

Overwatch Quiz: Do you know everything about the game's Lore?

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Test your knowledge of Overwatch Lore by guessing the heroes and events of the story!

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تمت الترجمة بواسطة Meline Hoch

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تمت مراجعته من قبل Romeu

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Question image

Overwatch was created with an initial purpose, which was it?

Defeat TalonCorrect symbol

Combat the Omnic CrisisCorrect symbol

Expand the United Nations territoryCorrect symbol

Develop advanced technologyCorrect symbol

Who is Gabriel Reyes?

Soldier: 76Correct symbol

LifeweaverCorrect symbol

ReaperCorrect symbol

VentureCorrect symbol

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Who is Roadhog's partner and companion?

JunkratCorrect symbol

Junker QueenCorrect symbol

MaugaCorrect symbol

ReaperCorrect symbol

Cassidy, Moira and Genji were members of which organization?

DeadlockCorrect symbol

BlackwatchCorrect symbol

TalonCorrect symbol

Los MuertosCorrect symbol

Which hero wasn't on the Overwatch initial team?

TracerCorrect symbol

Soldier: 76Correct symbol

ReaperCorrect symbol

TorbjörnCorrect symbol

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In which operation did Torbjörn lose his left arm and right eye?

GoliasCorrect symbol

Storm RisingCorrect symbol

Estrella del AlbaCorrect symbol

White DomeCorrect symbol

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Who did Ashe meet in prison?

ReaperCorrect symbol

JunkratCorrect symbol

CassidyCorrect symbol

SojournCorrect symbol

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Where did Winston and Wrecking Ball, respectively, land on Earth after fleeing the Moon?

Gibraltar and AustraliaCorrect symbol

Istanbul and AustraliaCorrect symbol

Gibraltar and IstanbulCorrect symbol

Gibraltar and OasisCorrect symbol

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Which Talon member fled the organization?

DoomfistCorrect symbol

WidowmakerCorrect symbol

SombraCorrect symbol

BaptisteCorrect symbol

Who was responsible for turning Gabriel Reyes into Reaper?

MoiraCorrect symbol

DoomfistCorrect symbol

SombraCorrect symbol

SigmaCorrect symbol



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