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Final Fantasy XIV: Patch 7.2 Live Letter Part 1 Summary

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Check out everything that was revealed in the first part of the Live Letter for Patch 7.2 of Final Fantasy XIV, scheduled to be released at the end of March!

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تمت الترجمة بواسطة Meline Hoch

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تمت مراجعته من قبل Romeu

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So, you wanna know what happened in Friday's Live Letter, but don't want to watch four hours of Yoshi-P ignoring the fact that my dear Black Mage needs a buff? You've come to the right place! We've prepared a summary to give you a heads-up on everything that happened in it!

This article have spoilers for Final Fantasy XIV through the end of the Dawntrail expansion.

Patch 7.2: Seekers of Eternity
Patch 7.2: Seekers of Eternity

Gameplay Updates


Stalker Plugin

  • Early in the Live, Yoshi-P commented on the “Stalker Add-on” issue and issues related to stalkers in FFXIV. This add-on allowed obtaining information such as login details, other characters linked to the player, and even the names of the retainers they had.

  • Although it may sound worrying, Yoshi-P stated that no personal information was leaked due to this plugin and the team is already taking steps to prevent something like this from happening again in the future. These updates will arrive with patch 7.2.

    New Dungeon, The Underkeep

    It even seems to me that they built a bunker around an ancient ruin, check out the background!
    It even seems to me that they built a bunker around an ancient ruin, check out the background!

    The last dungeon was a laboratory, and now we have a mansion… hmmm, wanna bet this mansion is on a mountain too?
    The last dungeon was a laboratory, and now we have a mansion… hmmm, wanna bet this mansion is on a mountain too?

    New Trial, Recollection

    The mount that drops from its extreme mode must be insane with this theme. By the way, a reference to Beatrix from Final Fantasy IX!
    The mount that drops from its extreme mode must be insane with this theme. By the way, a reference to Beatrix from Final Fantasy IX!

  • For reference, we know that there will be a pair of wings with this theme.

    New Raid Tiers for Arcadion

    I'm already praying for Savage's next armor set to be 80s themed.
    I'm already praying for Savage's next armor set to be 80s themed.

  • It's not confirmed, but if they follow the plan from past patches, normal mode will launch with patch 7.2 and savage mode a week later. This is good for those who like to do things in week 1 to have time to prepare and enjoy the rest of the patch.

  • Since this is a new Savage tier, it’s worth mentioning that a new tomestone is coming, the Allagan Tomestones of Mathematics. With its arrival, the Aesthestics tomestone will be discontinued.

  • Finally, I'm extremely excited to hear the commentary of the fights again. Having a commentator during the fights, especially in savage mode, has greatly improved my experience. It's always great to hear him talking about someone getting thrown out, messing up a mechanic, or using a limit break.

    New Unreal - Hell's Kier

    Another Unreal with a giant transition… at least you make some dance moves during it. Yes, that’s the mechanic.
    Another Unreal with a giant transition… at least you make some dance moves during it. Yes, that’s the mechanic.

    New Allied Society, Mamool Ja

    Looks like we're going to give them a hand!
    Looks like we're going to give them a hand!

  • This society will be aimed at collectors, so get your axes, pickaxes and fishing rods ready!

    Inconceivably further Hildibrand's adventures

    The saga of the extraordinary detective continues!
    The saga of the extraordinary detective continues!


    Your mission to end world hunger continues!
    Your mission to end world hunger continues!


  • You may be wondering, "Who is this guy?" Well, this little guy has a questline that starts at the Wachumecimeci docks. To get there, simply head to Tuliyollal, walk to Wachumecimeci's Aetherythe, and go southwest. This little guy will be waiting for you at the pier for a common side quest.

    New Field Operation: Occult Crescent

  • This instance deserves a topic all to itself due to the amount of things it adds to the game. If you're new, you may have never even seen this type of activity, and there are only two others like it in the entire game, which are Eureka and Bozja.

