Bennett was one of the first characters to be released in the game, arriving together with version 1.0 and, believe me, you wouldn't recognize the game's community about this character at first. The reason? He was considered completely useless by everyone and despised by most players who follow the game's tier lists and meta to the letter.
However, it seems that, at least this time, his luck turned around, and he’s currently one of the best characters in the game, indispensable for most teams and one of the most used in the Spiral Abyss according to all character usage reports. What changed? Players understood how this guy works with his incredible bonuses combined with the ability to heal the team at the same time.
If you have Bennett on your account and want to make the most of this character, then we'll teach you how to extract the potential of this one of the best in Genshin Impact.
Bennett's Adventure Team, Gather Together!
Bennett was abandoned as a baby and raised by those who found him. He has several parents and loves them all, always being ready to help them or go be with them. He is, above all, unlucky! Yes, he has some inexplicable type of bad luck, like a curse that haunts the boy and anyone close to him.
And we see this in the mission where we meet him, when we try to glide in a clear sky that simply changes and becomes a storm out of nowhere. We only find vegetables inside luxurious chests, and traps are triggered without him doing anything. He is really unlucky. But, larger than his bad luck, is his optimism.
Finding vegetables for him is a blessing, as he will have ingredients to make a delicious soup. Did it start to rain? No problem, the rain refreshes him and cleans the dirt from the various falls. He can see everything with positivity and good humor.

He is a member of the Adventurers' Guild, but doesn’t find any companions to adventure with him, as everyone who’s with him is affected by the boy's inexplicable bad luck. Katharine just hasn't officially dissolved Team Bennett from the Guild yet out of pity for the young man. Currently, Bennett goes on adventures, whenever possible, with Razor, Fischl and Mona, who are also “misfits” from the Adventurers' Guild.
Bennett DPS Build
Bennett can function as a DPS or as a Support for his team, and he shines in both roles, leaving nothing to be desired by the game's 5-star characters. If you want to build him as a DPS, you will focus on his Elemental Skill first and then his Elemental Burst.
Bennett's Elemental Burst grants a Pyro status to characters who remain within the area of effect (AoE) of his burst (which is especially relevant against Cryo, as Pyro outperforms Cryo).
To achieve this, activate the Elemental Burst with Bennett, switch to the character who is imbued with Cryo and position yourself in Bennett's explosion field. When entering the explosion field, the Pyro status will be continuously applied to your character, reacting with other elements he has and eventually removing them.
On weapon choices for Bennett as a DPS:
The Black Sword: With an Elemental Proficiency Sand artifact, this combination offers the highest damage in Melt or Vaporize reactions.
Iron Sting: This weapon at Refinement 1 with an Elemental Proficiency sand ends up showing diminishing returns and is not as effective. However, the Sting in Refining 2 offers better buffs, making it a more interesting option.
Aquila Favonia: Assuming you have good critical rate and critical damage stats in a high-investment build, this weapon with an Elemental Proficiency Sand artifact can outperform the above two options.
Primordial Jade Cutter: With the Thundering Fury set (4 pieces), this weapon can outperform the Mistsplitter Reforged, thanks to its high critical rate sub-attribute, which guarantees consistent damage in Vaporization reactions, even with the absence of critical damage and rate subattributes in the other artifacts. However, if your Elemental Proficiency pieces have good critical rate subattributes, the Mistsplitter Reforged easily surpasses the Primordial Jade Cutter.
The Alley Flash: This weapon has the potential to surpass the Iron Sting at Refinement 5, but to do so the passive must be active. Whenever the character gets hit, the passive is deactivated for 5 seconds, which can cause you to lose a lot of damage, especially if you are taking constant damage yourself.

Regarding artifacts, the best are:
Crimson Witch of Flames (4 pieces): Assuming a team focused on Melt or Vaporization reactions, this set is ideal for maximizing damage. It works even better with Chongyun on the same team to ensure consistent Melt reactions.
Thundering Fury (4): This set works best when combined with Electro supports such as Beidou and Fischl or Lisa, allowing Bennett to exploit two main advantages:
1. Use the elemental skill repeatedly to generate raw Pyro damage and apply Pyro quickly, allowing frequent triggers of Overload reactions, as well as making it easier to break Electro shields.
2. Generate a large amount of energy for the entire team.
This setup is generally only recommended for those who have Beidou with 2 or 6 constellations.
The desired core stats on Bennett's artifacts for a Thundering Fury (4-piece) build differs from those of other builds. Instead of ATK%/Elemental Proficiency, Pyro Damage Bonus, and Critical Rate/Crit Damage, you should focus on Elemental Proficiency, Pyro Damage Bonus, and more Elemental Proficiency for a Bennett with Thundering Fury (4 pieces). This also means that weapons with the Elemental Proficiency subattribute, like the Iron Sting, have priority over other swords.
Recommended amount of Energy Recharge (RE%): 130-150%. With Thundering Fury (4), you have more flexibility regarding how much Energy Recharge you need.
Build Support and Damage
A Bennett focused on support and damage ignores the need for excessive healing and is ideal for players who prefer to increase DPS potential. In this build, Bennett is equipped with offensive stats like ATK%, Pyro Damage Bonus, and Crit Rate/Crit Damage, as well as a good amount of Energy Recharge to maximize the cooldown of his elemental burst. Prioritize Energy Recharge before offensive stats if he’s unable to use the elemental burst outside the cooldown.

Bennett's elemental burst healing scales with HP, while the burst’s damage bonus is based solely on base ATK (the character's base ATK stat plus the weapon's base ATK). Although generally considered a healer, Bennett already provides significant healing even without investing in HP%. If you consider it unnecessary to invest in HP%, you can focus on making him into a Burst Support.
Regarding weapon choices, prefer:
Mistsplitter Reforged, Aquila Favonia, Absolution: These weapons have the highest base ATK of any sword in the game, which makes them a great fit for this role. They are recommended if you have enough Energy Recharge to use the elemental burst and reach the maximum ATK bonus.
Freedom-Sworn: In compositions where Bennett can trigger reactions frequently (activating this sword's passive), the bonuses offered by this weapon can be even stronger than those of the Aquila Favonia.
The Alley Flash: This weapon has the highest base ATK among 4-star weapons (even surpassing some 5-star weapons, such as the Skyward Blade).
About the artifact sets in this build:
Instructor (4 pieces): The best option for teams that benefit more from increases in Elemental Proficiency than ATK, and where the Noblesse Oblige set (4 pieces) can be used on another character without reducing damage in a meaningful way.
About Bennett Constellation 6:
Bennett's Constellation 6 grants a Pyro infusion to Sword, Claymore and Spear users, as well as a 15% bonus to Pyro Damage for the active character during his elemental burst.
This infusion may limit some team compositions but, overall, this constellation does more good than harm, since most characters and teams that would be negatively affected by it generally don't fit well with Bennett anyway.
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