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Fortnite: The Rarest Skins in the Game

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Many Fortnite skins showed up in the store a few times and never came back, becoming rare. See which ones those are!

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Full of partnerships, Fortnite is known for bringing hundreds of skins, including those representing real-world celebrities or characters from your favorite series and games.

Of course, among so many outfits, some would stand out due to their rarity, having not been found in the store for some time. In addition to not appearing as often in matches, given that only a few players have them.

We at Um Gamer have put together a list of these visuals. Check if you have any of these in your inventory or if you've seen them during a match.


Black Knight

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The Black Knight was the reward skin for the last tier of the first battle pass in Fortnite history, which took place in the game's second season.

This season took place between December 2017 and February 2018, a period in which the battle royale still didn't have too many players. We also need to consider that not everyone was able to purchase the premium track and finish all the progress to obtain the Black Knight.

Obviously, there are other very rare skins from the season pass, but to avoid being so repetitive in mentioning all the skins from each pass, from now on, only those that were in the item store will be mentioned.

Psycho Bandit

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Released to celebrate the launch of Borderlands 3, in August 2019. The Psycho Bandit set sold for 2,000 V-Bucks and even returned to the store later, but has not been seen since May 2020, totaling more than four years.


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Rue appeared in the second season of chapter two, more specifically in April 2020, and from May of the same year onwards, it was no longer sold.

Travis Scott

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Rapper Travis Scott was responsible for one of Fortnite's biggest live events, with his show in April 2020 reaching more than 12 million simultaneous players, surpassing the previous record that occurred at DJ Marshmello's show.

The item shop received two skins based on the artist during the event days, and they never came back.


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It's one of the most basic outfits in the entire game, not offering many exclusive effects, but since this list is for rare skins, it's impossible not to mention it, as it was released in 2017, and hasn’t been seen since 2020.


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Visual made in collaboration with the NFL, Endzone allows you to change the colors of your uniform whenever you want, based on your favorite team. It is also possible to change the character's features. However, the skin last came out in February 2020.

Trench Raider

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A diver's suit that only appeared in the store on two occasions, one in 2019 and another the following year.


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Just like Scout, it’s a more basic skin, but it was last sold in 2019.


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Having a very striking style and truly living up to a Shaman, he only appeared five times in the store, with his last appearance in December 2019.



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Paradigm is one of the members of The Seven, appearing only for a few days in October 2019, and never returned.

World Warrior

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Released to celebrate the 2019 Fortnite World Cup, in season 9, the visual arrived in July for three days and that was it.


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Reflex was the result of a partnership between the game and NVidia, being sold only twice, once in 2018 and again in March of the following year.

Season 1 Skins

The two skins which have been away from the store for the longest time, not showing up since the first season of Chapter 1. Neither has an exactly modern look, but have become coveted due to their rarity. They are: Renegade Raider, Aerial Assault Trooper.

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They required the player to reach a certain account level to be unlocked for purchase in the Item Shop.


I hope you enjoyed this article! Comment below if you have any of these, or if you've had the privilege of seeing them in game!


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