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Final Fantasy
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Luiz Otávio
Complete guide with everything you need to know about tankers in Final Fantasy XIV and how to use th...
Guide tankers tanks DRK GNB PLD WAR
Pedro Fernandes
Check out our Killjoy guide and get to know more hints and tips to play and use better this agent's ...
killjoy guide killjoy valorant killjoy 2024
Kiriko is one of the most consistent supports nowadays, regardless of the meta. Check out our tips a...
kiriko guide kiriko tips kiriko ow2 kiriko
It's fundamental to understand the characteristics, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of each ...
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D.Va is one of the most popular tanks in Overwatch 2, with the potential to make the difference in c...
Dva guide how to play dva dva ow2 dva
Cynthia Proença
Find out about each Valorant role, their strengths, weaknesses, and how to use them to their fullest...
valorant vandal duelist Reyna Vyse Fade Omen
Pacto das Guildas
In today's article, we bring a build for Traxex, the Drow Ranger, one of the classic Dota 2 heroines...
Dota2 Build Guide Strategy
Juno is the new support in Overwatch 2, get to know her skills and see the potential to make a diffe...
guide juno juno ow2 juno season 12 ow
In today's article, we discuss the new Dota hero, Ringmaster, what to expect from this new character...
Today we'll discuss how to play as a tank in Overwatch 2! This is one of the classes that requires t...
tank guide ow2 how to play as a tank in ow2
Meline Hoch
The Kingdom Hearts story is not as convoluted as you've been made to believe! Or, at least, it can n...
Kingdom Hearts Story KH Story
In today's article, we bring you the five best Dota heroes currently in the game. Listing the best p...
Dota2 Guide Strategy
In today's article, we analyze the updates from the new Patch 7.37, which brought changes to several...
In today's article, we present a build which seeks to abuse one of the best combat skills in the gam...
kingdom hearts story nomura
Dominating the map with strategies and good utilities can be essential to your victory in Counter St...
smokes mirage bomb mirage molotovs mirage
Leveling up each Job is one of the most time-consuming but also most fun tasks in Final Fantasy XIV,...
Guide lvling fast DPS TANK HEALER
The support role in Dota is one of the most important on the team, being responsible for several tas...