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Dota 2: How to Build Carry Lion with Fist of Death

Dota 2: How to Build Carry Lion with Fist of Death

Pacto das Guildas

In today's article, we bring you a fun and surprising build for Lion, one of the best supports in th...

Dota2 Build Guide Strategy

Dota 2: Reviewing the Main Changes on Patch 7.36

Dota 2: Reviewing the Main Changes on Patch 7.36

Pacto das Guildas

Dota received a new update bringing new mechanics that completely change the Metagame, in addition t...

Dota2 Update Strategy

Dota 2: How to Build Bristleback

Dota 2: How to Build Bristleback

Pacto das Guildas

In today's article, we cover the build for Bristleback, one of the best offlaners in the game, with ...

Dota2 Build Guide Strategy

Dota 2: Build Guide for Faceless Void

Dota 2: Build Guide for Faceless Void

Pacto das Guildas

In today's article, we'll discuss another hero build, this time Faceless Void, one of the most impor...

Dota2 Build Guide Strategy

Dota 2: Witch Doctor Builds Guide

Dota 2: Witch Doctor Builds Guide

Pacto das Guildas

In this article, we delve into the strategy of one of the best support heroes in the game, the Witch...

Dota 2 Builds Guide Strategy
