About the Hero
Slardar is a Slithereen, a Creature of the Deep, guardian of sunken cities and the ancient riches hidden within them. In the dark depths of the ocean, the Slithereen Guardian patrols the secret treasure chambers, always vigilant, waiting for thieves sent by surface wizards.
His loyalty is unwavering, and his taciturn nature hides a deep knowledge of the ocean's most secret places. He can become a relentless stalker if an attacker gets their hands on the sunken treasure. As an inhabitant of the abyssal depths of the ocean, Slardar has a body of great power.
“From the deeps, I rise”
- Slardar
Status, Abilities and Facets
Slardar is a combat hero, perfect for opposing the enemy Carry and playing in the vulnerable lane, where he can easily dominate. All of his abilities revolve around pursuit and melee combat and his native grants bonuses to regeneration, damage and armor if in water.

Guardian Sprint

Grants Slardar movement speed and allows him to pass through units. When used in water, it grants an extra movement bonus. This ability is perfect for stalking and ambushing enemies. It receives an upgrade with Aghanim’s Scepter, granting HP, armor and resistance regeneration if in water.
Slithereen Crush

Strikes the ground, causing stun, slow and damage to enemies close to the area of effect. Additionally, it creates a pool of water in the area which will serve to buff Slardar and his abilities. Aghanim’s Scepter increases the radius of the pool of water, in addition to its duration, and Aghanim’s Shard improves the radius of the ability, also applying Corrosive Haze to affected enemies for a short time.
Bash of the Deep

The skill which will be the focus of the build presented in this article. Every three attacks, Slardar strikes with bonus damage, causing stun. This damage is doubled on creeps and there is an extra bonus if it is in water, which makes this ability pair very well with Slithereen Crush.
Corrosive Haze

Reduces the target's armor, amplifying damage, granting true vision and disabling invisibility. The target enemy unit leaves a trail of water where it passes for 8 seconds.

Slardar has two facets, Leg Day and Brineguard. Leg Day grants slow resistance in addition to an even greater movement bonus for Guardian Sprint. For this article's build, we will use the Brineguard facet, which grants an armor bonus to Slardar based on the amount of armor reduced by Corrosive Haze.
Build - Bash of the Deep
Let's call this build by the same name as the skill that is at its heart. The objective is to abuse Bash of the Deep to pressure aggression into opponents, especially those most vulnerable to physical damage. To achieve this, the build will focus on attack speed, damage and movement to facilitate combat. The position will be offlaner and, after the lane phase, you will focus on closing the build and ganking enemies.
Early Game

As always, the starting items will be those that provide maximum lane presence. Tangos to regenerate life, circlets and gauntlets to buff basic stats. In the first 5 minutes, your focus will be on farming and reaching the following basic build:

Once you have closed these items and have access to the three initial skills, you can focus more on combat. However, Bash of the Deep at level 1 allows you to get some kills right at the beginning of the game if you and the support are well aligned and know how to exploit the enemy duo's mistakes.
Main Items

For this build to work, you will need the essential items to be able to execute it. Malestrom and Blink Dagger will make a big difference at this stage of the game, especially when you start venturing into the jungle and carrying out ambushes. Orchid Malevolence and Assault Cuirass will complement this build, giving you the tools you need to take down two or even three enemy heroes at once.
Situational Items

In case you need to deal with difficult situations, you will have to replace one of the main items with an alternative option that better suits the matchup. Heaven’s Halberd and Monkey King Bar are perfect for dealing with the Hard Carry if they get too strong, temporarily disarming them and breaking an evasion. If you are facing a lot of magic and control, Black King Bar and Linken’s Sphere will be of great help and Nullifier is the ultimate Dispel item to be used on enemies.
Endgame Items

On the final phase of the game, you will have enough attack speed to melt your opponents and Bloodthorn has perfect synergy with this build, granting extra bonuses in the form of magical damage on silenced targets.
Tips and Tricks
Wrapping Up
And here I finish another article. Always remember that this build, as well as several others that I present in my articles, has its main focus on having fun.
The game itself offers build guides focused on competitive, but each game is different and unique, for this reason, it’s also important to know how to explore the heroes' abilities, in addition, of course, to always trying to have fun in the matches.
Thanks for reading, and see you next time.
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