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Final Fantasy XIV: Moogle Treasure Event Guide (Patch 7.18)

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A complete guide with everything you need to know about Patch 7.18's Moogle Treasure Trove: which quests are giving coins and which are the best rewards to exchange!

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traducido por Meline Hoch

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revisado por Romeu

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So, you mean to tell me you’ve heard rumors of a Moogle offering goods in a dark alley and was waiting for him to say "Welcome stranger"? Want to know what this is all about? You've come to the right place! In this article, I'll cover everything you need to know and how to do all of it:

Mogpendium and You!

In this menu, you can see everything that guarantees the event coins and each week's challenges
In this menu, you can see everything that guarantees the event coins and each week's challenges


  • During the event, there’ll be a book in the Duty > Collection > Mogpendium menu containing all the activities which will reward you with the event currency, as well as offering weekly challenges to be completed and the Ultimog Challenge!

  • The marked activities need to be done synchronized, that is, there’s no taking your level 100 job and blowing everything up! But don't worry, not all activities are necessarily combat, giving you the opportunity to vary a lot so as not to get bored.

  • If it's your first time experiencing this event, go to one of the sale points to get the Mogpendium, which works like a book that gives you weekly challenges to do and earn more coins.

    Places to get the Mogpendium
    Places to get the Mogpendium


    Ultimog Challenge

  • The Ultimog this time around are Deep Dungeons! If you don't know them yet, these instances work like a Roguelike system in which you and a group go down/up floors of a dungeon that are randomly generated, with random modifiers and very deadly enemies, depending on the floor you are on. Finally, every ten floors, there is a boss fight that allows your progress so far with the group to be saved.

  • Pay close attention to the point about parties, as each player can only have 2 active “Saves” and can only advance with that same party.

    For example, here I have 2 saves: To continue advancing on these floors, I need to meet up with this same party, with the same job
    For example, here I have 2 saves: To continue advancing on these floors, I need to meet up with this same party, with the same job

  • If it’s no longer possible to reunite with the group you advanced with, you can delete one of the saves and continue, but then you’ll have to start from floor 1 or the closest checkpoint.

  • It's also worth mentioning that Deep Dungeons work with their own levels, and you need to level up your weapons and armor inside them.

  • Now that you know the basics of how to get in, let's see how to unlock it. In New Gridania, right after you’ve completed the Copperbell Mines dungeon, a quest called The House that Death Builtlink outside website will become available. This quest will take you to Quarrymill, and once there, just talk to the Wood Wailer expeditionary captain to open the entry menu and set off.

  • The problem is: The Ultimog Challenge involves the second Deep Dungeon, Heaven-on-High, and to even enter it you need to have reached and completed up to floor 50 of the first Deep Dungeon, the Palace of the Dead.

  • If you’ve already reached floor 50 and completed the quest that appears in Quarrymill, just go to the Ruby Sea and do the Knocking on Heaven's Doorlink outside website quest. Keep in mind that to enter this Deep Dungeon, you need a job at level 61 or higher.

  • Because there are many nuances to deal with, I'll just go through this section on how the basics work. But don't worry, I'm preparing an article completely focused on Deep Dungeons to make your life easier if you decide to go there.


    Ocean Fishing

    Me and the boys going on a fishing raid
    Me and the boys going on a fishing raid

  • Among the activities, in addition to dungeons, raids and trials, Ocean Fishing is also paying out these coins, as long as you achieve a modest score of 1,200 points.

  • This deep-sea fishing works more or less like a raid, but for fishermen. In it, you’ll have 7 minutes to score as many points as possible in 3 different locations around Eorzea, traveling from Costa Del Sol to the cold coast of Coerthas.

  • To access this instance, simply complete the All the Fish in the Sealink outside website quest, located at the fisherman's guild in the Lower Decks of Limsa Lominsa.

  • Once the quest is completed, the instance can be accessed from the pier in the far west of the Lowers Decks, close to the Arcanists guild.

    Tips for Ocean Fishing

  • Ocean Fishing boats leave every odd hour in real life and are available to access for 20 minutes. I recommend going to the pier 5 minutes early.

