guard the divine power of the Archons. Among the most famous characters are the fight aficionado, Childe, and the “father” of the orphans at House of the Hearth, Arlecchino, as well as the most recent emissary who seeks, for unknown reasons, to save Natlan from the Abyss: Capitano.
Start Exploring Teyvat!
I'm sure I still have some cool things to teach you about Genshin Impact, but if you’ve followed our Guides correctly, you'll be able to start your adventure throughout Teyvat without any problems! Enjoy this incredible game and have fun because you will have many hours of content ahead of you! Good adventure, Traveler!
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