  • To access this instance, you need to have at least one combat job at level 100.

  • As soon as it's out, I'll make a complete guide to this activity, so I'll be brief here to tell you what you can expect from it:

    Dangerous Open World

    I swear I knew the name of that dinosaur...
    I swear I knew the name of that dinosaur...

  • Unlike what you see in the rest of the game, in Field Operations, exploring the map is dangerous, in the sense that if you're not careful, you'll earn a "base voucher" from any enemy on the map if you hesitate.

  • If it's like the other two, it's even more dangerous to explore at night.

  • It's also worth mentioning that Field Operations work with a different EXP system, having their own levels while you're inside. If this one follows the example of the others, dying makes you lose EXP and, if you return, you'll lose even more. So, always remember to resurrect whoever needs it.

    Boss Fights

    We'll also have new Critical Engagements. Yes, that flying thing must be people who messed up the mechanics.
    We'll also have new Critical Engagements. Yes, that flying thing must be people who messed up the mechanics.

  • To explain quickly: these are closed battles within the instance. For example, you’re exploring the map and then a boss fight alert appears. If you accept, the 48 or 24 players who have the highest priority will be pulled into an arena and will face whoever is inside. Note that the arena is closed and players from outside cannot interfere.

  • It was also confirmed that we will have our third raid for 48 players to join Baldesion Arsenal and Delubrum Reginae (Savage).

    Phantom Jobs

    Yes, that's exactly what you're seeing.
    Yes, that's exactly what you're seeing.

  • Just like Logos actions and Lost Actions, in this instance you will have access to skills beyond what your job allows, opening up space for the creation of builds.

  • For example, in Bojza, the builds I use the most are Samurai with Tanker and White Mage DPS builds. Yes, they work and fulfill their new roles, including White Mage as DPS, which hits very well with minimal effort.

    Some more jobs that we will be able to get skills from.
    Some more jobs that we will be able to get skills from.

    Relic Weapons

  • Along with Field Operation, relics will be implemented. In response to feedback from Endwalker relics, the new ones will follow a methodology closer to the old relics (please, not like ARR). Additionally, they’ll be farmable inside Occult Crescent or outside, for those who don't like the content.


    Cosmic Exploration

    To Boldly go…
    To Boldly go…

  • Cosmic Exploration will work similarly to Ishgardian Restoration, in that players will collaborate to slowly build bases and expand them.

  • An example of what happened while Ishgardian Restoration was active: an event would occur after a certain number of deliveries were made, and this event works like a FATE, only exclusive to Crafters and Gatherers. Upon completing the event, the landscape would actually change, from nothing there was now a thermal source.

    New planet being colonized.
    New planet being colonized.

    After some events, new structures emerge.
    After some events, new structures emerge.

    They didn't say much more about the place. We'll know more in the next live letter. “Scott, 3 to teleport. Energize.”
    They didn't say much more about the place. We'll know more in the next live letter. “Scott, 3 to teleport. Energize.”

    "Calm down Scott, I'm looking at another mecha for my collection, try to take it too!"

    PVP Updates

  • Series 7 will end as soon as Patch 7.2 is released, so be sure to get everything you want from the pass that can be accessed through the menu Character > PVP Profile > Series Malmstones

  • An old Frontline game mode will return with several adjustments, (Secure).

  • New PVP actions will be implemented

  • PVP will receive a balance patch.


  • In patch 7.18, which comes at the end of February, the Savage restriction will be removed as well as the Tomestone restriction

  • There should also be a new emote in which you take a photo

    Say cheese!
    Say cheese!

  • If you're interested in FF XI, the other MMO that carries the Final Fantasy name, if you have an active subscription to FF XIV, you can get a discount when subscribing to FF XI.

  • Finally, it was mentioned that Scions will be appearing more in seasonal event artwork, starting with the "Little Ladies"

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