  • Depending on the weather conditions, places visited and the other players, the trip may earn more or less points, so always have your best equipment at hand, alongside some bottles of Cordial or Hi-Cordial;

  • Before leaving for your trip, have at least 20 free spaces in your inventory and, whenever you can, sell or discard fish so that they don’t clog it. These fish are not worth gil, so you can sell them to the NPC without fear;

  • During the trip and once per stop, an event called Spectral Current may occur. During a 2-minute window, all fish caught will give you a lot more points, so always keep a reserve of “mana” to use your skills and increase your points;

  • Always try to complete the side quests which appear in a window during the activity. It’s simple stuff, like “Catch X fish with !”. This means that your team needs to catch X amount of fish with a “!” pull. Skills like Identical Cast and Slap Surface are great for manipulating your chances of getting what you want.


  • GATEs are like FATEs, but without the usual carnage of these public events. They work like mini-games such as climbing, dodging area attacks and there’s even a GATE that temporarily turns the game into an FPS.

  • GATEs only occur in FF XIV’s Gold Saucer, which, if you know the place from other games, you already have an idea of ​​what the place is. To get there, just do the It Could Happen to You quest, located in Ul'dah, right outside the city's teleporter.

  • Inside the casino, pay attention to announcements made by the GATE Keeper npcs. As soon as one of these GATEs appears, just talk to an NPC and they will take you to the location;

    Dungeons, Trials, Raids & PVP

  • These are simpler, and you may have done one of these without even realizing it. In both Mogpendium and Duty Finder, you can see the list of what is offering these event coins.

    Note that some activities have the Moogle symbol. These are the ones which will give you the coins
    Note that some activities have the Moogle symbol. These are the ones which will give you the coins


  • It's worth mentioning that, depending on when you read this article, it may be possible to find Rival Wings matches, which is a PVP mode similar to MOBAs like League of Legends, in which we have three lanes, map objectives and the games are won by destroying the enemy's nexus;


  • Now that we know how to farm, let's find out what this event is offering. Right off the bat, know that the bulk of the event's items can be acquired in other ways, usually through some ridiculous farm or a rare drop, which if you ask me, I'll tell you that the item simply doesn't exist, since I farmed so much and never even saw anyone get it. Anyway, let's go!

    Event exclusives

  • The event's earring and jacket can only be purchased during this event, so if you're like me and enjoy having this type of item, go and get it!

    Be a Rocker too!
    Be a Rocker too!

    One of the few mounts that has a unique animation for each type of terrain: Land, air and underwater. Acquired through Falcon Ignition Key for 50 tokens
    One of the few mounts that has a unique animation for each type of terrain: Land, air and underwater. Acquired through Falcon Ignition Key for 50 tokens


  • It’s quite common to find players who don’t know that there are additional haircuts to be acquired in the game. Or even that there is a haircut function in the game.

  • If you’re part of this last group, to unlock the game's hairdresser you just need to go to the Upper Decks in Limsa Lominsa and do the Beauty is Only Scalp Deeplink outside website quest. After completing it, go to any Inn room, accessed by Innkeep npcs, and access the Crystal Bell.

  • Now that I've explained the basics, let's get to the item in question. Extra haircuts in the game can be acquired through any item that starts with Modern Aesthetics - (Insert name here). Its icon resembles a closed envelope. Once you get it, just use it and go to the hairdresser I mentioned before to look fabulous.

    This is the Modern Aesthethics - Form and Function, available at your nearest traveling Moogle for 50 Event Tokens
    This is the Modern Aesthethics - Form and Function, available at your nearest traveling Moogle for 50 Event Tokens


  • Yes, there are mounts, and many of them. All mounts can be acquired in other ways, but this event gives you the opportunity to skip farming them and get to the gold right away.

    Wanna go on an adventure but don't want to get out of bed? All of your problems are over with the Magicked Bed, for 50 event tokens
    Wanna go on an adventure but don't want to get out of bed? All of your problems are over with the Magicked Bed, for 50 event tokens

  • This is one of the few mounts which can be crafted in the game, with rare materials from Treasure Dungeons. It can be purchased from other players as well.

    Acquired through the Legendary Kamuy Rife, for 30 event tokens
    Acquired through the Legendary Kamuy Rife, for 30 event tokens

  • Normally, to acquire this Kamui at home, it’s necessary to do the Minstrel Ballad: Shinryu’s Domain in Stormblood. The mount's item drop is random, so be prepared for possible farms if luck is not on your side, and you choose to farm this mount the standard way.


    Acquired through the Bomb Palanquin Horn item, for 30 event tokens
    Acquired through the Bomb Palanquin Horn item, for 30 event tokens

  • This is the Society/Beast tribe of the ARR Kobolds’ mount. Just do the dailies until it reaches rank 4, and then you can buy this mount for 120 thousand gil.

