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Valorant: How to play Cypher in Split: The best setups and one ways

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Cypher is one of the strongest options to play in Split. Learn the pixels to use the best setups and one ways on this map!

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Traduit par Meline Hoch

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revu par Romeu

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Split is a map known to Valorant players, especially since it’s been part of the game since the beginning. Understanding how Cypher works here is essential for putting together your setups, as Split is in the current map rotation and could be the scenario to be played in casual and competitive matches.

Even if you use other agents, consider reading this article, as it’s always important to understand which traps and smokes enemies will use when they are against you.

A good Cypher can unbalance games, especially at lower ranks, as many players up to Gold and Platinum do not expect traps that are very well-designed by this sentinel. With this in mind, we at UmGamer have put together an objective guide to explain more about Cypher's strongest and most popular setups in Split. Check it out!


Defending Side

Cypher setups in Split's Bomb A

Setup 1

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The first setup tends to control all regions of bomb A, from the entrance at the TR base to the rappel in the mid. You just need to monitor the rafters to have complete control of the area.

Setup 2

With this configuration, the idea is to remove some security from the mid to place it in the rafters, essential when opponents are entering more quickly. Position yourself close to this wire to easily shoot down enemies who pass by.

Setup 3

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The idea here is to have greater control over the bomb, the camera in A’s rafters is already enough to detect opponent movement, while the wires will have the role of inhibiting their passage to the plant or the CT. The smoke centered on the bomb will be used to get eliminations when enemies step on your trap, keep the other one to reposition yourself if necessary.

Setup 4

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Finally, this setup has a camera capable of seeing enemy advances through peripheral vision. You will have less focus on the rafters region, but you can perceive hostile presence in several regions of A. Furthermore, the one way used can guarantee kills, while the other cage will serve as security for eventual escapes.

Cypher setups in Split's Bomb B

Setup 1

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This is a more standard tactic, used mainly in pistol rounds, the objective being to defend both entrances, from the garage and from the rafters, with wires. Pay attention to the camera used in the video below, it will be used in most of this bomb's setups, and another highlight goes to the one way in the garage.

Setup 2

We don't have many changes in the second configuration, just moving the trap back a little from the rafters/mid, an interesting fact is that the wall I shoot at in the video doesn’t protect the enemies from your bullets, so we can eliminate opponents who try to hide. The camera and the smoke and wire positioning in the garage remain the same.

Setup 3

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It’s common for us to face a Sage on this map, and usually when entering through the garage she uses her wall on the side to prevent an unfavorable confrontation for them. Thus, we have another positioning to deal with a concentrated attack in a straight line, using wires at the entrance to the plant area in addition to the corner that attackers use to protect themselves from defenders who are at the back.


Setup 4

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Another possible strategy is to stay extremely at the back and wait for the adversaries to set up the bomb and the team to play in the retake. In this case, our positioning will be in the CT, with traps to delay the enemy plant, in addition to detecting those who are moving towards the back or the CT. A smoke in the same region will help you get one or two kills.

Your camera also undergoes a change, as it’s now important to notice if someone is approaching from the side.

Attacking Side

We all know that sentinels are more efficient in defense, but Cypher still offers good cages and cameras to open the bomb alongside your team.

Bomb A

In A, there are two cages made safely, on your side of the map, to deny the enemy vision of your team's advancement, you can conquer the rafters with ease. The camera will help you observe if there’s anyone in the CT.

Bomb B

In B, one of the big problems are heroes who position themselves on the left side of the entrance. To make sure if this is the case, you can use your camera. Against a Killjoy, who will usually place its Turret there, it’s possible to place a smoke to allow a smoother entry, without being detected by the sentinel.


Just be careful to change setups as necessary, and also avoid repeating them for several rounds in a row to avoid becoming expected by your opponents. I hope this article helped you play Cypher in Split, I'm available for questions or suggestions in the comments!