Current State of the Game
Recently, Dota received a gameplay update, adding Facets and Innate Abilities, which modified all heroes and added more complexity to the game, completely changing some of its aspects.
Following the updates aimed at balancing the meta, Valve released Patch 7.37, which brought several changes and added many new features. Some heroes received new facets or new abilities, items were modified, and new ones were added, in addition to several other gameplay changes.
In this article, we cover the main changes in the new Patch. You can check all the updates for the new Patch here.
General Updates
It is now possible to see in the skill descriptions whether they are breakable or not. Break is a status effect that disables passive abilities. Now the abilities have the information whether they are breakable or not in their description.

Another important general update is that now Roshan will always drop Roshan's Banner on his second death and, on his third, the drop will be Refresher Shard + Chesse during the day and Aghanim's Blessing during the night.
Several items have been balanced, but these are the notable changes:
Neutral Items
Now we'll get into the game's character updates, and I'll cover the most significant changes here.
Received a new innate ability, Withering Mist, which reduces the regeneration, lifesteal and spell lifesteal of enemies who are attacked if they have less than 40% of their HP.
Mana Break is no longer an innate ability and in its place the hero receives Persecutor, which slows down enemies who were attacked based on the amount of mana they lost, with a duration of 0.75 seconds.
Blink has received an upgrade to its Aghanim’s Scepter. Now, up to 5 seconds after using Blink, Mana Break causes 20% more mana burn and prevents the target from regenerating or receiving mana for 6 seconds. This debuff cannot be dispelled.
Received a new facet, Seeing Red, which means that Warpath can be activated to grant a temporary attack and movement bonus based on stacks. However, the hero has limited vision in a 90º cone in front of him. Furthermore, Warpath is no longer an innate ability, having been replaced in this slot by Prickly.
The new innate ability grants 10% damage and debuff against enemies positioned behind him.
Death Prophet
Received a new facet, Mourning Ritual, which passively delays a percentage of damage taken, taking that damage in 1 second intervals over 5 seconds. This facet scales with the Exorcism skill. This new facet will make Death Prophet much more difficult to eliminate. Furthermore, Spirit Siphon now allows you to target Roshan and the Tormentors, which will help a lot in certain moments of the game where these elements are necessary to advance in the match.
Received a new facet, Impending Doom, which increases the duration of the Doom ability every 6.66 minutes in game time.
The Slugger facet now causes the knockback effect to be applied to enemies killed by any of Earthshaker's abilities. Spirit Cairn is his new innate ability, which allows Earthshaker to create a fissure in a radius where the hero was killed. This fissure blocks movement, grants vision and allows the hero to gain XP.
Ember Spirit
He also received a new innate ability called Immolation. It scales with Fire Remnant and allows Ember to deal damage per second to enemies around it in a certain area of effect. It can be improved with Aghanim, increasing the area of effect and applying Immolation to Fire Remnants.
Huskar's new facet, called Incendiary, applies a burn effect to the Burning Spear ability, causing damage per second to enemies and consuming a percentage of the Huskar's life with each attack.
Another hero who received a new innate ability is Kunkka, which delays damage caused when the hero's health drops below 65%, also granting movement speed. After 10 seconds, the effect of Admiral’s Rum ends and delayed damage is dealt for the next 10 seconds.
Medusa's new facet, Venomous Volley, applies a poison effect every fifth attack on the same enemy, slowing movement speed, attack speed and even the speed for using abilities for a certain time.
Medusa also received a new basic ability, Gorgon's Grasp, which launches arrows into the air in a chosen direction and hits the ground in clustered lines that trap enemies and deal damage on the way down and for the duration of the lines on the ground.
Nature’s Prophet
Nature’s Call can now hit all visible targets on the map, which allows for some very interesting strategies with the hero, allowing you to be able to farm the entire map of creeps if you have vision of them.
Final Considerations
Patch 7.37 brought very interesting changes to the game that are already impacting the Metagame. It can be said that many heroes who were popular a few weeks ago are no longer that popular, and some functions are open to strategies never seen before.
There are still many other updates that I could talk about in this article and that you can check out in the patch notes, but I intend to bring other articles covering the most favored Heroes by this Patch and the most interesting Facets at the moment.
So I finish here another article. Leave your suggestions, questions, criticisms and/or compliments in the comments. Thanks for reading, and see you next time.
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