    Acquired through the Elbst Horn item for 30 event tokens
    Acquired through the Elbst Horn item for 30 event tokens

  • This is the Sahagin Society/Beast tribe of the ARR’s mount. Just do the dailies until it reaches rank 4, and then you can buy this mount for 120 thousand gil

    Acquired through the Hallowed Kamuy Fife item, for 30 event tokens
    Acquired through the Hallowed Kamuy Fife item, for 30 event tokens

  • Normally, to acquire this wolf, which is certainly not a Kamui skin, it’s necessary to do The Wreath of Snakes (Extreme) in Stormblood, and hope for it to drop.

    Acquired through the item Shadow Gwiber Trumpet, for 50 event tokens
    Acquired through the item Shadow Gwiber Trumpet, for 50 event tokens

  • So, the boss that drops this one is probably an apprentice of Frieza from Dragon Ball because only that explains this citizen having five phases, with transitions between each of them. Anyway, just do The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy in Shadowbringers, and hope it drops.


  • If you’re new to the game, you may not have been introduced to the concept of barding yet. Bardings are armor and cosmetics placed on your personal chocobo, which can make your companion look just the way you want. At the event, we have this humble barding available here:

    Acquired through the Queen's Guard Barding item, for 50 event tokens
    Acquired through the Queen's Guard Barding item, for 50 event tokens

  • This item can be purchased from other players or dropped from the Delubrum Reginae raid. At the moment I’m writing this article, it’s costing around 1.2 million gil on the market board.


  • Yes! Just like the haircuts, there’s a whole range of emotes to be collected in the game. Following the same logic, they all come through an item called Ballroom Etiquette - (insert emote here).

    Lean, acquired through the item Ballroom Etiquette - The Winsome Wallflower, for 30 event tokens
    Lean, acquired through the item Ballroom Etiquette - The Winsome Wallflower, for 30 event tokens

  • A simple yet effective emote in which you lean against a wall. A wall isn't necessary to lean on... for some reason.

  • Normally, it’s acquired at Ishgardian Restoration for 1,800 Skybuilders Tokens or as a drop from the Fates that occur there. It can also be purchased from other players.

    Clothes and Accessories

  • There’s an item being sold that, for new players, could be a new function of the game: Fashion Accessories. As the name says, they’re just cosmetics, but they expand players' options. The accessory of the moment is an umbrella, and there’s even a function for the character to automatically pick it up when it’s raining in the game.


    It doesn't suit me at all, but here it is. It can be purchased through the Pleasant Dot Parasol item for 50 event tokens
    It doesn't suit me at all, but here it is. It can be purchased through the Pleasant Dot Parasol item for 50 event tokens

  • This umbrella can be bought in Bozja for 25 Clusters or purchased from other players, and at the time of writing this article, is costing 250 thousand gil.

  • Regarding the Skallic clothes, they’re all drops from the level 70 dungeon The Drowned City of Skalla, so I wouldn't spend plenty of tokens here unless there's a piece you really want.

    Triple Triad, Riding Maps and Minions

  • Riding maps, by default, are not worth your time. The only thing they offer is a small increase in the land speed of your mounts on a specific map, however, when you unlock the ability to fly, you go much faster anyway. And no, these Riding Maps don’t affect airspeed.

  • Triple Triad cards depend solely on whether you intend to collect them. If getting them all together to get the mount is an objective of yours, I recommend buying them, if not, you can save your tokens for other things.

  • I always recommend buying the minions. For the price of 7 tokens, they’re a good option to get if there’s nothing else you want.

  • About the minion that costs 50 tokens, it’s a rare drop from the Anamnesis Anyder dungeon at level 80, so think about whether you really want this minion or not. It can also be purchased from other players and is currently priced at 800,000 gil.

    A photo of the little guy
    A photo of the little guy


    If you’re a free trial, or you’re at the beginning of the game, around ARR or Heavensward, this event is a golden opportunity to get items which you’d normally only have a chance to unlock much later in the game.

    If you're already a veteran, the Gold Saucer ticket offers 50k MGP for 30 event tokens, which is a bargain for farming if you don't have anything else to take from the event, not to mention the opportunities to make some gil by picking up some more expensive items, like the haircut and selling them after the event is over.

    And now a general tip: If possible, try to get the exclusive rewards, since we have no idea if they will even return to the game to be acquired later.

    The Moogle Treasure Grove will be available until patch 7.2, which is scheduled to be released at the end of March, so farm without rushing, as there’s still time.