Final Fantasy
League of Legends
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In this new series of articles we'll discover the story of all the games released in the Darksiders ...
darksiders lore war apocalypse
Produced by FromSoftware, the Souls series and other games in the genre have become a reference for ...
Ranking Soulslike Dark Souls
Pacto das Guildas
Dark Souls is a beacon in gaming history, a franchise with a rich lore and amazing ambience with rem...
DarkSouls Berserk FromSoftware
With each new release, Final Fantasy fans find unexpected ways to combine abilities or explore items...
Final Fantasy List Combos Top 10
Luan Maciel
One of the most famous and classic video game series in history, Mega Man has been rich in innovativ...
Mega Man Rockman Capcom Cronology
Pedro Fernandes
Several games get through the barriers of the genre and invade the streaming and cinema world. Some ...
Game Movie Adaptations game series
Final Fantasy is a series of games known for their secret bosses who left a mark on gaming history. ...
Final Fantasy Ranking Superbosses
Final Fantasy is a series known for its iconic romances and striking narratives of love and tragedy ...
Final Fantasy Romances Best